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The six wise men will do nothing

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Six wisemen.........
by R.Viswanath on Sep 27, 2005 04:25 PM

Dear Mr Panikar,

I read the article & found it very apt & approprite.
You have dealth the subject indeapth & analysed the things meticulesly. Your comments are point blank. It requires guts to spell the beans and say spade is a spade. Hats off to you.
In my personal opinion Whatever Mr Greg Chappel has done is correct. I am true follower of Cricket from decades. Every thing is in black & white about the Indian cricket/cricketers. Apart from the Captain some more Senior players/nonperformers are to be shown doors if India were to fare better in International Cricket. I support Mr Chappel in this regard.


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Ramdas C.S.
Drop Ganguly from the team
by Ramdas C.S. on Sep 27, 2005 04:19 PM

Senior or Junior, not performing, drop him and give chance to performer. Indian have to perform as a team. Let chapel do his job.We dont want a non-playing / non-performing captain. Let him play domestic cricket and prove himself.


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Ganguly - Chappel war
by N.Rajkumar on Sep 27, 2005 04:13 PM

Dear sir, Britishers are always use double standards for their benefit. Australians, England cricketers have behaved terribly against Indians or any team for that matter. To win they adopt various strategies from umpiring (decisions in their favour), psychologically upsetting oppenents by hook or crook method. Now Chappel is trying to help Australia by Destabilizing Indian Cricket Atmosphere.

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crisis in indian cricket
by shadab on Sep 27, 2005 04:07 PM

as a supporter of the indian cricket team whatever happeing is heartbreaking , but as amatter of fact it was always on the cards .
with the team has gone to its hieghts in succes the downfall was due but its realy dissapointing to see players have lost their team sprit
whatever happened in the dressing room should always be kept in the premises of the dressing room
both Ganguly And Chappell should be given stern warning not to repeat it again
Another issue was of Mohd Kaif ,a person who has played like a champion in the tri series was left out of the test team averedging +90
what al u can expect from him
he should be given his chanse in test too
provide him the oppurtunity if he fails throw him away , and this should apply on every one

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nepotism, favoritism is the fact of life in Indian cricket!
by jay on Sep 27, 2005 04:05 PM

I care two hoots about what is happening to ganguly or chappell or the big ravi sastris sitting and commenting on the so called problems of Indian cricket, when he himself was the biggest problem while sleeping on the cricket pitches!

The message is loud and clear. India can never achieve consistent performance, until we get rid of the players who are not performing!

We need to be far away from nepotism & favoritism ! Kick out the non-performer! Or based on history if ganguly has to stay, then recall even gavaskar and gundappa viswanath who have better records in batting!

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Tabrez Iqbal
A Balanced one
by Tabrez Iqbal on Sep 27, 2005 03:52 PM

Out of all the tardy journalism I am getting to witness these days, when everything has become 'just blame/sack saurav' kind of out-cries without any proper justifications, this came like a whiff of fresh air. Keep up the good work. And yes, I have been following the blogs of you and co and they are also free of any biases and prejudices.

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Dalmiya & Gonguly Remove from the Cricket Team and Board Member
by babu on Sep 27, 2005 03:50 PM

Ganguly and Dalmiya is plying very urgly polities in india about a population there is a lot of jokes and comments in every day news so take it my view please remove all the polities players and big jokers

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