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Does Sachin deserve it?

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Does Sachin deserve it?
by Gaurav on Aug 23, 2003 02:58 AM

While there is no denying the fact that Tendulkar's story is truly remarkable - I mean, the guy has risen to the top of the batting charts by being a fighter, and through sheer strength and perseverance. At the same time, he bears the burden of providing joy for a billion people, and has maintained a remarkable image while the sport has been tarnished with one scandal after another. Truly, what Tendulkar has achieved thus far, has brought hope to a nation starved of role models (atleast in sport).

Nevertheless, I think Tendulkar would really make everyone happy if he would instead do something productive with his tax savings, hopefully developing the cause of sports (not only cricket), probably within educational institutions. After all, lets face it, 1.13 crores is a piddly sum for him.

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Duty exemption
by lakshmi on Aug 23, 2003 02:56 AM

No, sachin was wrong

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vishal shukla
sachin ferrari
by vishal shukla on Aug 23, 2003 02:47 AM

i would like to tell all the persons who r filing cases against sachin tht they should look onto themselves and find out how much pride they have brought to the country named INDIA...i m sure they wont be able to answer it..sachin has brought so much pride and unity in india it cant be compared when he plays all indians whether he may be hindu muslim sikh or christian prays for him tht he does well and india wins....have they achieved something near to tht sort..i dont think so..and anyways the FIAT company has agreed to pay his duty so why the controversy and cases now...just to defame a very huge and great personality..this is something which is a shame for fellow countrymen to do for a person like sachin...when all the persons through out the world praise him we try to defame is this the way to treat a person of his calibre and not to forget he has been a regular and honest tax payer tht shows his commitment and dedication no need to tell further and the persons who dont appreciate this fact want to just point out bad in every good things they r born losers and have no right to point out at sachin...

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Great Batsman but WORST person
by Kiran on Aug 23, 2003 02:39 AM

It is disgusting , Improper for a man like sachin to get the tax canceled.
I was a fan of sachin but no more a fan of this worst guy.
There are millions of people in india without basic facilities and this guy eventhough has earned millions has showed that he has one of the worst character.

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balanced views needed
by nitin on Aug 23, 2003 02:33 AM

sachin's not wrong here in asking for a waiver 'cause there is nothing illegal he is doing here. it is the government authority which is wrong in waivering the money. With nearly 50% of the poulation below poverty line, how dare they do this. sachin is definitely not goin to die of hunger without this waiver.... right!

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Abhi Parab
Yes he does and so does every national hero
by Abhi Parab on Aug 23, 2003 01:40 AM

Nation above all! Do you agree?????
...and no one knows it better that Sachin Tendulkar.
I would rather have my tax money go towards glorifying someone who is such a source of inspiration and encouragement to the youth in this country, than pay for the goddamned politicians and film starts who travel to Pakistan on government expenses and disown their own nation.

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Abhi Parab
by Abhi Parab on Aug 23, 2003 01:31 AM

In the gloomy history of Indian sports, we finally have a star (a real nationalist role model) to look up to, and we are complaining about taxes?.
A country where the politicians get away with anything from fraudulent arm's deals to billions of dollars in their swiss accounts, some dude wants to prosecute Sachin Tendulkar for not having to pay $320,000 crore on his Ferrari? which is three times the price of the car!!!!!
I want to ask just one question?
What if Sachin made a move to Pakistan just because Pak decided to exempt the duty on his car and then beat the hell out of the Indian side in the world cup?
Wouldn't you rather stick your foot into your mouth?

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Amit Walia
Is there any need to make conttroversy out of it
by Amit Walia on Aug 23, 2003 12:19 AM

Sachin, perhaps india's most valuable person right now
and let's accept this fact and should be proud of it.
Politicians in India are looting thousands of crores of this country and this guy if asks the government for duty exemption on his Ferrari which amounts to mere 1 crores approx. we people are nailing down on this little master, this is shame for all of us indians, he has done a lot for this country as a player as well as a human being so the time has come that we should be happy of this man and not jealous.
The day he scores a century he is god and the day he fails he is out of focus , he is no more a good player etc. are some common sentences that we indians used to say for this little man. Stop All That and praise this guy for bringing cheer to us.

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duty waiver
by ch on Aug 22, 2003 11:46 PM

Yes, anybody who represents the country at any level deserve a duty waiver if they have received anything as a gift. Indians identify themselves with sachin on the playfield, and no one deserves this waiver more than him

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