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by jatinder on Jun 14, 2006 07:49 PM

After reading your article I found it still incomplete because you have not added or rationalise a lot of things in it. Let's assume, what if Dr. Ambedkar had asked for reservation only for 10 years then what? Do you really think 10 years were sufficient for the upliftment of the SC/OBCs. Do you think it is fair to give just 10 years to SC/OBCs to rise and to compete with these so called self-styled higher castes. These higher castes had been abused and mistreated SC/OBC for more than thousands of years ( in bloody whole Hindu history). Do you think it would be fair to give them only 10 years to built up themselves. It has only been just 60 years since we got some identity and you see achievements of SC/OBCs, not only in India but all around the world. I am a 30 years old schelduled caste settled in Australia, working in an excellent positon and earning a great money. If I am going to survive another 50 years, I would like to see these PANDITS, KASTRIYAS or BANYIAS working as sweepers or toilet cleaners in our houses. May God fulfill my wishes. Let these monsters and their generations suffer a bit so that they can taste how their ancestors had abused SC/OBCs/ST in the past.

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Quota: Dalits have not benefited