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RE:ridiculous law
by Abhijit on Apr 21, 2006 08:49 PM

You say that you "dont know how the relationships can grow in such a constraint environment..."

Well tell me did not your parent grow relationship "in such a constraint environment". Did they not make love and the as the result of which you were born? So how do you NOT UNDERSTAND that relationships can grow even in "such a constraint environment"!

As for worrying about careers! Ha Ha Ha !!! If you are really worried about your "career" you wouldn't be kissing around in parks and roads! Instead you would be thinking about your "career".

You are asking the police to catch criminals, well they will be doing EXACTLY that when they will catch people kissing! Because after all kissing on the roads will be a CRIME when the law is passed and those doing it will be CRIMINALS!!! Do you understand LOGIC?

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