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Does Sachin deserve it?

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Atul Arora
Yes, SURE !!
by Atul Arora on Aug 21, 2003 08:06 PM

Yes, he deserves it but Govt. should give consideration to other sportspersons too, why can't they be consistent in these matters atleast, forget abt. the interests of our country.

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sachin's ferrari
by jitendra on Aug 21, 2003 04:15 PM

govt. should be consistent with other players too.

what sachin has given to cricket,dhanraj pillay also has given fame to indian hockey. can govt. will such gesture with dhanraj pillay?

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Ganesh Ranjan
Shame on Sachin!!!
by Ganesh Ranjan on Aug 21, 2003 03:42 PM  | Hide replies

He doesnt deserve an exemption at any cost. Considering his immense wealth he could very well afford to pay the duties . Apart from being an exceptional cricketer , he hasnt done anything to bring "worthwhile laurels" to our country . we keep criticizing the aussies for their ruthless and sometimes cutthroat attitude .But look who's into charity and donation - the "motormouth". Whats master blaster upto ?? updating his already saturated reportoire of cars .

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RE:Shame on Sachin or ganesh ranjan...
by SINHA on Aug 23, 2003 04:07 AM
All these people, who are criticizing sachin or filing lawsuit against him is just because they are overwhelmed by jealous feeling. Come on, he is successful, brought pride to the indian. No other reason, he was exempted from the heavy duty (even such high duty is b.s.). If you(ganesh ranjan) are as good as Sachin, Gov. would consider giving you such exemption, but unfortunetly I don't think so. I hope that these b.s. allegations will be cleared soon and let sachin feel more proud and play better.

--- Sinha...

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Ram Prasad
RE:Shame on Sachin!!!
by Ram Prasad on Aug 24, 2003 10:35 AM
Sachin has earned all his wealth on his talent. Its not the question of weather he can afford it or not but CAN WE INDIANS PUT UP A POSITIIVE GESTURE

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should be given an exemption
by avi on Aug 21, 2003 03:29 PM  | Hide replies

come on guys....... its sachin and not anybody else.... he is one of the high tax paing personalities in the country...... so it is his right to put up a request for the tax exemption..... if he wanted to buy a car by himself, then it would have been a different story..... it is a gift for our country hero and we should support him on all grounds.......

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RE:should be given an exemption
by Amit on Aug 23, 2003 09:47 AM
Just because he can afford does not mean that he should pay the tax. Further, he had just requested the government for exemption as a citizen of India. If the government hadn't exempted the tax, he would have paid it. So what's the fault of Sachin. He is clean and will always be.

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Vivek Shankar
RE:should be given an exemption
by Vivek Shankar on Aug 22, 2003 03:13 PM

What come on. When he's got it as a gift either himself or the company giving the gift should pay up.

Also regarding the country hero what nonsense. He plays cricket to earn his living. Tha'ts where it ends. He's a class player and that's all. He's doing no favour to the country. Even if he was not there life would go on. He might have achieved a lot in his field but all the nonsense spoken about him being a hero is rubbish.

Just shut and get on with your life rather than typing some rubbish. Rules are rules and should be applied to all citizens irrespective of caste, creed ,race , religion.

Also appreciation for his achievements is fine but that's where one should draw the line. The rule is foreign goods attracts customs. that's it. It's either he or the company who has to pay up.

This hero worship should. the one of many things that is prevetning our country from being a developed contry now.

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All men who contribute to India should be given a waiver
by kumaran on Aug 21, 2003 02:59 PM  | Hide replies

It is simple change the laws to give waiver to people who have contributed to the nation's cause and pride. Once such a law is passed then give that to Sachin.

Will costly gifts to scientists, journalists, researchers also be given a waiver because they won laurels for our country?

Then I guess it ok to to this.

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RE:All men who contribute to India should be given a waiver
by Vipul on Aug 24, 2003 12:28 PM
I agree with Vivek. May be his words are little harsh !!.. But it's a FACT...

In addition to what he (Vivek) has said, I will add one point. Indian government is already giving awards and rewards (like Arjun Ratna etc..) for doing good and making pride for country..

So why something more !!!!!!

And I believe NOBODY should be exempted from such kind of exemption... Come on guys !! Wake up...

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by sg on Aug 21, 2003 02:26 PM

first why did ms gift a 150,000 usd car to sachin. does he know him and the game. i guess not. well then why this gesture. it would have been more beliveable if he made this gesture to beckhem, who is more popular and i'm sure ms follows the game as it is more widely played in europe. i cant comprehend this gesture. second even if they are the best of pals, sachin should pay his dues irrespective of how famous he has and how much joy he brought to the people of this country. he is a role model and should lead from the front. his act of going to the govt and asking them for a favour only shows him in poor light. i'm sure he gets paid very well and for the simple reason is that the people of this country have made him a demi god, so why ask for more free candies.

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Amit Chugh
Sachin is Clean
by Amit Chugh on Aug 21, 2003 01:22 PM  | Hide replies

I think this is nothing but the nusiance created by the person who has filed this PIL.........

This person is nothing but an attention craver.. if this person had any concerns for the country or any respect for the taxation rules, he would have filed no of complaints against the politicians, industrialists etal....

just have a look at the career of Sachin Tendulkar...
You would not find a cleanest cricketer in the world who is cleaner than Sachin....forget about cricket even the politicians are not as clean as he is. to name a few..George Bush,Tony Blair, Mr Clinton, Saddam Hussain, Pervez Mushharaff, and our own from Bihar....

Sachin got the award for the honest tax payer of the year........time has come that the middle class people should stop getting jealous of the little master's wealth & start taking his achievements as honours for the country.

A message to the person who has file this PIL is "Please find a better person to gain Fame & please stay away from honest citizens of India as very few of them have left"

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Ashutosh Sharma
RE:Sachin is Clean
by Ashutosh Sharma on Aug 23, 2003 03:17 AM
Millions of people in nidia pay their taxes honestly. do u see the government giving them these sops. what about all the other athletes from the other sports. noone says nything when the hockey players have to turn their bags inside uot for inspection at airports. ppl r biased in this country. the standards must be the same for everyone regardless of who he is

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RE:Sachin is Clean
by ravi on Aug 22, 2003 04:17 PM
If he is so clean and honest tax payer let him pay the duty also. Looks like he wants all the money he paid for tax as reward(or more than that).

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RE:Sachin is Clean
by Sai on Aug 22, 2003 12:04 AM
U're totally rite?!! I think Sachin should be allowed to have a tax exemption.. He is really clean in tax payments, and other things.. And what other present can the government give to a person who has made India proud?? He is the eye and hope of India in many international cricket battles.... He deserves this exemption..

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sSS.R.L. Narasimhan
Is the Duty Exemption well placecdand qquitable?
by sSS.R.L. Narasimhan on Aug 21, 2003 11:37 AM  | Hide replies

Personally, he deservesfor the exemplary character

of his personality and his contribution to the

eminence of Cricket in India.

The sbasic issue however is the lopsided attitude

of the Govt. of India in notg treating all sports

equitably. While it is not an oversatatement to

observe that cricket has got more financial and

other incentives to grow up, many in the other fiels

comprising equally promising performers have not

beenasfacilitated to give off their besrt in the

absence of equitable treatment and encouragement.

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RE:Is the Duty Exemption well placecdand qquitable?
by Menath on Aug 23, 2003 03:25 AM
Sachin is not above law. So the Government should have behaved more maturedly before waiving tax for Sachin's Toy.

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guru bhanot
sachin is an indian citizen
by guru bhanot on Aug 21, 2003 10:19 AM

sachin is first an indian citizen first and a cricketer after.thus he should alos be paying the duty.even a common salaried man is not spared by govt for any taxes,so y sachin.cricket is his proffession and the adulation and price are a result of it.he can pay the duty and arrange for the said amount to be used in helping the needy or a charity organisation ....like udayan or any other.

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