This is really stupid . First of all The constitution makes it clear that reservation in education is permanent.So Stupid social scientist should know that .It is Reservation in Parliament and assembly that was for 10 years. So Kindly read books on Constitution.
Then caste system was there in India for 3500 years Do you mean to say that having reservation for 50 years has only made you remember your caste. what relation ship does this have to do with people not marring outside caste .Is that something to do with reservation.Even when going abroad and getting settled people are believing in caste .Is there any reservation there.So stop blaming reservation which is a cure not a problem
Yes Dalits have certainly benefited ! This generation and the previous generation of Dalits is well educated and employeed. This is nothing but the results of reservation. Reservation has only given dalits the right to education which was denied for thousands of years in the name of caste and society.
Also its true that the vision with which the reservation was introduced is lost nowadays because of the selfish politicians without any leadership qualities and vision.
This article if published during the peak time of agitation last month would have at least given a real picture to the misguided youth agitatiting then. Now publishing such interview has reduced its impact hundred times.
I am impressed by the analysis of the professor. Politicians should actually read these stories and learn something from them. Rather than building a nation they are busy dividing the society which is not correct. There is not a single politician in which I can place my faith of taking me higher up, not pull me down just because of his own petty motives. Gone are the days of leaders, seems we are in the days of jokers and age of darkness.
The article sure makes sense. When you say you are not sure about being a good or bad example, you are a bad example. The motive and the spirit behind reservation is long lost and its imperative for the government to conduct surveys on the functioning of the reservation and if it is indeed helping the "needy" dalits. Ill have to concur with the later part of your comment foreseeing a caste-free system. But, reservation is the only reason caste is still alive in India.
After reading your article I found it still incomplete because you have not added or rationalise a lot of things in it. Let's assume, what if Dr. Ambedkar had asked for reservation only for 10 years then what? Do you really think 10 years were sufficient for the upliftment of the SC/OBCs. Do you think it is fair to give just 10 years to SC/OBCs to rise and to compete with these so called self-styled higher castes. These higher castes had been abused and mistreated SC/OBC for more than thousands of years ( in bloody whole Hindu history). Do you think it would be fair to give them only 10 years to built up themselves. It has only been just 60 years since we got some identity and you see achievements of SC/OBCs, not only in India but all around the world. I am a 30 years old schelduled caste settled in Australia, working in an excellent positon and earning a great money. If I am going to survive another 50 years, I would like to see these PANDITS, KASTRIYAS or BANYIAS working as sweepers or toilet cleaners in our houses. May God fulfill my wishes. Let these monsters and their generations suffer a bit so that they can taste how their ancestors had abused SC/OBCs/ST in the past.
This interview is puts reseveration in historical perspective. It will be good interview this learned professor in detail. Example: 1)Problems Dalits are facing in utilising benefits of reservations 2) Role of politics on Reservations 3)Reservation in teaching profession and it\'s effect on Dalit Education
It looks like you dont know what you want to express.The title of the article is about reservations not being usefull to dalits wheras nowhere in the article you have stated in which way its not been useful.
if more people in india are having helping tendency to lift people from their poverty,education standards,india needs no reservations.many people(even scientists,engineers) still believe that a person born in lower caste is their karma.they have no chance to go to higher position,due to their cheating.i believe reservations are good for some people who are getting lifted due to people(a group to ask for them)for others,they are curse.
I have read the artcle on the subject and I have concluded that the writer is not aware with the recruitment and service class people in contry belongs to backward class. For instance recent IAS reasult more than 400 candidates have been recruited from OBC , SC and ST. It means it is happening since many years in India. There are many top officers belonging to these community. During the emergency all most all state govts. and central governments depts. have filled the backlog of reservations. Thus most of the educated people from these communities have been benifited. Noe the positions is that these community students are making tough competitions to high class candidates, which has been established from the many results of IAS and State PSC results. In artcle it is concluded that backwards calss have not benifited from reservation policy which is incorrect conclusion. Further, the history said that the reservations was started during the period of small kingdom, for instance Maharaja Shahu Maharaja started reservation even before present reservations. During the Lord Buddha period above preference treatment has been fond in some acient books available at Eden in Arabi.
RE:Dalit have not benefited
by Mehta Manoj on Jun 15, 2006 06:08 PM Permalink
Dear Mr,Borkar,
Can you tell me how many of these IAS or IPS has stopped taking benifits of reservation after their success in the life?. Are they still not seeking admission for their sons & daughter under quota?
It is really sad that a son of a well setteled IAS officers( Reserved category) gets the admission with 50% marks & a very bright student with 90% MarkS from poor uppper cast can not get thro the admission.
The Interview has brought out all the facts about the reservations. Due to the politicians of the present generation (average age > 50/60?), the situation is taking the ugly turn, whose interest is not in the upliftment of the people but to retain or gain the votebank. The intervention of the Supreme Court has temporarily brought the situation to a lullaby. But what happens if the SC gives a clearance for the new bill. Adding on new castes into the block only dilutes the total issue and the really needy deserving people are not at all benefitted.
The politicians' interest is well established seeing how they are postponing the Women reservation in parliament bill. The situation will not change till a strong politician like Patel comes???