It is ridiculous to consider it a topic worth debating in 21st century though it sounds a very logical debatable topic to middle class people in a third world country like India where hypocrisy overpowers our basic instincts.
this moral police is actually getting ridiculous day by day. i fail to understand why they are prowling in other people's affairs when the people are not offending others. let the couples be free to decide what they want to do. where's the equality gone?
No problem at all insofar as kissing is concerned. But it is generally still a very private thing... (like religion - but thats another story). Why take it in to a public place? Private places to smooch in public parks etc is still a long way off in India... those who never got a chance to live their fantasies get jealous of those who did... some of these turn into the 'moral' police to avenge their fate... public acceptance will take sometime, till then, lovers can cuddle up in movie theatres (choose those showing flop films to get more privacy. The theatre can make some money, and the flop producer too....) SATISH KAMATH
displaying your affection in public need not be the most liberal way of doing things. While we should not allow the policing as we are not a police state yet,let us not forget we are harming the future of this culture too just by taking the stance. if it is the only way you can show that you are a liberal i am sorry to say that you would go to any extent including spitting on the road.
It really should not matter, Just as it does not matter to most of us that people are eating in public places in the presence of hungry beggers, oblivious of emotional trauma it may cause to them. Beggers have no say in law making. so u can continue to to eat in public places without worry. However, here it does matter... If you have a gf/bf/spouce, and lack of private space, surely you would not mind others doing it in public, so that you may also get a chance sometimes/someday to use this opportunity of enjoyment. If you are hopelessly "hungry" or do not like to "eat" outside (other "hungry" souls may be watching u), then it should be banned. If u r a govt, then any source of revenue is welcome. The fine amount should be just right. if it is too high, public will not kiss or not pay, if it is too low, it will not be worth it. If you are a police, any minor low risk "offence" should be fined, on the higher side, so that you that u no what... My suggestion, Public display of very costly cars, should also be banned+fined. I have no hope of affording so i am jealous. Does any body think that discussing this is more disgusting than actual event?
You come out of the house to do few things which you cannot do at home. Can't you Love/Kiss/express emotions at home? If you say that due to family environment you cant do it at home then you cant do the same in public too. First upgrade your family to 21st century and then think about upgrading your country. The ban is for couples doing it and not necessary that every couple is married. Looking into the past what has been going on in Delhi I feel this is good move. Rapist's/Insane people are basically frustrated people in life or people those who like to show their powers, such people get provoked seeing such things and they search for some victim on whom they can do such actvities, victim can be anyone, could be the couple whom they see carrying such activities in public. Its not 21st century/western culture, its more about family's safety. We realise things when someone close to us suffer else we seamlessly argue and call people as old and orthodox. Western culture teaches kids to make love, in school majority of guys and girls lose their virginity, do we indians like our daughter losing it in school? Atleast there'll be some fear outside the house for the youngsters.