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'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'

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by SANJEEV on Sep 27, 2007 03:18 PM  | Hide replies

Why is the media so crazy about the win??? Even the team members doesnt expected this much ! whats so great about it. offcourse everyone accepts that it was a good team effort and we were able to come victorious. Team has to get credit but so much of hungama so much of prize money that too not based on the talent or contribution of the players but purely based on region he is from??? What would the media do if we lose next match. R V SO FANATIC?????

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suraj r
by suraj r on Sep 27, 2007 03:28 PM
Next match is jus a BILATERAL series...this is a WORLD CUP....comes once in 4 years..This celebration is very well justified...

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Mustafa Ahmed
by Mustafa Ahmed on Sep 27, 2007 03:17 PM

At the first place the celebration should not have taken place in Mumbai itself.

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Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Mohammed on Sep 27, 2007 03:17 PM  | Hide replies

while announcing this mcuh money to cricket player, why nobody giving for Hockey player who won asia cup.this people doing hard work than cricket player.......

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RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Bju on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM
Infact india is not a sporting nation like australia, usa or for that matter any developed country where people really follow sports seriously. Here it is more recreational than serious business. Cricket is getting more mileage due the back up it gets from corporates. The games format is much suitable for them to air more promos than in any other sport. So cricket will enjoy this treatment for further time till we become a developed nation in all sense.

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RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by YHWH on Sep 27, 2007 03:27 PM
how many runs did they score?

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Sharath  Mohan
RE:Where is prices for Hockey players...,
by Sharath Mohan on Sep 27, 2007 03:28 PM
Let them win world cup; they will also get huge money I am sure; India have won asia cup in cricket and will do so in the future also; But they will never get such reception for that.Compare the performance of Indian cricket and hockey teams in world cups since 1980 and judge for urself.

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The Poorer Chak De India
by Murli on Sep 27, 2007 03:12 PM  | Hide replies

While this all hoopla is going on with this win, everybody accolading Jharkhand boy Dhoni for his captaincy..I just wondered that in the Movie Chak De, the movie maker could not stop himself refraining from the bias of his attitude towards small towns, specially where in Chak De India movie the film director has potrayed Jharkhand in a negative form, just making mockery like any common person which makes fun of people from small places like Jharkhand Bihar Orissa MP etc.

Now Dhoni has given him a befitting reply through his performance for the country as well as his thousand volt speech at Wankhede telling the world that how a small town boy is born to be superior than a metro. I hope the director of Chak De India must have felt his mistake and improves his character against regional bias onwards! Must understand India is one and every region is equal for it, equally important be it bihar Jharkhand or rajasthan of South India, and the real India still stays in these small towns and villages who are humiliated and left out in the present day of modernization and development, which occur only in selceted 8-10 cities of this country! Faster we realize to fill this gap, better woudl be for India. India needs to b united.

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Ramesh  Krishnamoorthy
RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Ramesh Krishnamoorthy on Sep 27, 2007 03:19 PM
Good one dude. Hats off to you! You have told what all Indians ought to have deep in their mind. This country is One and we all Indians are One. No North, South categorization required. We love Kashmiris, Maharashtrians as we love the Keralites and Kannadigas and elsewhere, through India. Good one.

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RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by SANJEEV on Sep 27, 2007 03:25 PM
Good one dude..

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himanshu  nayak
RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by himanshu nayak on Sep 27, 2007 03:31 PM
i seriously don't understand the point u guys are making here. dude if someone tries to portray the real picture u think it is the bais of the director. i have played antional many time over and know for sure the discrimination on the basis of the state. even at the state level the distinction is based on the district u r from. the point the director tried to make (i hope u remember the movie) about the north-eastern girls being treated like guest in their own country sends out a message loud n clear. above all don't forget one thing the selection committee is still composed of regional selectors

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Reza Arif
RE:RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Reza Arif on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM
I agree with ur point and hv tried to potray the same in my message below ...

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Sylvester Marshall
RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Sylvester Marshall on Sep 27, 2007 03:30 PM
Wish there could be many more like minded country-men like you. Great Stuff man.

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santanu  das
RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by santanu das on Sep 27, 2007 03:30 PM
why not add assam, manipur and all the other ne states in ur statement.....we r always a neglected lot.

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RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Murli on Sep 27, 2007 03:57 PM
All included. But i think the fare skins of NE people wins them a bit affection comapred to Jharkhand people, but if you collect carefully the data, the tribals of Jharkhand are gem. In fact entire eastern India with NE has been always neglected by Indian government. But that does not mean that you lessen your respect towards India. Unite and fight for your cause but never go hateful for others. it's formula to win in whcih every Indian will support you.

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Reza Arif
RE:The Poorer Chak De India
by Reza Arif on Sep 27, 2007 03:42 PM
I agree with most of ur viewpoints ..

but one fundamental thing .. I dont agree ..

The movie "Chak De" is inspired by real incidents ... The movie should have shown reality .. and I feel it has to a large extent ..

If the reality is hurting you .. that Jharkand and other smaller states are not being given its due .. then you should be angry with the politicians and people in general .. The Director 'Shimit Amin' should not be blamed for this.

To further detail on this .. I hv faced a similar situation during one of my visits abroad few years back.. In California, I was asked how is India like .. is it just jungles .. are there things like refrigerators etc. there?

I dont blame them ... it is their ignorance .. There are millions of tourists coming from all over the world here everyday .. knowing more about our culture etc..

Coming back to the topic ..blaming Shimit Amin for potraying what he did would not be appropriate.

Also, Real India does not just stay in small towns and villages .. Cities and Metros are as much part of the Real India as the towns and villages! Lets not divide India into pieces every time .. Look at it as ONE INDIA ..



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srinivasa rajagopal
Keep the tempo against Australia
by srinivasa rajagopal on Sep 27, 2007 03:11 PM

While Sabyasachi wished goodluck to Mr.Doni and Party to play against Australia, he should not have used the word that Austrialia is ready to tear Mr. Doni's team apart. It sounds like cursing on behalf of Australians though Sabyasachi may not mean so! Better we encourage such already successful team with good words !

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With all the adulation, pls don't make prima donnas out of these guys!!
by Bhasmasur on Sep 27, 2007 03:11 PM  | Hide replies

I mean, we are now playing the 50 overs World champions in a 7 match ODI series!!
Just think for a moment; what is more important??
Felicitation ceremonies, crap politicians and offcials speeches OR preparing in right earnest for the ODI series??

Cmon, we are not playing against England or Sri Lanka at home!! My gosh, it is the 3 time defending world champions who will be ruthless and clinical...
Can we now come down to earth and let the cricketers concentrate on the ODI series??
If we play to our fullest potential, we might run the Aussies close!!
Nething less than that and the Aussies will be all over us!!
When will the administrators and the politicians realize this simple fact?? JUST LEAVE THE PLAYERS ALONE!!!!

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morpheus thyrux
RE:With all the adulation, pls don't make prima donnas out of these guys!!
by morpheus thyrux on Sep 27, 2007 03:25 PM
bcos u r bhasmasur, u lauda!

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RE:With all the adulation, pls don't make prima donnas out of these guys!!
by Bhasmasur on Sep 27, 2007 03:26 PM
Why do you have to sign with "la*uda"?? i know you don't have one!!

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RE:With all the adulation, pls don't make prima donnas out of these guys!!
by Author on Sep 27, 2007 03:22 PM
correct!!! Remener 1983 WC. we won the WC and then WI can for India tour and we lost all the matches. Complete white wash. Hope histroy doesnot repeat this time.

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avinash kanodia
by avinash kanodia on Sep 27, 2007 03:10 PM  | Hide replies

We have won because of Agarkar.
Every bowler was scared that he doesnt bowl well, Agarkar will come in, so everybody bowled well.
Agarkar deserves special prize for that.
He should be kept in all selected 15 or 16 in future.

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by ISHWAR CHANDRA on Sep 27, 2007 03:44 PM
ha ha. good joke avinash bhai. dear bowlers bowl well, or else agarkar will regain entry to the team and you will lose the chance of earning 80 lakhs each in days to come maybe the coming australian series. some among you may even be made ministers if we win the series because to be a minister you dont really need any qualification and then you dont need to use your brain.

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Abhishek Shukla
by Abhishek Shukla on Sep 27, 2007 03:18 PM
yes due to Agarkar's ghatiya bowling, opposition became overconfident and relaxed..which resulted in their loss.

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Subhajit Ghosh
by Subhajit Ghosh on Sep 27, 2007 04:28 PM
Immedeatly Cut off Agarkar form the Indian Cricket Team. And search for a new talent young cricketer. because we have lots of lanent. please serch them..............

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buggsy buggsy
by buggsy buggsy on Sep 27, 2007 03:18 PM
It was a mistake of Misbah because of which our team india is celebrating.Misbah had thrashed the indian bowling in the last 3 overs and our team was not able to stop him in the crucial phase , i would say the win was just a miracle.lets see what would happen when india plays australia this weekend, then the true heros would come out.

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Subhajit Ghosh
by Subhajit Ghosh on Sep 27, 2007 04:27 PM
Immedeatly Cut off Agarkar form the Indian Cricket Team. And search for a new talent young cricketer. because we have lots of lanent. please serch them..............

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vikas k gupta
by vikas k gupta on Sep 27, 2007 03:19 PM
ha ha ha ... good one man ! Also i guess that the other bowlers thought that if they give way to Agarkar, India will be out of the champinship.. so they can forget any more chances of playing..

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ravi kiran
by ravi kiran on Sep 27, 2007 03:15 PM
avinash, u are due for ur second counselling b4 the AUS series. Please feel free to contact ur psychiatrist

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avinash kanodia
by avinash kanodia on Sep 27, 2007 03:20 PM
You fool cant you see the sarcasm.

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by on Sep 27, 2007 04:04 PM
agarkar has done lot for india.
he is fastest 50 wicket taker in odi in world.
he is second highest wicket taktr after sirnath in odi for india.
294 wickets in 177 match with avg of 26.32 is best achivement for indian bower.even sirnath & kapil avg in odi is 28.32 & 31.2 respectly.
he is the best filders in out field with strong arm among all other bowlers.
he has score 1463 runs . only indian to take 250 wickets & score over 1000 runes.
he produce 31 run outs in whole carrier 7th best for india.
fastest 50 runs in 21 balls scored by him only.
12 time 5 wickets whole in odi best record by an indian.
so dont comment any thing on one series failure .first support him in bad time then comment on him.
beside all this he is a team
man. hour hero uv bhaji & sourav are good players but never good team mat.only reason dhoni as caption not uv.

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by on Sep 27, 2007 04:12 PM
sir very good one.

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by manish.kapur@yahoo.co.in on Sep 27, 2007 03:22 PM
Superb observation avinash. wish I had noticed that.
"Bowlero achi bowling karo nahi tho agarkar fir team mein aa jayega"

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avinash kanodia
by avinash kanodia on Sep 27, 2007 03:10 PM  | Hide replies

We have won because of Agarkar.
Every bowler was scared that he doesnt bowl well, Agarkar will come in, so everybody bowled well.
Agarkar deserves special prize for that.
He should be kept in all selected 15 or 16 in future.

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manish  arora
by manish arora on Sep 27, 2007 03:12 PM
u r a complete idiot

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mohit kumar
by mohit kumar on Sep 27, 2007 03:16 PM
We should give a prize worth million dollars to agarkar, becoz he didn't bowl..... Thank god he didn't bowl

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rekha gowda
by rekha gowda on Sep 27, 2007 03:14 PM
very true!!!
even i was scared that Agarkar would be selected to play finals

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sman luv
by sman luv on Sep 27, 2007 03:13 PM
it is rightly said

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sman luv
by sman luv on Sep 27, 2007 03:13 PM
it is rightly said

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avinash agrawal
give prizees from your pocket
by avinash agrawal on Sep 27, 2007 03:07 PM  | Hide replies

I would like to say our politicians that if you liked the play so much then announce prizes from your pockets. Who have given you the rights to spend peoples money in this way. No doubts that Players had done very good in 20-20. But it is their job and for that they are highly paid by BCCI, and moreover they received prize money from the organizer of WC20-20. They will also get no of advertisement due to this. So this are just their job. I dont think that governments should spend on this players because they have lots of area were this money can be utilised in a better way. See at farmers, poor students, power problem in villages there are no of them. You just donnt need to involve in such popular games to get attention of people. stopppp annoncing prizes from peoples money.

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RE:give prizees from your pocket
by SANDIP MUKHERJEE on Sep 27, 2007 03:23 PM
Rightly said avinash. The tax payers pays his tax for development of the nation and not for oiling the oiled heads.

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RE:RE:give prizees from your pocket
by on Sep 27, 2007 04:10 PM
avinash u have comment on every thing let me tell u .u r good for nothing.
celebrate victory stoop polling legs.

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anup thakur
Rajeev Shukla
by anup thakur on Sep 27, 2007 03:06 PM

I don't understand why media gives so much attention to morons like Rajeev Shukla and Sharad Pawar. They are people who more than anything else, want to hog the limelight. Needless to say neither of the two have ever played cricket. They are just trying to cash on the success.

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