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''Rahul could become a desirable leader''

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Radhika reddy
Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Radhika reddy on May 20, 2009 03:06 PM  | Hide replies

Prime Misnister for India (After Manmohan singh_
1. Rahul Ghandhi (During his term he will marry)
2. Priyanka
4. Priyankas Daughter
5. pRIYANKAs son
6.Rahuls daughter
7. Rahuls son
8. Rahuls Second Son
9. Priyankas Grand son
10, Rahuls Grand son
11. Will be continued in thier family

Hence let us not talk about who will be our prime minister for next 100 years

Good Bye


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shiv shankar
Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by shiv shankar on May 20, 2009 03:09 PM
same like karunanithi family i think thats why both are good friends

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ramesh ramarao
Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by ramesh ramarao on May 20, 2009 03:17 PM
wonderful analysis, why our country people are so illiterate to vote sonia and rahul. for me rahul is such a dumb dull headed fellow and who cannot even maintain his family (hence not married yet) and how can u expect him to be the PM of INDIA. i really sorry for our PM to give such a statement, which is hurting all intelligent INDIANS.

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anand anand
Re: Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by anand anand on May 20, 2009 03:22 PM

You like Yediurappa Son, Jaswant singh son, Kalyan singh Son Vasundra Raja sindhya son.......... but not Rahul

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Ram Sharma
Re: Re: Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Ram Sharma on May 20, 2009 04:43 PM
There is big difference between sons of Sonia & Karunanidhi families and family relatives in BJP. The families of Sonia & MK hv full control of their parties, noone can hv an opinion, which is different from the dynastic families. Noone can dare say anything against these dynastic families, without being immediatly thrown own. Remember change of a Cabinet Minister from DMK in last UPA govt?

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Ram Sharma
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Ram Sharma on May 20, 2009 04:47 PM
In USA Mrs Clinton was defeated by democrates and Obama was chosen. This is internal democracy of a party. There is nothing wrong in a relative joining politics, what is objectionable is total controll of a party by a family or individual. That is dictatorship.

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Deepak MA
Re: Re: Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Deepak MA on May 20, 2009 03:49 PM
Nobody is showering any undue praise on these fellows!

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Forrest Gump
Re: Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Forrest Gump on May 20, 2009 03:39 PM
i see that BJp's arrogance that was reason of its downfall still stays...God bless u all....so if he cannot maintain family, what abt Modi and Vajpayee who were not married...is that a criterion for being a good leader...u ppl have completely gone out of your minds after the election result.

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jagar singh
Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by jagar singh on May 20, 2009 03:29 PM
past does not confirm your predictions.

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Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:19 PM
I can say, given the ambiguous state of leadership isue, Rahul will be in the leadership within two years.

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sushil chandra
Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by sushil chandra on May 20, 2009 03:24 PM
Our constitution allows reservation on the basis of caste inspite of advocating no bias on the basis of caste, colour or creed. Congress strongly believes in reservation on the basis of caste which is the reason it has reserved the post of PM for any member of Nehru-Gandhi family since this family belongs to PM caste.

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anand anand
Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by anand anand on May 20, 2009 03:21 PM
You like Yediurappa Son, Jaswant singh son, Kalyan singh Son Vasundra Raja sindhya son.......... but not Rahul

In Rajastan BJP have one family Rule... but for others it is not allowed

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Ram Sharma
Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Ram Sharma on May 20, 2009 04:48 PM
There is big difference between sons of Sonia & Karunanidhi families and family relatives in BJP. The families of Sonia & MK hv full control of their parties, noone can hv an opinion, which is different from the dynastic families. Noone can dare say anything against these dynastic families, without being immediatly thrown own. Remember change of a Cabinet Minister from DMK in last UPA govt?

In USA Mrs Clinton was defeated by democrates and Obama was chosen. This is internal democracy of a party. There is nothing wrong in a relative joining politics, what is objectionable is total controll of a party by a family or individual. That is dictatorship.

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Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:25 PM
Radhika Reddyji, none is asking as who will be the PM for the century. It's all your own innovation and analysis thereon. Yeah, one is envious AS THE POST STAND RESERVED, according to you.

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romeo midhun
Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by romeo midhun on May 20, 2009 03:48 PM
What about Maneka Handhi and Varun Gandhi? The BJP also are doing the same thing that Congress doing.

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Ram Sharma
Re: Re: Indian Prime ministers for next 100 years
by Ram Sharma on May 20, 2009 04:50 PM
There is nothing wrong in a relative joining politics, what is objectionable is total controll of a party by a family or individual. That is dictatorship. In USA Mrs Clinton was defeated by democrates and Obama was chosen. This is internal democracy of a party.

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amit saxena
Type rahul Gandhi
by amit saxena on May 20, 2009 03:05 PM  | Hide replies

in google and it will help you to find his reality

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Re: Type rahul Gandhi
by tornado on May 20, 2009 03:08 PM
all distorted facts.......hahaha

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Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politician?
by VASUDEVAN V on May 20, 2009 02:32 PM  | Hide replies

The oft repeated question in our country: If a doctor's son/daughter become a doctor, an engineer's son/daughter become an engineer, why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politician.A very valid question. The only point is, to become a doctor or an engineer, one has to be basically intelligent, study, succeed in exams and finally succeed in the profession. If not, they will be nowhere. Just look at the sons/daughters of actors. If they can't act, they are thrown out. But, a politician's son/daughter becomes a politician without any qualification, claiming it as a hereditary right. By the same token, a scavanger's son continues to be scavanger in our system, because the benefits of reservation never reach him because of the creamy layer. Of course, the politicians are happy, because their main vote bank are the poor and the downtrodden. My objection to Rahul is only because of this. It can't be his hereditary right. He might have been reluctant to begin with, but the Congressmen thrust it to him and now it has become his right with everyone fawning over him. There are millions of youths in this country much more brilliant than him, who will be a much better PM. But they do not have the hereditary right. Therein lies the loophole in our system!

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Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politician?
by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:29 PM
You should have the genes also, Vasudevan Bhai. Genes, an "volunteer par excellent".

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jagar singh
Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politician?
by jagar singh on May 20, 2009 03:31 PM

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anand anand
Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politician?
by anand anand on May 20, 2009 03:23 PM
You like Yediurappa Son, Jaswant singh son, Kalyan singh Son Vasundra Raja sindhya son.......... but not Rahul

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Ram Sharma
Re: Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politici
by Ram Sharma on May 20, 2009 04:45 PM
There is big difference between sons of Sonia & Karunanidhi families and family relatives in BJP. The families of Sonia & MK hv full control of their parties, noone can hv an opinion, which is different from the dynastic families. Noone can dare say anything against these dynastic families, without being immediatly thrown own. Remember change of a Cabinet Minister from DMK in last UPA govt?

In USA Mrs Clinton was defeated by democrates and Obama was chosen. This is internal democracy of a party.

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Re: Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politici
by VASUDEVAN V on May 20, 2009 03:35 PM
Mr.Anand, if you read my piece carefully, it includes every politician's son/daughter. Because the main article was about Rahul, I have quoted him by name in my reply. After all, I belong to TN where the whole Khandan of Karuna is at the helm of affairs and you think I will object to only Rahul?

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Re: Re: Why can't a politician's son/daughter become a politici
by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:31 PM
Every one you cited is "chip of the same block", Anand Bhai.

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by P R on May 20, 2009 02:01 PM  | Hide replies

So it is clear that rigging did occur not just in TN but through out India. No wonder the results are way beyond the expectations of even con-party.

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by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:35 PM
You have seen the CE (Chawla) who was recommended to be ousted becoming CEC. Karunanidhi's MPs say that they have 'invested' (not spent) huge amount of money for the election. Money bags exchanged in UP. What all these stand for? Still not got, just ponder over.

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by Siachen on May 20, 2009 03:37 PM
Yeah, one point I just missed pathetically. The Media were like hands-in-gloves with Congress. Poor BJP had no access to it.

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Bhupinder Singh
india is still after 60 flawed democracy,,
by Bhupinder Singh on May 20, 2009 01:52 PM  | Hide replies

where is democracy,,80% people have no knowledge to whom and for wht to vote,,majority of people are illiterate and so poor , little benefit of ecomomic dream allure them to ruling party, because they have big media,money, mafia money and builder, smuggler money,, go to village, have some done survey how people rate justice, buabucracy,bureacrate, they are worse than english ruler,i have seen working in chandigarh hotel how they enjoyed with young girl and majority of politician are worse than street paddler and middlemens, whole system represent commision and yes man culture, where chiefminsiter is always seen as middlemen in every deals, what to talk of status of minsiter and pm,, whole country havenot solution whole law, court ,police ,are controled by ruling politician, every contractor,middlemen changes with change of govt, what is problems,
we need system of accoutiblity, discipline and transferency,,
national identy card,compulsory voting, winner should get at least 50% vote at least polled, preferences votes should be started,whole communalism, politician divide and rule policies will out of order,we need govt funding, at least there should be three colition or parties for national level,,
strong law, free c b i and police from politician interference, make monetary punishment for whole offender, change ipc of police law to make more economic fines for raper,rioter and corruptive, there should more camera, telephone taping and justice more accountable and

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jagar singh
Re: india is still after 60 flawed democracy,,
by jagar singh on May 20, 2009 03:33 PM
if money was getting votes,BJP should have won.only big indusrialists be mp's

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Bhupinder Singh
india is still after 60 flawed democracy,,
by Bhupinder Singh on May 20, 2009 01:52 PM  | Hide replies

where is democracy,,80% people have no knowledge to whom and for wht to vote,,majority of people are illiterate and so poor , little benefit of ecomomic dream allure them to ruling party, because they have big media,money, mafia money and builder, smuggler money,, go to village, have some done survey how people rate justice, buabucracy,bureacrate, they are worse than english ruler,i have seen working in chandigarh hotel how they enjoyed with young girl and majority of politician are worse than street paddler and middlemens, whole system represent commision and yes man culture, where chiefminsiter is always seen as middlemen in every deals, what to talk of status of minsiter and pm,, whole country havenot solution whole law, court ,police ,are controled by ruling politician, every contractor,middlemen changes with change of govt, what is problems,
we need system of accoutiblity, discipline and transferency,,
national identy card,compulsory voting, winner should get at least 50% vote at least polled, preferences votes should be started,whole communalism, politician divide and rule policies will out of order,we need govt funding, at least there should be three colition or parties for national level,,
strong law, free c b i and police from politician interference, make monetary punishment for whole offender, change ipc of police law to make more economic fines for raper,rioter and corruptive, there should more camera, telephone taping and justice more accountable and

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Bhupinder Singh
Re: india is still after 60 flawed democracy,,
by Bhupinder Singh on May 20, 2009 01:54 PM
instead of going to states, there should be face to face national debate on national tv with pm candidates,,
we need govt tht work, not govt which befool people by conniving with media,money power,we need change whole mindset of people,,, law that work ,not pester and extract money from poor,,

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arungopal agarwal
by arungopal agarwal on May 20, 2009 01:04 PM  | Hide replies

Like Sanjay gandhi, Rahul has say with everyone, how it matters whether he has any ministry or not, this is only a technicality.

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Re: Rahul
by iyer on May 20, 2009 01:12 PM
Cong for timebeing wont expose Rahul as minister, as they fear he wont perform to the expectation. They wont expose Rahul atleast for another 3 or 4 years.

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Radha Krishnan
Kassab & Afzal Guru be pardoned
by Radha Krishnan on May 20, 2009 12:47 PM  | Hide replies

Govt. may give pardon to Afzal Guru. He is from minority community and every citizen of India should have the right to be pardoned on sympathetic ground for once. Kassab is a child and he was not knowing what he was doing. He should also be pardoned by the Govt. on humanitarian ground. Congress govt. would give pardon to Kassab and Afzal Guru.

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Re: Kassab & Afzal Guru be pardoned
by GRASS WIDOW on May 20, 2009 01:17 PM
I echo. They should be sent to Pkistan with full state honour. Govt should also arrange some mementos for them so that these can whet them on coming back to india and carryout what they have done! jai ho cangress ! murdabad hindu savior BJP

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Re: Kassab & Afzal Guru be pardoned
by giveanid on May 20, 2009 12:50 PM
Yes, govt might do that. And might even ask Advani to take them to Kandahar.
The people have spoken, and you better accept it and quit whining.

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bharat vats
Re: Re: Kassab & Afzal Guru be pardoned
by bharat vats on May 20, 2009 01:06 PM

Case now going in court..
3 year in lower court, 3 year in high court, 3 year in supreme court..
supreme court decided to hang kasab..

Kasab put petition to President

Congress put it under file..and says kasab is now 28th..still 27 including the

parliament attacker afjal..

Kasab enjoyes a paid vacation on india tax payer money nothing happens..he grows old


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Kabeera Speaking
Re: Kassab & Afzal Guru be pardoned
by Kabeera Speaking on May 20, 2009 12:54 PM
BJP and their supporters obsession with MMS, Afzal and Kasab drowned them in this election.

There are many more issues to discuss and press government to work on.

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abboral boral
So much hype on Rahul
by abboral boral on May 20, 2009 12:33 PM  | Hide replies

This kind of hype actually spoil the career of a true leader .Rahul should give a statement that 'I am an ordinery congress worker and no pushover leader due to dynesty .Let me work for the rural India development and I will travel length and breadth of the country to oversee the actual work done for Rural India development .I dont need to be a minister but I want to be a watch tower for entire Rural India if neede I will spend major time with Rural populations and like to match their lifestyle .
I am sure if Rahul do these job with a army of true dedicated workers then the entire picture of rural India will change and the performance of the Ministers can be judge ,He should focus on corruption by MPs,MLAs,district ,panchayat authorities and should maintain every data on his LAPTOP .

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Bhupinder Singh
Re: So much hype on Rahul
by Bhupinder Singh on May 20, 2009 01:58 PM
whole politics of india revolve around power money, and greed, only nexalite will teach how to change rural india, poverty trade have already started changing rural india,, bangal comunist learnt the lession,,
india needs cooperative like amul,, lizzat, m n c never can be solution, for 120 crore people,we need indianisation with socialisation and cooperatisation,, no modern economy can make india place to live,,,other wise kursi for congresi leader is ok,,,

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