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this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china

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RE:this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by Ravan Raj on Apr 17, 2008 05:38 PM  Permalink
wot china gained here for ur much happiness. they lost all co-operation for olympics.
They are unable to carry on an olympics properly
.Such people u r telling super power!!!!.U will understand it soon after 10 yrs of moscow olympics USSR turned into ashes.wait it starts from tibet for china .count down. lol

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RE:this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by som on Apr 17, 2008 05:34 PM  Permalink
These are called Oxymorons i think...
Glorious - Communist China...2 words so different in meaning and used together in a worthless sentence proving no worth...

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RE:this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:35 PM  Permalink
olympc torch facing protest is
historical which clearly indicates commies position in the world arena

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RE:this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:36 PM  Permalink
now china has prooved it is the real superpower...rss/bjp fascists can only bark as the centre govt can be thrown at any time if they oppose us...thats our power...noone in india can oppose us now

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RE:this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:40 PM  Permalink
china is an improvised country
bhooke nanke zyada hai

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Completely bycotts communists from all activities.
by Ravan Raj on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink 

China attcked us with out any provocation in 1962.
They always encourged and supported naxalism and terrorism in india.
China opposing indian PM's visit on its own state arunachal pradesh.
China is calling and thretnening indian high commissionar at bejing on mid night
They always trying destroy and insult our coutry.
But still some dogs are there in our country to support them in the name of communism.
Dont beleive this people. they are anti-nantionals.These people will sell our country.

Dont make marrige relationship from a communist family
dont make friendship with communists.
Dont make business partnership with them.
Dont allow your children to play with them.
Completely bycotts them from all activities.
because they are virus.For them no relation,no love only party is great.
They do not want a peaceful india.They want sub-chinese country.

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china is the unstoppable power of 21st century..usa is having economic recession whereas communist china is having 11% economic growth !!!
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink 

china is the unstoppable power of 21st century..usa is having economic recession whereas communist china is having 11% economic growth !!!

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by shashi singh on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

VERY SHAME>>>>>>>>>>

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by SK SAXENA on Apr 17, 2008 05:33 PM  Permalink

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by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink
this is the happiest moment of my life..afte a great time the continent of asia is coming back to our former power under the glorious path shown by communist china

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special invitation for all commie leaders of india from china
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:29 PM  Permalink 

commies are going to china for olympics on a special invitation from beijing

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@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

u can do anything that is possible by u,,,,but no force can prevent the communists from capturing new 2020 red flag will fly over lal kila and we will rule delhi..karat will be the pm and i will be his secretary

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RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink
narayan..u will be dead before that..
and commies will rape u in hell..

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RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:35 PM  Permalink
now we captured nepal and hindu monarchy is finished off...our rule is unchallengable in tripura,bengal and we will capture tamil nadu & andhra while our maoist brothers will capture chattisgrah,orissa and 2020 we will make india into a communist dictatorship with karat as the pm

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RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by vimal hatwal on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink
why r u waiting for 2020....
do it today....even now

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RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by Bharatkumar on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink
commies are going to china for olympics on a special invitation from beijing

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RE:@ all rss/bjp fasicts
by SLVP on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink
My RED DREAM ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
HA HA HA............. LOL................... MERA LAAL SAPANA .

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God save the ppl..
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

if stalin or lenin were alive..they wud be so proud of china...
bt ppl remember..the commies want to expand since comminism began...
so we need to stop them at tibet..
they must not cross over..
so soon there will be communism in north india..
God save the ppl..

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RE:God save the ppl..
by narayan on Apr 17, 2008 05:31 PM  Permalink
china is the unstoppable power of 21st century..usa is having economic recession whereas communist china is having 11% economic growth !!!

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RE:God save the ppl..
by gac on Apr 17, 2008 05:28 PM  Permalink
dont u kno communist are in W.Bengal

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RE:God save the ppl..
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink
those we can always..thro them out..
bt if chinese start at the north..
there is not control.. there
and hopefully congress(commies) dies out..
or else india in big trouble..

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RE:God save the ppl..
by vimal hatwal on Apr 17, 2008 05:28 PM  Permalink
why god should save ppl....
LENIN save the ppl......

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RE:RE:God save the ppl..
by chetan kotur on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink
do u hv any idea..who lenin was?
apparently not..

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RE:God save the ppl..
by vimal hatwal on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM  Permalink
why should i know???
do u know who u r??

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RE:God save the ppl..
by Raymond Lee on Apr 17, 2008 05:29 PM  Permalink
if you dont know the socialism or communism theory of Marx, then you have no right to say these two words.

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No free tickets to olympic officials ?????
by SLVP on Apr 17, 2008 05:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Lets start movement no medal no free journey to office bearers (excl sportsmen )

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RE:No free tickets to olympic officials ?????
by SLVP on Apr 17, 2008 05:23 PM  Permalink
Indian JATHA ( contingent)

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china is suparpowar
by bcdimri on Apr 17, 2008 05:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

tibetees india meain aakar seer kyo ban rahe hai..inko yadi virodh karana hai to tibbet meain jakar kyo nahi karte hai..india ko tibeet ke chakar meain china se aapene sambandh kharab nahi karene chye.kab tak tibetees india meain aakar boz banate rehege.

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RE:china is suparpowar
by nurani gandhi on Apr 17, 2008 05:26 PM  Permalink
Khatam kar do sab chiniyon ko.Bachne na paye ek bhi.Darro mat BCDIMRI

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RE:china is suparpowar
by Avinash on Apr 17, 2008 05:30 PM  Permalink
My dear brother, do you have wife, mother & children & harassed by goons anytime in life. You will know why they are here.

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RE:RE:china is suparpowar
by bcdimri on Apr 17, 2008 05:40 PM  Permalink
but hamein us desh ki sanskrti par bharosa karana chye na..chup chap india meain aakar chader taan ke sone ka hai..daal roti khane ka hai..phaltu ka tension hamere param pujinya desbhkat rajnatowo ko nahi dena ka hai kud bhi so jawo or hamere neetowo ko bhi so jane do...

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RE:china is suparpowar
by utkarsh on Apr 17, 2008 05:24 PM  Permalink
tum bhi china chale jao... aur sambandh banao

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RE:china is suparpowar
by vimal hatwal on Apr 17, 2008 05:24 PM  Permalink
Arjun singh ji se bolo....
unhe bhi reservation do.....

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RE:china is suparpowar
by bcdimri on Apr 17, 2008 05:35 PM  Permalink

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Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill
by SLVP on Apr 17, 2008 05:20 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Be it KPS GILL (Hokey Federation)or MS Gill ( sports ministers),
These Gills are born Quixotic ???????

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RE:Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill
by V S on Apr 17, 2008 05:21 PM  Permalink
what about lallu yadav (railway minister)

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