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Bengal polls: This is what the aam aadmi wants

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Subhash Kumar
Who is Responsible ?
by Subhash Kumar on Mar 25, 2011 12:59 PM

I think for all this situation today the peoples of bengal themself are responsible.They can not blame polititions.It is peoples who have accepted these Junk communist over years.They have never accepted other parties.

In general these peoples are with Hot head.Always ready to fight without any reason.This is how they drove TATA out of the state.

I think Mentality & attitude of bengalies needs to be changed.

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peoples wants in bengal
by balan on Mar 25, 2011 12:50 PM  | Hide replies

birth controll is must in BENGAL. LET US FOLLOW JAPAN AND CHINA.

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Re: peoples wants in bengal
by reetam on Mar 25, 2011 01:04 PM
Every Political Paty has the ideology to do the best for the country. But they are aimed to do so many many things all together. Some one wants to follow Marxism, Some one follow Congress, someone believes Hiduism. But everybody wants the overall Improvement. My question is why not all good corruptless politicians come forward only to perform their level best , such as to remove corruption. Can we bring Buddadev Bhattacharya, Mamota Banerjee & all other corrutless people togethere under the same Organization with the common minimum program and remove corruption for ever?

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Siul Azuosd
Re: Re: peoples wants in bengal
by Siul Azuosd on Mar 25, 2011 01:09 PM
The trouble is who will accept that he or the party is non corrupt.

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Siul Azuosd
Re: peoples wants in bengal
by Siul Azuosd on Mar 25, 2011 01:06 PM
Instead of asking for help from other parties it would be better if BJP goes alone. Over a period of time they will be able to get the majority on their own. Just like Karnataka.

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Vote for None
by Rajdeep on Mar 25, 2011 12:46 PM  | Hide replies

Please let me whethere there is any symbol to vote for "None" or not. If not , how one can cast his vote if he does choose anybody? The procedure says, he should approach to Presiding Officer , it means he can not cast his vote privately. Why this?

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Shruthi Menon
Re: Vote for None
by Shruthi Menon on Mar 25, 2011 12:52 PM
Hello sir, There is a rule. If you are unhappy with the choice of candidates at your disposal in your area, you can approach the booth polling officer get your finger inked and give your reasons for your unhappiness.

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Shruthi Menon
Re: Vote for None
by Shruthi Menon on Mar 25, 2011 12:53 PM
And that will be recorded ny the polling officer and put forward.

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subhendu mohinta
status of west bengal
by subhendu mohinta on Mar 25, 2011 12:45 PM

the state has been ruined by 34 yrs of CPM rule. bengalees are to be blamed because they allowed CPM to rule.

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raj ramani
Mr. Karat are you LISTENING????
by raj ramani on Mar 25, 2011 12:44 PM  | Hide replies

I hate to see the likes of Karats, Brindas, Yechuries,., comment on the governing of the other states in India...I want to ask them that Bengal was with them for 35 years... What have they done with it????From being the most Industrialized state in India to among the least developed state in India... My only advise to them is to SHUT UP and get lost from Bengal and from India...

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mailme alladin
Re: Mr. Karat are you LISTENING????
by mailme alladin on Mar 25, 2011 06:25 PM
What Karats or Yechuries have got to do with condition of Bengal. Blames Bengalis (leaders and common people) for condition of Bengal.
It's very easy to blame the politicians, but what are we doing as a common person:
1. As a taxi/auto dirver, I don't mind to distort my meter
2. As a trader, I don't mind to manipulate with my scale and give the customers lesser than what they pay for.
3. As a clerk in the govt. office, I don't mind to take little bribe for any job I do.
You can say these guys cheat just a little compared to the politicians. That is true, but it's due to their respective position. A taxi driver or small trader or a govt employee doesn't have the access to cheat more.
Do you still want to blame the politicians only for the condition of Bengal or India as such.

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mailme alladin
Re: Mr. Karat are you LISTENING????
by mailme alladin on Mar 25, 2011 06:25 PM
What Karats or Yechuries have got to do with condition of Bengal. Blames Bengalis (leaders and common people) for condition of Bengal.
It's very easy to blame the politicians, but what are we doing as a common person:
1. As a taxi/auto dirver, I don't mind to distort my meter
2. As a trader, I don't mind to manipulate with my scale and give the customers lesser than what they pay for.
3. As a clerk in the govt. office, I don't mind to take little bribe for any job I do.
You can say these guys cheat just a little compared to the politicians. That is true, but it's due to their respective position. A taxi driver or small trader or a govt employee doesn't have the access to cheat more.
Do you still want to blame the politicians only for the condition of Bengal or India as such.

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hitesh singh
Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by hitesh singh on Mar 25, 2011 12:43 PM  | Hide replies

aam aadmi wants the illegal bangladeshi muslims to be kicked out

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Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by poppinjay on Mar 25, 2011 02:25 PM
These bangladeshi Muzzliims are cockroaches. They will dirty, mess up and spread stinking odour wherever they go. They should be kicked out and whoever come to their rescue should be lynched.

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Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by zulekha on Mar 25, 2011 12:48 PM
Why not all Bangladeshi??
Bangladeshi muslim nly mere 5-8% in bengal 92 % Bangal!!!

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Re: Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by zulekha on Mar 25, 2011 12:49 PM
Lakhs of Bangal colony in the state & all r Bangal!!

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hitesh singh
Re: Re: Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by hitesh singh on Mar 25, 2011 01:03 PM
Bangal are nt allowed to live a respectable life in bangladesh............that y

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Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by poppinjay on Mar 25, 2011 02:23 PM
These bangladeshi Muzzliims are cockroaches. They will dirty, mess up and spread stinking odour wherever they . They should be kicked out and whoever comes to their rescue should be dumped to bay of bengal.

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pranab roy
Re: Re: Kick out illegal bangladeshi
by pranab roy on Mar 25, 2011 04:33 PM

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on Mar 25, 2011 12:42 PM

No efforts are made by any govt. in WB to provided emeployment to everyone, rather all parties try to buy the voters by way of subsidies/free rationining etc., after legally snatching it from tax payers. How the population of poors have increased in communist regime in last 60 years. Basically our politicians/govt. servants do not want to improve anything due to prejudiced vote bank politics, they are interested in only winning whether foul or fair, with criminality or honesty. EC or Central govt. is most impotent link to boost all such issues.

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Ours is Surely the Otal Farcial Democracy of the World!!!
by YingYang on Mar 25, 2011 12:41 PM

How many hindus&patriots including the Bengali public and voters including Pranab&Mamata&Marxists have seen the greatest ever film ever,Aaashani Sanket or Distant Thunder,made by great Satyajit Ray relating to the Bengal Famine!During the second world war, the british looters and colonizers packed and sent millions of tonnes of food stuffs to England starving millions of hindus to death and the great film by Satyajitji foucsses on this himalayan tragedy or holocaust! What is more the great non-violent saint or great freedom fighter mahatma ganhdee kept quiet all along when millions of hindus were being starved to death and it was this very same mahatma ganchee who asked all hindus and indians to support england in world war and this resulted in Deaths of thousands and thousands of hindus,sikhs and buddhists in World war too.After seeing the great film& after seeing india's pitiable state now as a slavish nation begging for help from western and british looters preventing indian slaves even to visit the western countries& preventing them even from entering UK&Europe&USA,etc all Hindus will be forced now to weep now&for decades together too, is it not???What a shame, Majority Hindus&Patriotic Indians that you consider the fake feedom fighters&double agents as great freedom fighters&father of nation,etc,What a Shame

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Time to Dump Our Electoral System&Voting System to Sa
by YingYang on Mar 25, 2011 12:39 PM

Another Farcial Election Again?Election commission MUST make sure that electronic voting machines are NOT rigged like last lok sabha elections and must confrim validity of results by doins simultanous ballot paper voting to prevent possibility of rigging of EVM machines! Only crooks and looters have made our democracy a TOTAL FARCE and looters and dacoits rule 90 crore poor majority hindus making them beggars and third class citizens.The real culprits for Making this Total Farce of a Democracy are those who drafted the constitution and drafted the election laws and even now it is not late! If the consitution makers had put the condition that only those with mimimum educational qualification of an intermediate degree are allowed to vote and that voting is made compulsory for all adults and punishable with jain and huge fine for those not voting without adequate reason, india would have been a super power rivalling USA and Europe by now and the crooked nheru dynasty and looters would not have looted trillions of dollars and made 85 crore hindus beggars and third class citizens in the country and there would not have been 500 million hindus wihtout one full meal as is the case now.It is time all political parties and all intellectuals and patriots come together and make electoral reforms and save the country even now from total disaster soon

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