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''Why can''t we be original?''

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Look who's talking!
by Shyam on Jun 03, 2003 02:08 AM

Just as I expected from Anu Malik! According to him most of his songs he make sponteneously! Talks about why-not-be-original from "mr. never original" sounds so laughable!

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look who is talking !!
by seb on Jun 03, 2003 02:00 AM

though he has benn producing good music of late .....main prem ki diwani hoon is no great shakes nor is mumbai se aya mera dost....he is rght about the reason for music indutries "downfall" is becoz of poor music .....of which i feel he too is a part of ....only ar rehman brings freshness n actual music ....te success of andaz though shows that ppl still like nadeem shravan which is sad becoz they do nthng but just put the same old tunes

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by Ashutosh on Jun 03, 2003 12:52 AM

u should ask the same question urself Mr.malik !!!!
Look whos talking!!!!!! ha ha ha ha............

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anu malik
by ajay on Jun 02, 2003 11:52 PM

look whoz talking bout being original...

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Look who is preaching!
by viju on Jun 02, 2003 11:47 PM

when a man who has proved himself time and again that noone in india can beat in being a master copycat preaches us to be "orginal" it is the height of hypocrisy.
Anu malik can better copy some good scores and sit with his mouth shut.

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Jayanth Krishnan
Good for nothing composer
by Jayanth Krishnan on Jun 02, 2003 11:39 PM

This guy constantly keeps comparing himself with Rehman (elusive, working at nights). Does he never realize that Rehman is eons ahead of him. Audiences have accepted Rehman, not this dodo. He keeps talking about music directors liking him and nowhere he is bothered about audiences liking him. That is the difference between a composer and a copycat businessman. By the way, the sneak has emplyed Ranjit Barot who used to work with Rehman (remember Humma!!)

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why cant u be original???
by rana on Jun 02, 2003 11:29 PM

Mr anu malik,

first u be original then talk of orginality.U make noise if baz luhrmann didnt credit u for moulin rouge but what abt those numerous composers whose tunes u have lifted ,have u credited them???.

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by Ravi on Jun 02, 2003 10:41 PM

C'mon Mr. Anu Malik. Why do you want to compare yourself with AR Rahman ? You are what you are and he is what he is. You can never rise to his level of music and he can never stoop to compose your kind of music. I definitely, do not think Ashoka is a great album in the first place. Aks is a better work, though it definitely does not come close to what Rahman has composed for Taal or Dilse or Lagaan. So, try to respect people who compose better than you rather than making some stupid comments on composers who work at night.


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