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4 farmers die every day in Chhattisgarh

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Nilesh Patel
This is something veryNew
by Nilesh Patel on Apr 13, 2009 05:26 PM  | Hide replies

looks like rediff is on payback time with congress, since they feature too many congress ads,This is something new that i have heard in a long time, This baseless news need to be investigated, nobody can write what shit they want too, I think there are more so called Secular people in India then Communal, and with these facts The Congress wud have killed BJPin all TV debates and interviews, and till date not a single Congressmen has said anything on this issue, Rediff pls take a break, and i sincerly hope BJP comes to power and someone kicks you peoples A$$rse off

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Paul Benjamin
Re: This is something veryNew
by Paul Benjamin on Apr 13, 2009 06:15 PM
abe o foool do you wear chadddies on ur brain tooo to cover it from getting intelliengent ideaas...u n ur thoughts sulk. a bjp dogs tail never comes straight

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shashi sharma
Re: This is something veryNew
by shashi sharma on Apr 13, 2009 06:13 PM
Nilesh ,
I see the same tendency in BJP supporters all across , they behead the messenger for bad news . Hope BJP learns to accept criticism .That is the only way to improve . NOw NIlesh ji , dont start saying that the report is baseless just becuase it has not been covered widely . Alas , when the govt came out with loan waiver for farmers , BJP was out condemning it . THey should have supported it . ANyway its not too late even now ... they should try and improve their working and stop believing in their own propoganda ( Same propoganda led to their spectacular defeat in 2k4 ) .

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Re: Re: This is something veryNew
by kingfisher on Apr 13, 2009 06:29 PM
loan waiver was the cumulative effect of the all the ills that has plauged Indian agriculture. Our govts remember farmers only during elections and do almost nothing. There are no mechanisms in place till now to fix a decent support price for the grown commodities. The poor farmers are exposed to the vagaries of the so called market prices and more often than not end up selling the produce much below the actual cost incurred.
Though loan waiver was needed, it did not cover many of the farming community who desperately needed it. Moreover, farmers who have repaid their loans have a right to be aggrieved. Tomorrow, the same farmers may look the other way for repaying loans and expect the govt to waive loans. What happens if it become a habit? All these questions are unfortunately unanswered and unaddressed by all the political parties more so the Congress even after ruling the country for close to 60 years.

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shashi sharma
Re: Re: Re: This is something veryNew
by shashi sharma on Apr 13, 2009 07:15 PM
Kingfisher ,
YOu have not done enough analysis and thats why your facts are all wrong . HEre are some details :
WHeat : Support price has increased approx 40% over last 5 years .
Rice : Support price has increased by 20% .
I dont have details of other commodities but the fact is that for most of stuff the support price has increased over last 5 years , the same did not happen during 1998-2004 . CAn you explain why ? If you cant , think on the lines of " Who benefitted most by keeping those support prices static ? may be the middle men , the shopkeepers ..and who do they vote for ?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: This is something veryNew
by kingfisher on Apr 13, 2009 07:29 PM
Please tell me on what basis are the percentages calculated. If the support price has increased by 40% & 20% as you say for wheat & rice over the last 5 years, then you should also be aware that the input cost for the same has also gone up by more than 100% in the same 5 years.
So what reforms are you talking about.

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Re: This is something veryNew
by ankyr on Apr 13, 2009 07:57 PM
well said bro

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Ajit Birdi
Loan sharks
by Ajit Birdi on Apr 13, 2009 04:46 PM  | Hide replies

Why could he not go to a bank rather then the moneylenders knowing that their charges last for ever generations to generations.
Law and order on this activity is as worthless as the paper it is written on.
So it is their fault to start with from getting a loan from a Money lender.
rest is their misfortune as it will be called in India.
Yes blame the government and gods for your own mis givings.

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srinath chinnani
Re: Loan sharks
by srinath chinnani on Apr 13, 2009 07:27 PM

Not everyone can get loan from bank. It is a long drawn process. If you want urgent money, you can only go to the sharks.

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sunil sirohi
RE: Congress at it again !!
by sunil sirohi on Apr 13, 2009 04:44 PM  | Hide replies


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Paul Benjamin
Re: RE: Congress at it again !!
by Paul Benjamin on Apr 13, 2009 06:14 PM
abe o fooool it is the responsibility of state govt....foool foool born chaddie...do u wear a chaddie on ur brain tooo to avoid ideas from comming to you

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Rajesh Kumar
Congress stunt!
by Rajesh Kumar on Apr 13, 2009 04:19 PM

Such stories are floated by congress writers. Now, this Rice at Rs.3/- kg is a damn successful scheme in Chattisgarh and therefore the people of chattisgarh have given a whole hearted support to Raman Singh.

But, Congress has no face in Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh(COngress itself has accepted), Chattisgarh and Karnataka. Moreover other states where BJP is going to win are Uttrakhand, HP, Rajasthan(surveyed). Congress is no where near and will shrink to 50 seats after election.

Congress will shrink to a pole size on which dogs like Laloo, Paswan and Mulayam will come, piss and go.

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looks like MMS wrote this article
by deetee on Apr 13, 2009 03:52 PM

as per SGneeM's instructions.

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Rediff well paid by Cong chamchas ?
by modi on Apr 13, 2009 03:47 PM  | Hide replies

Looks like Rediff writes mythological stories on BJP ruled states showing them in bad light. Why don't u show the same stories of Andhra, Maharastra and Assam ?.

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deep dar
Re: Re: Rediff well paid by Cong chamchas ?
by deep dar on Apr 13, 2009 04:43 PM
r all Iqbals stupid or is it only u???

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shashi sharma
Re: Rediff well paid by Cong chamchas ?
by shashi sharma on Apr 13, 2009 06:20 PM
MOdi ji ,

Farmer suicides are ocuring on almost daily basis in Andhra , Maharshtra ( Vidarbha ) , Assam im not so sure , chatisgarh , MP and orissa but media being city centered and city centric , they rarely venture to visit tribal , far flung areas and that is the reason why these deaths are not widely covered .

NOw question is can we do something about them , the answer to some extent is the loan waiver ( a good scheme ,but BJP criticising it for no reason ) . ANother is provide stable employment ( NREGA ) and third which is in hands of people is not to take loans from vilage baniyas . If we do all the three , probably we can end the farmers deaths .

Unfortunately , our polity is so self centred , that they are not able to support such good gestures as loan waiver , NREGA etc . Hope BJP learns the reality and starts working on improving the plight of people rather than just caling congress names .

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Re: Re: Rediff well paid by Cong chamchas ?
by kingfisher on Apr 13, 2009 06:36 PM
loan waiver was the cumulative effect of the all the ills that has plauged Indian agriculture. Our govts remember farmers only during elections and do almost nothing. There are no mechanisms in place till now to fix a decent support price for the grown commodities. The poor farmers are exposed to the vagaries of the so called market prices and more often than not end up selling the produce much below the actual cost incurred.
Though loan waiver was needed, it did not cover many of the farming community who desperately needed it. Moreover, farmers who have repaid their loans have a right to be aggrieved. Tomorrow, the same farmers may look the other way for repaying loans and expect the govt to waive loans. What happens if it become a habit? All these questions are unfortunately unanswered and unaddressed by all the political parties more so the Congress even after ruling the country for close to 60 years.

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anil aggarwal
pay back time
by anil aggarwal on Apr 13, 2009 03:31 PM

when rediff has been given the ad to feature congress, its there pay back time to join all media who are out to spread baised news...... farmers commiting suicide in maharastra that too in agriculture ministers constituency is not a new but this is

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Sivananthalingam Kasilingam
fallen prey for congis!
by Sivananthalingam Kasilingam on Apr 13, 2009 03:16 PM

as long as the poor not think and fall prey for the congis cruel short term benefits, it will continue!

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Doubts over this article
by Guest on Apr 13, 2009 02:49 PM

Being a CG citizen, I have 99% doubts over the authenticity of this article. "4" deaths per day and this being not reported in local media (press & television) is beyond my imagination.
I think the writer of this article (who is still anonymous) should come out with valid data.

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drunken monk
Farmers are great...
by drunken monk on Apr 13, 2009 02:41 PM

Please Farmers understand. If you are unable to pay the loan. Dont do suicide. These Govt can give imprison you for a year or so. If you tell them that you cant repay the loan.

Noone will kill you for that. Dont commit suicide. we need more guys like you.... You can always face the world, nothing wrong if u cant repay it.

If everyone will die, then All country men of India should die as we all have debts from World bank....

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