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Completely bycotts communists from all activities.
by Ravan Raj on Apr 17, 2008 05:32 PM

China attcked us with out any provocation in 1962.
They always encourged and supported naxalism and terrorism in india.
China opposing indian PM's visit on its own state arunachal pradesh.
China is calling and thretnening indian high commissionar at bejing on mid night
They always trying destroy and insult our coutry.
But still some dogs are there in our country to support them in the name of communism.
Dont beleive this people. they are anti-nantionals.These people will sell our country.

Dont make marrige relationship from a communist family
dont make friendship with communists.
Dont make business partnership with them.
Dont allow your children to play with them.
Completely bycotts them from all activities.
because they are virus.For them no relation,no love only party is great.
They do not want a peaceful india.They want sub-chinese country.

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