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ridiculous law
by sonali on Apr 20, 2006 04:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

youngsters meeting outside and showing there affections to each other through kiss is natural.
I dnt know how the relationships can grow in such a constraint environment where a girl and boy are not let free to understand all dimensions of life.
They are pressurised with all these unnecessary laws which make them wory more about being caught by police than worrying about their careers.
Why dont the police concentrate more on catching out criminals.
We live in a independent nation and if we take cultural and religious prespective I doubt if kissing is forbidden.I dnt think indian youngsters kiss on public places like western countries.
Moreover i think Police should concentrate more on other major issues in India.Running after catching love birds is just wasting Indian money by providing huge remuneration to police departments.

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Sarma on Apr 21, 2006 01:37 PM   Permalink
"a girl and boy are not let free to understand all dimensions of life."

In order to understand all dimensions of life, do you have to smooch eachother or kiss in public? To hell with the younger generation.

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Anurag on Apr 24, 2006 11:39 AM   Permalink
yes YOu are absolutely right...

Now Govt has no otherwork except to catch Love birds...Our cops are frustrated everybody knows that..And due to this law they will leave all other works and will try everytime to catch a pair in liplocking conditions...

there are alot of cases which have to solve by our cops not this.. and one thing more in this deptt.. frustrated type of cops will try to get in coz they can make money and can get benefitted if pair don't know there rights.. cops will try to get the gals in there bed, whome they will catch...I am sure about this I know some examples of this incident and also know the mentality of these bloddy indian cops...

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Vaibhav on Apr 24, 2006 12:58 PM   Permalink
HI ,

Iff this things will not be controlled,
There will b rise in othre problems
MMS scandal's and etc... i need not to tell you.

Have a nice day...


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  RE:ridiculous law
by bharatrajj on Apr 23, 2006 08:12 PM   Permalink
i agree with u

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  RE:ridiculous law
by deepak on Apr 22, 2006 08:13 PM   Permalink
nice words sonali

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Salil on Apr 21, 2006 01:30 PM   Permalink
Looks like people are lot more interested in Kissing their partner rather then concentrating on their career and studies.

There could be more ways of showing your love/affection towards your partner, and yes kissing is one of them... then why not do it in private rather then doing it in public.

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Tanya on Apr 20, 2006 10:14 PM   Permalink
Applaud Applaud Applaud!!!!!! i am in complete agreement! couldnt have put it better myself.

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  RE:ridiculous law
by Abhijit on Apr 21, 2006 08:49 PM   Permalink
You say that you "dont know how the relationships can grow in such a constraint environment..."

Well tell me did not your parent grow relationship "in such a constraint environment". Did they not make love and the as the result of which you were born? So how do you NOT UNDERSTAND that relationships can grow even in "such a constraint environment"!

As for worrying about careers! Ha Ha Ha !!! If you are really worried about your "career" you wouldn't be kissing around in parks and roads! Instead you would be thinking about your "career".

You are asking the police to catch criminals, well they will be doing EXACTLY that when they will catch people kissing! Because after all kissing on the roads will be a CRIME when the law is passed and those doing it will be CRIMINALS!!! Do you understand LOGIC?

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss