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Triage: A winning strategy for the BJP

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Satyanarayana Murthy
BJP needs more society builders than relegious builders
by Satyanarayana Murthy on Apr 09, 2009 12:49 PM  | Hide replies

The article is well presented. But still, the essence is not fully digestible to BJP under the present set up of its cadres. BJP thinks like a truly right-doer leaving the populist measures that need to be presented to the down-trodden and poor people to win their hearts. This is where the congress edges over other parties. Now, people wants what they need and they don't care what you give. BJP not yet learnt to feel their pulse.

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prasanta chatterjee
Re: BJP needs more society builders than relegious builders
by prasanta chatterjee on Apr 09, 2009 01:28 PM
iam yet to see a Muslim leader uttering "Jai Hind" in any elction rally...coz maybe they think it affects or demeans their allah somewhere.however if u see any BJP leader he wud end up saying "Jai Hind" in any interview or political rally.lets prima facie give them the credit of bing more nationalist party than other parties.

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prasanta chatterjee
Re: BJP needs more society builders than relegious builders
by prasanta chatterjee on Apr 09, 2009 01:25 PM
still my friend Murthy all BJP ruled states has more progress amongst al castes,communities and religion.they never do anything special for one community saying they are minority but they do think of progressfor all people irrespective of caste,comunity.u will be surprised to know that most Muslims are in BJP ruled states like Gujrat,Madhya Pradesh etc etc....and they are much better off than congres ruled states.so congress believes in appeasing minorities jut by their word of mouth and BJP believes in wholesome development and progress of the society and people without considering any community,caste or religion.
iam sure if Jan Sangh wud have been active right from the beginning there wudnt have been any formation of "Harijans"..or OBCs.its a creation of congress..so that they can with their lip service get them fooled to vote for them.
i think BJP deserves much better from Media than what they are getting now...it is unfortunate to see Media's rash behaviour towards BJP for reason unknown.
i believe any string Nationalist wud vote for BJP especially after seeing their manifesto in their website.
i hope and pray BJP wins.

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Dheeraj Jain
Recently, Shri Amarnath Shrine Board land allotment was an issue
by Dheeraj Jain on Apr 09, 2009 12:48 PM  | Hide replies

No one talks about a number of Haj houses built throughout India to facilitate the Hajis, were not kashmiris staying in Delhi Haj house ?

And the huge Haj subsidies being given from public exchequer ?? ..

Why are Hindoos and Sikhs denied the same for Mansarovar and Nankana Saheb pilgrimages.

Big hindoo temples are controlled by Government Boards; their earnings are utilised for the benefit of Muzlims as well.

"Reservations in educational institutions" are applicable to all institutes except those run by the "Muzlims and Christians".

India is the only country where majority is suffering from reverse discrimination.

The PM says Muzlims have first right over the treasury and resources of the country. This year's Budget has been communalised.

POTA has been repealed for the benefit of jihadi Muzlims.

The chief conspirator of attack on the Parliament Afzal Guru was sentenced to death..

But the Congress COMMUNALISED even the SUPREME COURT judgment.

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Argumentative Indian
Re: Recently, Shri Amarnath Shrine Board land allotment was an is
by Argumentative Indian on Apr 09, 2009 01:04 PM
Dheeraj Jain,
I understand your extreme frustration.

I'm a member of the majority community, I would like to get admission into IIT or IIM or ISB or AIMS.

Could you please name any institution, run by the minority community, where you would like to get admission?

As a Hindoo, if I want to go for a pilgrimage, I will do it on my own money, in my own style. Subsidies, would be good for my domestic help perhaps.

How has this year's budget been communalized?

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prasanta chatterjee
Re: Re: Recently, Shri Amarnath Shrine Board land allotment was a
by prasanta chatterjee on Apr 09, 2009 01:41 PM
argumentative indian...pls ask ur domestic maid or her mothe or ur driver or the one pan walla whther he can afford going to amarnath??if 51% of the peopl say yes..ur right and if they say no..then please get up and open ur eyes.i dont understand whats the connection between getting admitted in any IIT or getting admittd in any minority run institute.
iam sure ur aware of Aligarh Muslim university where the Dean had been supported by SP to support the Batla accussed in law of court.
all the underworld is run by so called Minorities(i mean Muslims who are 20% of the population and still called a Minorities)..god knows what Parsis who have done so much for our society having migrated for Iran be called.
I feel Muslims are called Minorities and pseudo secularists woo them becoz they control black money in the market,they control underworld...they are the jihadis..and they lov killing people.
Pls wake up my dear Majoriy friend and vote with the ideologies of the party and after seeing the manifestos of the parties.iam pained to see emotions running high whilst voting and hence voting wrongly for a wrong party.

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Manoj Bhaskaran
Re: Recently, Shri Amarnath Shrine Board land allotment was an is
by Manoj Bhaskaran on Apr 09, 2009 01:12 PM
You have a biased opinion there is equal opportunity to every human being and it is not about who gets more privileges or less just get up and open your eyes and see

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John Bosco
Re:Good strategy
by John Bosco on Apr 09, 2009 12:46 PM

The author has come up wih a clear strategy for he BJP.It seems this is right.It is intriguing hat he says do not alienate the core group of supporters by being weak on certain issues or trying to appease he nay sayers.How will you ever convince the barking Barkha?.What puzzles me is whether there is such a core group of BJP ites who will be alienated if the BJP does not take a stand on core issues?I don't think so.Today he situation is hat noone feels very strongly abiout anything excep money.hose wih large kitties will do well.

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Sutapa Acharjee
Sophistry gone awry
by Sutapa Acharjee on Apr 09, 2009 12:43 PM  | Hide replies

Rajeev Srinivasan is at it again. If a non-Indian were to read his article he would conclude that everybody who is not supporting BJP in some form or the other is a non-Hindu and the Islamic take over of India is imminent. The reality fortunately is quite different. For a very long time in post independence India, the only claim to fame of these self proclaimed patriots was the murder of the father of the nation. It was when the Ram Mandir issue was handed to them on a platter by an inept congress chief minister from UP, that they found an issue to hang their coat on. They whipped and flogged the communal horse to go from 2 to 180 MPs in the parliament, leaving in their wake a debris of death and destruction. Even under a charismatic Vajpayee they could not muster a second term and were routed: by the Hindus of this country. Go to MP, UP or Bihar and you will see people suspect BJP (and it's Brahmin apologists) of trying to restore the supremacy of Brahmins. Of course Mayawati has milked this fear to ensure her victory time and again. Every law in this country is made by the majority (Hindus in this case). Ambedkar, the father of Indian constitution embraced Buddhism with a million followers, denouncing Hinduism in the process. Muslims, Christians and others are not responsible for this persecution complex of the sangh parivar. They themselves are to blame for it. If rest of the Hindus shared this fear, BJP would have won by landslide in a country of 85% Hindus.

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Re: Sophistry gone awry
by RG on Apr 09, 2009 12:50 PM
..all this 3rd or 4th front will eat into each other's share giving bjp clear edge...they all r fighting for mon0rty votes and will see the result..their acts everyday is adding to bjp's tally...

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john thomas
Re: Sophistry gone awry
by john thomas on Apr 09, 2009 01:33 PM
The Muslim takeover of your home state, Bengali fellow, is imminent. There are 48 lakh new 'voters' mostly in the districts around Bangladesh. Soon you will have Sharia in Calcutta. Then you will migrate to Bihar, just like your ancestors ran away from Bangladesh.

Don't be ridiculous about BJP being routed. Congress got only a handful more seats than the BJP in 2004. 141 to 134 or something like that. It was not a pro-Congress vote, just an anti-incumbent vote. That will happen this time also. It is likely that the seats will be reversed this time: BJP 150 and Congress 120. But the magic 272 will depend on who wins in some states like Tamil Nadu (not DMK) and Andhra (not Congress) and who they ally with. UP and Bihar are lost to both the BJP and Congress, splinter parties will win there just like in TN and Andhra. Congress was lucky last time, BJP may well be lucky this time. Almost all the votes for the 3rd Front will come from the Congress's hide.

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prasanta chatterjee
Re: Sophistry gone awry
by prasanta chatterjee on Apr 09, 2009 01:48 PM
wrelcome to the discussion comrade Sutapa!!no wonder u have s...c..r wed up Hindus and blamed them squarely for everything wrong in this whole world.iam sure u have Muslim boyfriend.did u know that 1 lakh Hindu pandits were killed in kashmir,there were so many rios in Pusad,Bhiwandi etc etc during 70s and early 80s killing scores of Hindus.
we arent still complaining...the difference is we are like Varun gandhi who just say and get NSAs against them and the Muslims kill and stil dont get NSAs against them...so pls wake up we are talking of nationalisation..and not communty warfare here!!

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Prashant Mardolkar
Winning strategy
by Prashant Mardolkar on Apr 09, 2009 12:40 PM  | Hide replies

Dear Mr Sriniwasan,

India was a great country for past 5000 yrs, It lead the civilisations, and was the mother of many a civilisations, but somewhere down the line, it missed the track, from 1000 AD to 1857 AD. It was wondering in darkness, The only reason for that, was It was divided, along different countries, It was not a single country,
Too many invaders took advantage of this peculier situations in that period. Under British Rule, we got back that central authority, but like all invaders, british also were guilty of keeping it subdivided in princely states. They were banking on past experience.
But Congress under Bapuji changed that, the whole india was made one, people forgot all their differences and became one unit and the last invader was thrown out.
Congress could do it because it than and is still capable today, because of this ability to take along all sections, all regions, all religions with them.
On the scale of corruption, strength of charecter or any other criteria, we will find all the parties including congress and BJP, more or less scores same marks,
But in taking people from all strata , all regions, all religions, there is no match for CONGRESS, and it scores 100 out of 100.
In these trying times, Congress alone can take all people together and give a united fight to all the forces attacking it.



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bigben bigben
Re: Winning strategy
by bigben bigben on Apr 09, 2009 01:00 PM
You are a farging cork-sucker.

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subramanian v
Re: Winning strategy
by subramanian v on Apr 09, 2009 12:47 PM
The Congress of (Mahatma) Gandhi's legacy committed suicide long back. Please do not try to resurrect it.

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Re: Re: Winning strategy
by Secularismsucks on Apr 09, 2009 12:53 PM
Subramanian v.
Correct, these people have the temerity to compare this Congress with the CHARKHA sign bearing Congress which was destroyed by Indira Gandhi in 1967 who created Congress I, The Gandhians were treated horribly by the new party.
People should know, that Lal Bahadur Shastri was the last PM of the Grand Old party called INC.
-Gandhi himself wanted the INC to be disbanded.
-Nehru insisted on cashing in on the glory of the INC.
-This was an extremely bad policy as it tantamount ed to a one party rule.
Rest we all know.
Anybody claiming that this Congress is the grand old party must be be whipped for insulting those visionaries.

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Re: Re: Re: Winning strategy
by Secularismsucks on Apr 09, 2009 12:54 PM
Subramanian v.
Correct, these people have the temerity to compare this Congress with the CHARKHA sign bearing Congress which was destroyed by Indira Gandhi in 1967 who created Congress I, The Gandhians were treated horribly by the new party.
People should know, that Lal Bahadur Shastri was the last PM of the Grand Old party called INC.
-Gandhi himself wanted the INC to be disbanded on achieving independence
-Nehru insisted on cashing in on the glory of the INC.
-This was an extremely bad policy as it tantamount ed to a one party rule.
Rest we all know.
Anybody claiming that this Congress is the grand old party must be be whipped for insulting those visionaries.

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Re: Winning strategy
by RG on Apr 09, 2009 12:53 PM
..r y aware the cickback claimed by Nehr0 from brtshrs for the betrayal...continuing todate...an estimate shows the welth of the family arnd 227867 crores....spking about that gr8 mahatma...this family has capitalised each penny of his worth...they r still encashing his name but nevr bothered to claim his belngings in auction....it would b peanuts for them..

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Prashant Mardolkar
Re: Re: Winning strategy
by Prashant Mardolkar on Apr 09, 2009 01:03 PM
When it comes to that all are same! but need of the hour is united strong center, which congress alone can give. it has presence in all regions, all religions, and all types of people still trust it

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mcqueen mendonca
Re: Winning strategy
by mcqueen mendonca on Apr 09, 2009 12:48 PM
couldnt agree with you more. well written

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anand kumar
Re: Winning strategy
by anand kumar on Apr 09, 2009 01:05 PM
That is what this article say.

Ignore people like you who eat the congress shit

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bishal kay
Re: Re: Winning strategy
by bishal kay on Apr 09, 2009 01:31 PM
Why BJP supporters always using abusive language? It is their upbringing to blame. One of them is already cooling his heels in etah jail, while his mother cries "have mercy on animals".

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Re: Winning strategy
by VINOD TYAGI on Apr 09, 2009 02:02 PM
India was a big country when it was ruled by British kingdom.
It was Congress who accepted it's division in it's desperation to be in power. The basic purpose of the prtition also got defeated due to gread of power of Congress. Because congress had a lesson from British rules and that was divide and rule.
Thousands of freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for freedom but congress got the cream. For how many centuries it wants to encash it.
It is misrule of congress that we are way behind from other english colonies freed by them at arpund the same time. Shame on congress and shame on those who could not see this

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Only Marathi P.M
by Imran on Apr 09, 2009 12:37 PM  | Hide replies

Only Marathi Manush can able to give Ramrajay in India Forget BJP or BEKAR PANJA (Congress)

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ravindra gokhale
Re: Re: Only Marathi P.M
by ravindra gokhale on Apr 09, 2009 12:54 PM
At least Marathi people fought to get defeated. Not like all singhs who put tail under or gave their ladies to english and mughals and saved their forts.

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prashant singh
Re: Re: Re: Only Marathi P.M
by prashant singh on Apr 09, 2009 02:00 PM
May be It's past but presently what marathis are doing raped by gangsters Like Dawood Or Balasaehb and Rah Thackry . These Marathis are blackspot on the Name of Great India

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New York
Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by New York on Apr 09, 2009 12:36 PM  | Hide replies

* What did Advani accomplish for India? (demolish BABRI MASJID?)
* MMS personal contribution to India is inking NUCLEAR DEAL with Nuclear Suppliers Group.

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Silent Storm
Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by Silent Storm on Apr 09, 2009 01:10 PM
The Nation needs to wake-up & understand the SI*K games played by CONGreSS.

Remember the day when this Government had to prove its majority ....... the government was OVER & done with n we all know that. People like Lalus & Mulayams & Amar Singhs were grabbing the Hands & Legs of Democracy & the very person whom the democracy BELIEVED would respect HER & HELP Her - " (Manmohan Singh) the so called HONEST face of COngress & an Honest Politician" got down to his knees Raped our Democracy & STABBED her in the CHEST right in front of the WORLD & we could do nothing about it.

People in the nation dont even want to understand the difference between the Real Gandhi Family & the FAKE ones. It doesnt make a difference to the people if GANDHI wanted to leave CONGRESS after Independence & that he was not happy with cngress using his name.

Bas FREE ka Maal aur Free ka Reservation miltey rehana chaahiye.........

I WISH BJP comes to POWER.

Jai Hind.

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Dheeraj Jain
Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by Dheeraj Jain on Apr 09, 2009 12:40 PM






Manmohan seen holding the pallu of Sonia & asking her for some food..

that's another thing in addition to asking "May I go to toilet, Madam"




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mcqueen mendonca
Re: Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by mcqueen mendonca on Apr 09, 2009 12:50 PM
whose puppet are you mr. dheeraj jain?

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shailesh dessai
Re: Re: Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by shailesh dessai on Apr 09, 2009 12:58 PM
y ru licking at feets of italian pros

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Sutapa Acharjee
Re: Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by Sutapa Acharjee on Apr 09, 2009 12:55 PM
Saddam Hussein asked for a debate with Bush; Ahmedenijad asked for a debate with Obama; You don't respond to every summon for a debate. Specially if you are ahead. It is strategically inadvisable. SO from that perspective Congress did the right thing. It appears to me that the Sangh Parivar gives too much credit to Sonia. She is not Chanakya. If a foreign woman has managed to outwit and outfox the best of the sangh parivar, including its stalwarts like Atal, Advani and Modi, then the Bajrangis deserve to lose. If she has managed to out-flank BJP every step of the way the only thing left for BJP is to whine. She is not God. It is you guys who have made her into this all powerful Goddess. It is the message of the BJP that is flawed. If a vast chunk of the electorate is skeptical of your message then your message needs fine tuning. Don't go shouting from roof tops that Sonia has kicked the butt of the best of BJP stalwarts. Try to outwit and outflank her with strategy. Everything she has done is within law and per rules. BJP should raise the level of it's game or be prepared to be outfoxed again by Congress.

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bigben bigben
Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by bigben bigben on Apr 09, 2009 01:04 PM
MMS personal contribution is to lose sleep when an indian terrorist was arrested in Australia. He slept soundly when terrorists killed over 500 people in less than a year in 2008. The coward has never won a lok sabha election in his life. That is MMS contribution.

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subramanian v
Re: Advani has FAILED to answer MMS's simple question.
by subramanian v on Apr 09, 2009 12:48 PM
We can now ear uranium for food.

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Next 5 years
by Madhu on Apr 09, 2009 12:35 PM  | Hide replies

Next 5 years will be crucial for India. Reasons-

1. Taliban will occupy Pak shortly. India will be in great danger. We need a strong leadership to act then.
2. Economy will be hit more deeply in the coming days. Only a stable govt can do something.
3. Obama administration will be a strong one. India needs a good foreign policy maker to adjust to this. Else, the story of "Pak is our ally in fighting terror" will continue.
4. India is surrounded by enemies like Maoists in Nepal, China, Pak, Bangla etc. Indian govt must act boldly.

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Sutapa Acharjee
Re: Next 5 years
by Sutapa Acharjee on Apr 09, 2009 01:08 PM
Interestingly, Pakistan has always argued that there is a reason why none of India's neighbors get along with it. NOt even a Hindu Majority Nepal. Their reason for this is that India is not a good neighbor to begin with and is a bully. China has good relations with all of India's neighbors. Thought, it worth mentioning..

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Nagarajan Rajgopalan
Re: Next 5 years
by Nagarajan Rajgopalan on Apr 09, 2009 12:56 PM
your absoultly correct.........but no one good leader......we can elect obama

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Amit Sharda
Re: Next 5 years
by Amit Sharda on Apr 09, 2009 12:52 PM
either will be Govt.,
PM will be a OLDER MAN.
How he can be act Boldly

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jimmy joseph
A winning strategy for BJP .
by jimmy joseph on Apr 09, 2009 12:34 PM  | Hide replies

Repeat the old 'Tactics' ,let advani sit in a ratha tomorrow itself in front of parliament ,let all the chaddis of Sangha parivar start collecting a 'brick' from each house, once election is over,SC will deal, so that easy escape and justification can given to the 'Exploited using emotion'

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by Rajendra on Apr 09, 2009 12:33 PM


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