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'Ramdev is a symptom of today's India'

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Turbidity in media
by auryas on Sep 01, 2017 11:15 AM

The callous manner in which Indian media goes about accusing (subtly or directly) anyone they don't like and don't dance to their tunes speaks volumes about the rotten state of the media in general and few media house in particular.

When you write about Ramdev baba , stick to Ramdev baba. Why bring every Yogi into the frame ?

At times I wonder if there will be a law in this country to counter the sickeningly rotten media who abuse their power vested in them by this liberal democracy.

if any one wants to get full picture of how degenerated Indian media is please read PCIs own submission on how corrupt contemporary Indian media is in an article 'Corruption in media and how it undermines democracy'.

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Manabendra Pathak
Baba vs Baba
by Manabendra Pathak on Sep 01, 2017 10:41 AM  | Hide replies

No doubt, this article is written in the context of recent happenings on some so called Baba. Everybody knows that many of these Babas were politically powerful and used by politicians, perhaps since Indira Gandhi. This is not the case for only Hindu Baba but applicable equally to other religions. Their popularity may be less or our pseudo-secular media do not like to go behind them. Here Baba Ramdev gained popularity because of his yoga and later Patanjali products. No doubt, he campaigned against earlier UPA govt. because of their rampant corruption. And there is nothing to shy away from this, it was one of the most corrupt govt. He has done nothing wrong, instead he fought for public cause. If the same thing would have done by a politician, today he would have been political hero. The question also raised about his Patanjali product, it will be good for the public interest if these people can fight legally. Mere accusation will not serve any purpose.

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Tru Indian
Re: Baba vs Baba
by Tru Indian on Sep 01, 2017 11:08 AM
Yes. I fully agree with you. Once Ramdevji himself told that if he would have been neutral to all the ill things done by the Govts and not done agitation against the Govt, he could have been well-respected and honored by all the Govts including Congress. But he chose to go the other way. He agitated against the corrupt Govt. Joined Anna Hazare movement etc. The author conveniently forgot to mention this and his social services!! If Ramdevji speaks against multinational companies and ask to promote swadeshi companies as Japan, China etc do, whats wrong with that. Did he anytime spoke against Indian companies like Bajaj, Godrej, Dabur, Parle, ITC etc?No. This article shows that this media people can do character assassination of anyone sitting in their AC offices without really contributing anything to the society. Such type of people should be ridiculed.

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Madavan DV
Re: Baba vs Baba
by Madavan DV on Sep 01, 2017 12:39 PM
True, very true

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Arbind Chauhan
Vir Sanghavi
by Arbind Chauhan on Sep 01, 2017 10:26 AM  | Hide replies

From where did Vir Sanghvi get the moral courage to criticize others,especially when he himself has more serious charges against himself.

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Arbind Chauhan
Vir Sanghavi
by Arbind Chauhan on Sep 01, 2017 10:26 AM

From where did Vir Sanghvi get the moral courage to criticize others,especially when he himself has more serious charges against himself.

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mani sharma
Hug with all who is in power
by mani sharma on Sep 01, 2017 10:08 AM  | Hide replies

To me all Baba who accumulate wealth in the name of religion and who critize all other products manufactured is arrogance . Time will tell like jailed babas. Also when there is change in government He is same baba who ran have from stage. I never think any one who is consider himself as guru to run away.he is fake

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MR Baba
Re: Hug with all who is in power
by MR Baba on Sep 01, 2017 11:10 AM
Unfortunate majority community don't understand that Ram Dev is Modi brand product therefore, acceptable to every Indian.

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Shashank Tikekar
Bigotry of media
by Shashank Tikekar on Sep 01, 2017 10:03 AM  | Hide replies

Tejpal is molester and Prannoy Roy is swindler so media person like Veer Sanghvi are also corrupt.

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Raja Mohanty
Re: Bigotry of media
by Raja Mohanty on Sep 01, 2017 12:44 PM
Right brother! This Sanghvi chap is already disgraced in the Nira Radia tape. He seems to be advocating for the MNCs and this looks like a planted story. Ramdev confidently says prove my products fake but there should be proper proof like batch no, date etc. Let the author and this writer do that. Raja Mohanty

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Raja Mohanty
Re: Bigotry of media
by Raja Mohanty on Sep 01, 2017 12:44 PM
Right brother! This Sanghvi chap is already disgraced in the Nira Radia tape. He seems to be advocating for the MNCs and this looks like a planted story. Ramdev confidently says prove my products fake but there should be proper proof like batch no, date etc. Let the author and this writer do that. Raja Mohanty

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