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when does it matter?
by mhk on Apr 23, 2006 09:12 AM

It really should not matter, Just as it does not matter to most of us that people are eating in public places in the presence of hungry beggers, oblivious of emotional trauma it may cause to them. Beggers have no say in law making. so u can continue to to eat in public places without worry.
However, here it does matter...
If you have a gf/bf/spouce, and lack of private space, surely you would not mind others doing it in public, so that you may also get a chance sometimes/someday to use this opportunity of enjoyment.
If you are hopelessly "hungry" or do not like to "eat" outside (other "hungry" souls may be watching u), then it should be banned.
If u r a govt, then any source of revenue is welcome. The fine amount should be just right. if it is too high, public will not kiss or not pay, if it is too low, it will not be worth it.
If you are a police, any minor low risk "offence" should be fined, on the higher side, so that you that u no what...
My suggestion, Public display of very costly cars, should also be banned+fined. I have no hope of affording so i am jealous.
Does any body think that discussing this is more disgusting than actual event?

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