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Why did Team India fail?

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by Drax on May 13, 2010 03:01 PM

Does it take too much intelligence to see that IPL is ruining Indian cricket?
No coincidence that both T20 WC's immediately after the IPL's have been a disaster and INdia won the one prior to which no IPL was there.

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rathore ronnie
Only Cowards Huddle To Find A Scapegoat
by rathore ronnie on May 13, 2010 02:58 PM  | Hide replies

Skies have'nt fallen if we are out of T20 WC. How many of us are elated on the achievement of Vishy Anand or the women's cricket team? They have done us proud.
BCCI must understand that what it fields in the international arena is India's national team - donning Indian colours. It should not be reckless with its selection, training, employment (on and off the field) and behaviour.
When cash registers were ringing no body had problems. Players were slogging from one match to another. Their owners were flogging them mercilessly for gatemoney, ad money, tele rights and (some say even match-fixing money). No body said a word then; knowing fully well that T20WC was round the corner. If players made some money or rubbed shoulder with clebs why complain. After all large part of the big money went to BCCI, team owners and others. Why blame players - BLAME THEIR SLAYERS.
MSD was also part of this tamasha. He should have raised his voice then.
If you notice - there are many international players who played in the IPL but did not come to T20WC due to their fitness or other problems like our Sehwag. But many in Indian squad went ahead while nursing an injury or two.
Look at the calender of IPL and T20WC - former lasted for 60 days whereas the latter will be wrapped up in less than 4 weeks
As a nation we have to decide, whether we want cricket as game or as a commodity. If answer is latter then do not crib; let the corporate world run Indian cricket in a manner which it deems fi

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Sudhir kumar
Re: Re: Only Cowards Huddle To Find A Scapegoat
by Sudhir kumar on May 13, 2010 03:06 PM
We are not talking about Pakistan

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samson anbu
by samson anbu on May 13, 2010 02:58 PM

It is a clear indication that we don't have potential above 150 kph either in the bowling or in the batting.Indian batsmen are capable of palying only upto 140 KPH deliveries not more than that .Also Indian bowlers are capable of bowling 135 KPH not more than that.Thats whythey have failed against australia and westindies and successful against other teams.

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sai krishna
lack of coordination
by sai krishna on May 13, 2010 02:55 PM  | Hide replies

) It appears there is no co-ordination between Dhoni and rest of the team and there might be different groups within the team.
2) Too much dependence of Jadeja, Zaheer Khan, Ashish Nehra, Vinay kumar became sitting duck for five matches.
3) Last two World cup matches after IPL and schedule is not planned properly keeping in mind the World Cup, IPL matches should have been completed at least 15 to 20 days before the world cup.
4) Biggest of the all the problems is Money, If a player is selected to represent an IPL team whether he is in playing 11 or not he gets 24 lakhs per year. And the 15 players who choosen to play will have 24 lakhs Match fee Rs.5 lakhs per match. It is good idea for upcoming players who need money to horn their skills but in case of established players it is a bonus.
5) If Dhoni gets 75 crores in an year through advertisement why should he bother to play cricket. The advertisement by players should be banned, they are not allowed to earn money other than cricket.
6) The amount of money cricters are getting if only half of the money will be pumped to any other sport like Hockey, Foot Ball or Tennis, Badminton, Athelitics, Boxing, Wrestling we could have won lot of gold medals in any of these sports.

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millita haldar
Re: lack of coordination
by millita haldar on May 13, 2010 03:06 PM
I fully agree with all of your suggestion and I too would like to stress that the players should be asked to earn from their play. And I would ask all who agree with me to add on to the reply and tell BCCI we are against the players doing all sorts of nonsense advertisement (see advertisement Royal Stag Heroes Super heroes...Huh flop heroes )

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Mohit Sinha
by Mohit Sinha on May 13, 2010 02:52 PM  | Hide replies

1) IPL performances, ovehyped by the media breed a false sense of complacency. IPL is at the end of the day a club level tournament, where you just see-off guys like Steyn, Nannis etc and milk and smash rookies. pitches in IPL are prepared to neutralize pace, bounce and the kick of the wicket.

2)Dhoni has taken lots of credit and got lots of hype for victories which were got basically by the likes of Yuvraj (2007 T20WC), Tendulkar (50-50 series in Audtralia where he fired massiveley in the last three games), Sehwag, Gambhir etc... EOD these guys are feeling cheated and let-down by Dhoni's hogging the lime-light, endorsements and cash when there is success and blaming players in defeat... So these days they are not giving in their 100% behind Dhoni.

3)Dhoni/srikanth are biased towards his CSK team-mates take the case of Sehwag opting out, Utthappa shd have been sent instead of Murali. Ishant should have been considered despite his poor IPL form coz he is the only bowler who hits the deck hard and has the required height for steep bounce,... He could have exploited Barbados... recall that he had a guy like Ricky Hopping like a chicken in Australia Test series. And lastly Raina is given preference over Rohit Sharma who has much more compact technique (against swing & seam) and add to that the ability to play the short ball... compare His blazing 84 against the 150 KMPH Aussies..with Raina's slow 32 agst WI pace (not as good as the Aussie battery) while Rohit was

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Parthasarathi DasGupta
by Parthasarathi DasGupta on May 13, 2010 03:00 PM
Do you know that Dhoni's earning is around 100 Cores/annum. Though 90 % of his earnings are from advertisement then also he is not paying taxes like lesser mortals. he is paying only professional tax. That is only 10 % of the income. Why cricketers should not pay tax like all of us.

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harikumar nair
by harikumar nair on May 13, 2010 02:52 PM

Ship, Plane, Train, Vehicles ,these all are have one Team leader(Captain- Driver). He is the responsible to reach safely that is called win.

Dhoni should explain for the team failure.

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r s
by r s on May 13, 2010 02:51 PM

If IPL was reason behind debacle,why Jadeja failed?

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What are waiting for guys??? An all-rounder from Tamil-Nadu????
by Cricketexp on May 13, 2010 02:51 PM  | Hide replies

Mystery of selection??

India is looking for a genuine medium pace all-rounder like Mathews (SL) / Watson (AS)/ Kallis (SA) / Oram (NZ)
We have A. Nair selected for previous couple of serious and not luck enough to be in part of playing 11. Irfan on the other side played exceptionally well than any one in the current team on last two domestic session and IPL but totally ignored.
Hats off performance last two years by selection team and Dhoni

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Sound Music
Re: What are waiting for guys??? An all-rounder from Tamil-Nadu??
by Sound Music on May 13, 2010 03:08 PM
Abhilash Nair, Irfan Pathan and Robin Uthappa couldnt make it to the team or the final 11, which put India in a mess. All credit goes to Mr.Kris Srikanth.

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who is bikash mohapatra
by Jasmine on May 13, 2010 02:50 PM

can u plz tell me who is bikash mohapatra..

n why his comments need to be given so much impotrance....like ex cricket players

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balakrishna venugopal
just for joy tour
by balakrishna venugopal on May 13, 2010 02:49 PM

It is very clear that indian cricket team went
west indies to just enjoy, it is very clear watching all the matches no one intersted
play to win the match, all because of earning huge money and all the times enjoying,after watching all the matches T20 world cup series, apart from 2 to 3 players are only interested to play others or not at all wants to play in world cup, why BCCI wants to send this kind of team, first lets BCCI teach this primary lessons to all the players they are playing india

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