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Sunil Vaidya
by Sunil Vaidya on Mar 31, 2018 03:31 PM  | Hide replies

what he meant when he said that everybody should sell pakodas is----- that his govt is not going to provide any jobs it is for everybody to search ways of earning money for themselves...

it is his open admission that his govt is simply not capable of creating jobs or an environment where somebody would be able to create jobs...

even adityanath had said the same some months ago that dont expect any jobs from his govt...find your own jobs or employment...and if you have any stress doing that then he had also suggested some mantra and meditation to calm yourself and not get depressed...

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Raja Krsnan
Re: hi
by Raja Krsnan on Apr 04, 2018 12:38 PM
For close to 70 years nobody was bothered about employment problem. Suddenly everybody needs employment, that too government jobs.

Its time government goes dictatorial and order its population to start finding jobs that they are competent to do. 99% of Indian population is unfit and incompetent to do any kind of job properly. So the question of unemployment does not arise.

Warren Buffett always made his investments in companies that sells basic necessities of life. Food and other consumables is one of them. If an american woman can make millions out of vending Tea, why not pakodas? Or are we waiting for a westerner to start selling pakodas to show us the way?

PM is right in asking the people to be self employed. He must go ahead and ask the people to take big risks too, which he has not yet done. Other politicians will not even think about it.

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Balvinder Singh
Re: Re: hi
by Balvinder Singh on Apr 04, 2018 07:13 PM
Pakoda bahut swadisht cheese hai. I think Govt must enourage Pakoda Shops like it did for Swach Sauchalaya, and construct pakoda shops in every city here and there so that unemployed get jobs in these shops and earn their livelihood. Also people who will eat these pakodas, will get healthy as pure materials will be used to make pakodas. Happy Pakodas!!

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by manojcshah on Mar 31, 2018 09:49 AM  | Hide replies

Modi does not want us to sell pakodas, it is rediff that wants us to believe that.

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Raja Krsnan
Re: believe
by Raja Krsnan on Apr 04, 2018 12:55 PM
if pakodas generate good cash flow, why not sell them.

What Modi intended to say was that there are may ways to be self employed and earn better income than what socialists and commies suggest.

What Modi said is that there is a big market in food sector. pakoda is just one of them.

MNCs are entering in every sector that sells basic daily necessities of life. They are not ashamed of selling pakodas nicely packed and priced exhorbitantly.

Take it seriously, because MODI said it. Indians may ridicule him, but sooner or later an american or a european will introduce that in India. That is when we realise the wisdom behind it.

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Darvin Chaudhary
PM know how to take, not how to give back
by Darvin Chaudhary on Mar 31, 2018 09:36 AM  | Hide replies

PM doesn't know how to give back. He just knows how to take from Taxes. Most of colleges, police department, Irrigation etc are struggling due to lack of human resources but government think that they can save big money by hiring adhoc people in form of teachers, home guard etc. They just cost not more than labor. Quality is not a problem.

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Raja Krsnan
Re: PM know how to take, not how to give back
by Raja Krsnan on Apr 04, 2018 01:04 PM
the departments you mentioned are full of incompetent people and there is no need to fill them again. It is difficult to fire them at this juncture.

For example, schools and colleges. students take to teaching when they do not find any other ways to earn. all of them do not have any inclination to teach. they are there just to take salary at the end of the month. so quality suffers. so is the irrigation and police departments. when incompetent post graduates join services in these departments, their only intention is to just earn a salary, by hook or crook. in the process they develop bribe taking and pass on the habit to the next generation.

for 70 years we developed a incompetent, corrupt system. it takes atleast a decade to purge it.

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gokula patra
What is KFC and Mac donald
by gokula patra on Mar 31, 2018 09:26 AM  | Hide replies

Mr Udit mishra and his commie cadres must answer what is KFC and Mac donald who are multi billion pakoda and chicken sellers from USA where our childrens line up to eat .. No concept is bad as long as it is a profitable concept. Look at the start ups today.. Some of them have made selling chais and pakodas like one company called Chai point as huge profitable business.. Still this old fart called udit mishra living on few money earning from writing craps has not understood how world is changing fast and how young brains are en cashing on every thing.

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Raja Krsnan
Re: What is KFC and Mac donald
by Raja Krsnan on Apr 04, 2018 01:09 PM
PM has merely hinted that there is a big opportunity lying in the food sector. Chai Point is one big success story. Its only those incompetent, pea brained, so called intellectuals who cannot the far sightedness of PM.

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Raja Krsnan
Re: Re: What is KFC and Mac donald
by Raja Krsnan on Apr 04, 2018 01:08 PM
Its only those incompetent, pea brained, so called intellectuals who cannot see and understand the far sightedness of PM.

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Raghavendra Ravi
Harsh Reality ..
by Raghavendra Ravi on Mar 30, 2018 09:40 PM

We do not want to face the harsh reality .. India produces 700000 ENGINEERS per year!! do you really believe they are ENGINEERS??
Chemists, BComs, Physics graduates - talk to them and see if they are employable .. Harsh reality will bite.
Parents are also responsible - will they give any responsibile jobs to their own children>? Are they capable ??
Blaming the government is easy. India is the only country that produces more GRADUATES than DIPLOMA holders in the world!! We Indians do not like any physical work - only air conditioned desk jobs . EVEN in coding ( our famous IT ENGINEERS) are now not as good as some Iranians, Phillipinos etc. We are kidding ourselves into believing that we are good. Unless we are willing to work HARD, there is no chance.. we keep comparing ourselves with CHINA , what right do we have ?- they work hard and do not ask for air conditioned desk jobs .. but we do. That is why Pakoda making looks like a bad thing .. Modi is scr wed .. if he has to find jobs for all these people !!

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Raghavendra Ravi
What joblessness??
by Raghavendra Ravi on Mar 30, 2018 09:31 PM

There are no people to do work .. did you meet any one who is unemployed in the last 6 months ??
People are waiting for Air conditioned jobs in the government !! that is not going to happen. People are looking for salary without responsibility --- good luck to all of them.
Try getting a plumber .. you will know if there is unemployment ... huge number of unemployable people roaming in the street is not joblessness .. they do not want to work . Ask our "Engineers" to repair a leaky tap - you will see their level... bullshit unemployment .. Modi has a tough job - to employ all these unemployables ..

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by manojcshah on Mar 30, 2018 06:06 PM  | Hide replies

Modi is the best PM. Full stop. No arguments

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Martin Pereira
Re: best
by Martin Pereira on Mar 30, 2018 10:10 PM
Babu is the best chaiwala in India. No arguments.

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by manojcshah on Mar 30, 2018 06:03 PM

Modi is the best PM this country has ever got. Full stop. No arguments

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The cartoon should
by piri on Mar 30, 2018 04:32 PM  | Hide replies

have featured a bespectacled white haired and bearded man with thick segmented lips and fancy head gear !

That would have been much more appropriate !

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Re: The cartoon should
by namakhalaalmulla on Mar 30, 2018 05:53 PM
and also need to mention that there are t_h_i_r_d c_l_a_s_s, r_o_g_u_e_s, p_i_g_s living in k_e_r_a_l_a which un-fortunately belong to our c_o_u_n_t_r_y who got c_0_n_v_e_r_t_e_d and r_u_n_n_i_n_g b_r_0_t_h_e_l_s in the name of m_i_s_s_i_o_n_e_r_i_e_s for the sake of m_0_n_e_y who are a_n_t_i_n_a_t_i_o_n_a_l_s. Sorry dear. I can't help. This is not my opinion. You just take the feedback about your c_0_m_m_u_n_i_t_y from any h_i_n_d_u in our country and he will tell same. If you don't trust try and verify. You people need to change yourself to win the heart of majority h_i_n_d_u_s. can't live like p_o_r_t_u_g_e_s_e era. Please check what is the life of s_i_s_t_e_r_s who are forced to become n_u_n_s for someone greediness, How these n_u_n_s are exploited in syria c_h_u_r_c_h_e_s. Please don't hide the crime which is happening in your m_i_s_s_i_0_n_e_r_i_e_s in the name of r_e_l_i_g_i_o_n. Accept from your heart this is happening.
R_S_S is trying day and night to stop this c_r_i_m_e by giving their b_l_o_O_d to save these n_u_n_s but they are being k_i_l_l_e_d brutally from c_0_m_m_u_n_i_s_t brigades. You have still not answered the b_r_o_t_h_e_l show which is running in your state m_i_s_s_i_o_n_e_r_i_e_s. Tell me the source of income here. Who are giving money to these people and how they are spending. How each and everyone in k_e_r_a_l_a is involved which is anti-national

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Re: Re: The cartoon should
by manojcshah on Mar 30, 2018 06:56 PM
very well said and agree with you hundred percent

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gokula patra
Re: Re: The cartoon should
by gokula patra on Mar 31, 2018 09:21 AM
Piri ka phat gaya dhol...Truth is bitter Mr piri .. YOu hate hindus just because you are a convert.. Try in Bangladesh and Pakistan.. nicely articulated Mr Nama.......

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