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Nobel prize for what ?
by ASHEESH KUMAR on Sep 24, 2008 11:07 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Global economy is collapsing.What nobel prize is one talking about ? These text book experts do not know anything.They just talk.

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Re: Nobel prize for what ?
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Sep 24, 2008 11:44 AM  Permalink
Oh sure, you are the expert. These people have influenced policy. At least they have some work to back up their talk. What is your contribution?

Everybody loves it when the market is going up. At that time, capitalism rules. When the market stutters, oh, socialism is the best. If you invest in stock, expect to lose money every now and again. Or stay out and invest in PPF.

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Re: Nobel prize for what ?
by Your Persona on Sep 24, 2008 11:45 AM  Permalink
Global economy is not collapsing because of economists. It is the politicians and policy-makers who pay no attention to sound economic advise that create laws and policies that lead to economic distress.

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by vsgiri on Sep 24, 2008 11:06 AM  Permalink 

There were atleast a dozen Indians particularly from S. India earlier on who culd have got this Economoc Nobel Prize. It is the question of ably how one is able to lobby

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Lets Hear Good News On 13 October
by Basant Maheshwari on Sep 24, 2008 11:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am waiting anxiously to hear the good news on 13 October when Nobel (Economics) winner(s) name will be declared.Best of luck toall three Indians - Dasgupta,Dixit and Bhagwati.Lets prepare to celebrate the bi news rather than making an issue out of it.

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Re: Lets Hear Good News On 13 October
by sundar on Sep 24, 2008 11:23 AM  Permalink
kranti do not distort history..shatpatha brahmana or watever that is blatantly puts forward brahmins agenda..

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Re: Lets Hear Good News On 13 October
by san man on Sep 24, 2008 11:22 AM  Permalink
moron...that's bcos brahmins need another 5000 yrs of reservatrion

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Economic liberalization abinitio to flowering
by Dr. Rakesh Chander Yashroy on Sep 24, 2008 10:53 AM  Permalink 

India has shown ceativity from seedling to flowering in liberalization of economy; guess who is humbly behind this. India is slated to become an economic giant. That is why, anti-India forces are making extreme efforts to disturb us. Work, work with heart within and God overhead, as nobility is better than a Nobel (the discoverer of the deadly exposive: TNT or dynamite). Dr. R. C. YashRoy.

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Nobel for Indian Born Jagadish
by kunuthur srinivas on Sep 24, 2008 10:53 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Born Indians by virtue of their land of origin and environment have immense potential to be considered as GLOBIANS who spread far and wide all over the globe and contribute their might for advancement of the planet EARTH. It is a different matter if they do not have facilities or environment congenial for winning nobel prizes since after all India has not won the freedom but given frustrated by non-cooperation movement which proved to the British as nuisance value and they left after success division of India in to two and now it is three. Global politics is to light a cigar when house is burning in the neighbourhood.India is yet to overcome its slavish culture ingrained by the British due to which INDIANS DIVIDE AMONG THEMSELVES IN THEIR COUNTRY AND OTHERS RULE. Rightly, Indians are Globals as they are not cocoons to confine themselves to a small piece of land on Earth.

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Re: Nobel for Indian Born Jagadish
by Baburao on Sep 24, 2008 10:59 AM  Permalink
Very much agree with you Sir.

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Waiting Anxiously For 13 October
by Basant Maheshwari on Sep 24, 2008 10:53 AM  Permalink 

I am waiting for 13 October announcement for Nobel (Economics ) winner.Lets prepare to celebrate the news rather cribbibg.

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Nobel for Indian Born Jagadish
by kunuthur srinivas on Sep 24, 2008 10:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Born Indians by virtue of their land of origin and environment have immense potential to be considered as GLOBIANS who spread far and wide all over the globe and contribute their might for advancement of the planet EARTH. It is a different matter if they do not have facilities or environment congenial for winning nobel prizes since after all India has not won the freedom but given frustrated by non-cooperation movement which proved to the British as nuisance value and they left after success division of India in to two and now it is three. Global politics is to light a cigar when house is burning in the neighbourhood.India is yet to overcome its slavish culture ingrained by the British due to which INDIANS DIVIDE AMONG THEMSELVES IN THEIR COUNTRY AND OTHERS RULE. Rightly, Indians are Globals as they are not cocoons to confine themselves to a small piece of land on Earth.

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We should feel proud of them
by Jayaprakash Balan on Sep 24, 2008 10:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Irrespective of whether any Indian is winning the nobel prize or not, we should be proud of the fact that atleast Indians are figuring in the nominations for the prize, though its a true fact that all these are less Indian now by virtue of their staying abroad and doing research there. Nevertheless, since their origin is India, I am sure their heart will always be Indian and so in that respect we can be proud of them and sincerely pray and hope that one of them win the prize. I am indeed baffled by these great people's brains and patient study to excel in economics field.

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Re: We should feel proud of them
by george pinto on Sep 24, 2008 10:52 AM  Permalink
I agree fully with you. That is the spirit.

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by Govardhan Brown on Sep 24, 2008 10:45 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Much has been said of Indian's crab-like mentality, not allowing anyone to move up,
dragging rising individuals down in the sand.
It's true. I come from a very small community.
At the last count we were some 3500-odd members
in Mumbai. About 1800 of us are abroad, largely
in Dubai, the US, Canada and Australia.
Dubai has been a real karma-bhoomi for my
brethren. People there have really flourished,
with some really rocketing to crorepati status
within less than 5 years.
My cousin, A B.Com, now taken VRS from the leading British Bank in Dubai, started in a clerical post in the finance subsidiary. When the bank in 78 wanted to computerise their operations, they decided on a pilot project
1st with the finance company. Because of his
(not necessarily extraordinary) ability with
maths, and a grasp of statistical concepts,
my cousin, in an internal search, was assigned to learn, and manage the computer function.
He received on-site training, and was also
sent abroad to Hong Kong and Japan. Well, eventually, at the time of his retirement,
he was the head of the EDP function for the entire middle east, covering UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, S. Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt
et al.

The problem with us in India is that there are so many of us, with so few comparatively good opportunities to excel in business or service,
that we are forever carping, fighting, sniping
at each other. I can't see many of us succeeding in India, the way my cousin, and many others, have done aroad.

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by rakesh on Sep 24, 2008 10:52 AM  Permalink
Competetion Man,Competetion. Although I dont want to take away credit from any one, it is easy to work among lazy arabi's and reach the top. Here in India, there will be N number of competent people aspiring for the same post with equal credentials.

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by rakesh on Sep 24, 2008 10:52 AM  Permalink
Competetion Man,Competetion. Although I dont want to take away credit from any one, it is easy to work among lazy arabi's and reach the top. Here in India, there will be N number of competent people aspiring for the same post with equal credentials.

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by rakesh on Sep 24, 2008 10:53 AM  Permalink
Competetion Man,Competetion. Although I dont want to take away credit from any one, it is easy to work among lazy arabi's and reach the top. Here in India, there will be N number of competent people aspiring for the same post with equal credentials.

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