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Hayden smashes Aussie ODI record

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karthik gokare
End of Aussie Dominance
by karthik gokare on Feb 20, 2007 04:37 PM

The era before the 1984 worldcup was dominated by WestIndies.They great players like richards,
desmond haynes,micheal holding to name a few...
they had best opening batsmen,solid middle order,and a superb bowling attack .the best i would say.they had won the wolrd cup twice in consecutive manner just prior to 1984. but no one ever predicted india would win the world cup.once india defeated westindies their dominance in cricket ended.till now they are not able to reclaim their glory.Aussies are in the same position as westindies.It just takes one team to beat them.If they exit from this worldcup ,thats the end for them.

Every team now knows the weakness of asutralia.

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dileep v
by dileep v on Feb 20, 2007 04:31 PM  | Hide replies

anybody checked the extras. Actually the scroes from the bat is more for australians. but they have conceded a lot of extra runs. Look! Kiwis give only 5 extra runs including byes and legbyes.!!! Isn't it amazing?!!!!

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Satyanarayana  Maddi
by Satyanarayana Maddi on Feb 20, 2007 05:00 PM
More exras means the Australians have poor fielding/bowling. there also Ausis were defeated.

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Chandrashekhar Vairale
unbelieveable !!
by Chandrashekhar Vairale on Feb 20, 2007 04:30 PM

when I saw NewZealand lose their 7th wicket I thought it was all over and then I switched off the TV set.....but only in Cricket you see the possibilities !!!! We all should learn from this win!ANYTHING is possible~~~

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you me
Some Record
by you me on Feb 20, 2007 04:30 PM

Great work and team play by the KIWIS. I think it may be a record when 300 mark is crossed twice by both the teams in same series, and also a team losing two successive matches after scroring 300 plus runs in each.

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Sanjay Sangar
complete series whitewash over Australia
by Sanjay Sangar on Feb 20, 2007 04:27 PM

complete series whitewash over Australia by Arial, Ujala, Wheel, Tide etc

sanjay sangar Amravati

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Closet Vampire
Sad demise of the Australian team
by Closet Vampire on Feb 20, 2007 04:27 PM  | Hide replies

Its very sad to see the Australian team perform without their stars. Imagine what this team will be in an year's time when most of the stars in the team have retired. The looks like a sudden demise for a team which has ruled world cricket for more than 10 yrs now. The suddenness of the demise is shocking. It means there are no talents being developed in Australia to take it to further heights in international cricket.
If you remember the great West Indian team, their demise wasnt so sudden. Even after the batting greats (Lloyd, Richards, Greenidge, Haynes) were gone there still were Richardson, Lara, Chanderpaul, Hooper coming in. Even after the bowling greats (Marshall, Roberts, Garner, Holder) were gone there still were Walsh, Ambrose, Bishop coming in.

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you me
RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by you me on Feb 20, 2007 04:36 PM
The defeat of Australia is not because of poor performance rather by the better performance of the Newzealanders. This Australian team still has many great names. Moreover, they scored 346 runs. Hats off to the determination of the Kiwis. Hopefully INDIAN GREATS will learn lesson from them.

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Bhavik Shankar
RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by Bhavik Shankar on Feb 20, 2007 05:05 PM
Hi Guys,
Im an Aussie Indian...u cant just say thats it...Australia have plenty of talent comming through...haddin, white,hodge, voges, tait, just to name a few...once gilchrist, clarke, lee, symonds and ponting (the best batsmen in the world) are back it will be same as usual total domination by us....but total credit to nz and eng to have taken advantage of our injuries to key players.

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Sandeep M
RE:RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by Sandeep M on Feb 21, 2007 12:32 AM
NZ would have smothered you even if Ponting, Gilchrist and Symonds had been there, you unsporting third rate loser!!

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yogi ji
RE:RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by yogi ji on Feb 20, 2007 05:27 PM
u quote - " gilchrist, clarke, lee, symonds and ponting (the best batsmen in the world) " Well my dear they are good batsman but not best in the world? U forgot Tendliya(being a half indian..shame),Lara.....!!!One thing is for sure they won't dominate now?They are down n demoralized.Really happy to see Aussies on the mat.They might be the good team but they don't have manners .Remember how did they behaved vith BCCI president during ICC champions trophy presentation.They are famous for sledging.No respect for others.Big shame on Aussies .They deserve to loose ,they think that they a unconquerable ,but mind u Mr.Even WI were on the song during 1970's n then there downfall started.The same will happen vith Aus also.Really haapy to see kiwis rout Aus!!

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Bhavik Shankar
RE:RE:RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by Bhavik Shankar on Feb 20, 2007 06:45 PM
tendulkar is very good, lara is better, but ponting is the best...(check your current stats in www.cricinfo.com)

have u guys ever heard of "white line fever"?...its what the Aussies get once they cross the boundary line onto the field.

Do u really think Australia is demoralised? I dont think so...the characteristic for any Aussie who has grown up here is in your face toughness. We work hard, play hard and play to win. When the chips are down we bounce back even harder and much stronger unlike other teams (e.g. India).

And yes we do pass a few comments on the field...but nothing beyond the rules...if any player cant handle mere words they are too soft and should go back home to their mum.

n yeah, about the BCCI president incident...we acknowledged that and had the guts to apologise...unlike other teams which always dispute things.

And one more thing we always give credit when its due...hence full credit to nz and eng to take advantage of our injures. But be warned these defeats have only been positive for us, they have made us even hungrier than before....

Do you really think that last defeat was a 'rout'?

Ask yourself at full strength who is the best at batting, bowling and fielding side?...right...its Australia!

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Sandeep M
RE:RE:RE:RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by Sandeep M on Feb 21, 2007 12:30 AM
Best at Batting - India
Best at Bowling - Pakistan
Best at Fielding - australia
Australia have been the dominant force for so many years becuase of two guys, Warne and Mcgrath. One has retired by now and Mcgrath is so exhausted by his ashes exploits that he would do well to ask Ponting to not consider him during World cup matches. It is clear that he is stretching himself too much.
One more thing, when Australia are down, they can bounce back only if other teams allow them too. If you keep a tight leash on an Australian team that is down, they tend to go downhill pretty fast.
Also, in one day matches it is not always that you get wickets that are conducive to bowling. You may get flat decks where the fielding team has to make something happen; either an inspired bowling change or an innovative field placement or variety in bowling.
Innovation in field placement, stifling the batsmen requires a bit of grey cell capacity and street smartness. That the australians lack in the upstairs is obvious to all, absolute brainless people. That lack of grey cell capacity is obvious when you see that they are not able to defend 350 plus and even a 435 total.
About their rough language on the field, well it can be traced to their ancestry, British Jailbirds were sent down under for commiting the foulest of crimes. Trace the ancestry of Ponting or Gilchrist or Hayden and you will come across the criminal offenders of the 18th century.
About australian 'toughness', the less said the better. Under pressure they are terrible, that is why they have the worst record in test matches of chasing small totals. When they could not chase down 107 at Wankhede, they started whining like puny losers, what toughness are you talking off? Which other team in the world has lost a test match twice when asking the opposition to follow-on? First at Headingley in 81 and then 2001 Calcutta. A generation of West Indies fast bowlers hounded them, one mr Ian botham did it twice and now Mr flintof will do it comprehensively in 2009 Ashes. Toughness? forget it!!
So Mr Bhavik shankar, here go all your theories down the drain!
And don't think that you have impressed people in this forum by subtly conveying that you are well settled in Sydney or Melbourne, there are literally thousands of Indians in australia still firmly behind India, watch the 2015 WC and see how much support India will get in Oz. So people like you are in a minority!
One more thing, i can assure you that the winner of this WC WILL NOT BE AUSTRALIA.

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Bhavik Shankar
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by Bhavik Shankar on Feb 21, 2007 05:18 PM

An individual is only judged on his own Karma's not his ancestry. To say a good person is bad just becasue of thier ancestry is simply foolish. If u look at the world today it is the Australian players like Waugh, Lee who do charity work in india. Can u tell me any current indian player who does this great deed?

One more thing....who is the head of the 'indian think tank'?.....none other than our Greg Chappel...so to say Aussies are
'brainless' only highlights your own narrow mindedness...

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puneet alag
RE:Sad demise of the Australian team
by puneet alag on Feb 20, 2007 09:42 PM
What a load of nonsense, DEMISE of Australian cricket,Although NZ played very well , luck had a lot to do with the wins ,inside edeges going for fours ,dropped catches etc made a lot of difference. How can a team which scored 336 and 346 have played badly and are suddenly finished?
When ponting comes back as captian he will stop those stupid mistakes that Hussey made.This is a case of a desperate indian public and media who go out of the way to find Ideas that they will somehow win the cup no matter what and australia has always been one of the biggest obsticale to winning the worldcup.

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zubair shighrekar
australian team
by zubair shighrekar on Feb 20, 2007 04:25 PM  | Hide replies

i think its a rare occassion for australia.
i think australians are at the top in loosing the match even after scoring 300 plus totals. is there any other team ?????

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amit  sharma
RE:australian team
by amit sharma on Feb 20, 2007 05:11 PM
The TOP 4 run-chase in ODIs are against AUS now:

438 - SA - 2006
350 - NZL - 20.02.07
336 - NZL - 18.02.07
331 - NZL - 2006...

Those all 4 chasing score come in last 14 months..and 3 times it is NZL......, team which if full of allrounders.

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RaviKumar Allam
by RaviKumar Allam on Feb 20, 2007 04:25 PM

Its a magic of Cricket! Anything is possible for anybody. This will help the opponants to have some confident to fight with Kangaroos.
Ravi Kumar Reddy Allam

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rameez khan
INDIA vil definately win the WC if ______________________
by rameez khan on Feb 20, 2007 04:22 PM  | Hide replies

please write ur opinion on the blak space.

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zubair shighrekar
RE:INDIA vil definately win the WC if ______________________
by zubair shighrekar on Feb 20, 2007 04:31 PM
all the other playing teams will mutually agreed to handover the world cup to india, or if our selection committee select azhar as the indian team captain (to fix the indian team matches)

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RE:RE:INDIA vil definately win the WC if ______________________
by rameinaussie on Feb 21, 2007 12:17 AM
Zubair that was a good one

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RE:INDIA vil definately win the WC if ______________________
by sahil on Feb 20, 2007 04:29 PM
if they win the finals

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by GD HAMID on Feb 20, 2007 04:21 PM


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