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Nobel likely
by george pinto on Sep 24, 2008 10:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is a great news for all of us Indians living here or abroad. I think it is high time international scientific community realises Indian contribution to academia, science and techology, business and so on. Not only that a few Indians should get Nobles this year and the years to follow, Laureates should create a legacy for the younger generations to follow. IIM grads must keep a Nobel Dream for the future and if they do, their contribution to the society in this country enormously helps. Hope these speculations turn out to be realities.

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All NRIs
by Anand YNI on Sep 24, 2008 09:56 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Like most of their predecessors, all these three are NRIs. Who cares whether they get the Nobel prize or not! In any case, their is a strong lobby working overtime to see that even these NRIs will not get the prize.

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Re: All NRIs
by Ghanshyam sengar on Sep 24, 2008 10:13 AM  Permalink
We care about noble prize since we still suffer from salvery syndrome. We donot feel that we have achieved something till our white masters recgnize the worth of the work

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Re: All NRIs
by george pinto on Sep 24, 2008 10:10 AM  Permalink
Please don't be cynic and see everything through broken glass my dear. Keep your fingers crossed. Amrthya Sen got it and so will any one of these three. NOBEL is not a prize which people can lobby for and get. There is a great prestige at stake. Nobel committee will no risk its name to do that. Lobby is the phrase that fits in government and not in these forums or organisations. The only way if at all to offer counter lobby is to create more and more Nobel dreamers and achievers in our country. Do'nt you think?

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Re: All NRIs
by Anand YNI on Sep 24, 2008 10:17 AM  Permalink
Hi George,

You are indeed an innocent & pure soul. Otherwise, when the entire world knows that Noble Prizes are either won or blocked by lobbying in most of the cases, one would not have thought the way you have thought. For more information on lobbying ask those people who either did not get a nobel prize or got it after a very long wait long after their juniors got it. One of these three contenders himself was nominated several times but did not get it. Gandhiji not getting the Nobel Peace prize is another stark example.

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Re: All NRIs
by george pinto on Sep 24, 2008 10:27 AM  Permalink
I'm sure you would tell me bout Gandhiji. But what many do not realise is that Gandhiji is far greater soul in this world to be honoured by Nobel. By the by the Noble peace prize is different from all else because of its obscure nature. Unlike science where assessment of the acievement can be quantified no such yardstick perhaps is possible in deciding what makes PEACE! Better we do not have Gandhiji in Nobel Peace Club. YOu know there are people of objectionable character in this club. Einstein's remarks on him ""Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." are far greater than 10 Nobels!

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Re: All NRIs
by DrYNI Anand on Sep 24, 2008 02:14 PM  Permalink
Hi George,

Just like there are objectionable characters in the "Peace Club" there are Obnoxious characters in other "Nobel Laureate" clubs too.

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