this amendement is very good. so that everyone will be in their limits. if this amendement would applied to all over india is very good. so that means kissing in public places is prohibited. if they do they will be fined. good .
It is a good decision which has been taken up and hope will be implemented.These kind of activities will create bad atmosphere and in fact if Human being gets involved in these kind of activities there will be no difference between him and a animal.This might be a culture of western people but not ours.These activities will also have bad impact on the children.
I think all the resources of extorting money have exhausted and this is the new way. We Indians boast of High culture values. However Curbing anything can create explosion. Why don't we accept that we are livung in 21st century and this country is not ruled by Talibans. I suggest to the police instead of doing these small things take some training from the Talibans/ SIMI/ VHP/ Bajrang Dal or organisations like them. Outsource morale policing to these organisation or ensure law and order in the country. Please stop doing these petty things to gain chap publicty
Personally I don't find any harm in public kissing but we should not blindly follow to everything which WEST gives us. We should always give a thought "Will I be able to do this in front of my parents or children". If your answer is yes go ahead........
RE:to kiss or not
by soheb mohiuddin on Apr 22, 2006 04:40 PM Permalink
fine its good i hope if we make free india to make sex on road and no punishment for rape do you think crime will decrease or will increase there is surely a need for this type of imposition and its nice thats its high
RE:to kiss or not
by balaji krishnamurthy on Apr 20, 2006 10:09 PM Permalink
I feel that indians should be repressed more since we are a pathetic culture. i think there should be whiplashes for kissing and holding hands in public. and men looking at women should have their eyes gouged. Since we are such a pathetic culture where people have no idea of what real freedom is , we should be repressed more beat the indians up.
RE:about kissing
by Raju on Apr 21, 2006 01:04 AM Permalink
How about urinating, seems to be done all the time by cows, dogs and men on the streets of Delhi and every other city in India. Does this mean only women are human beings?
RE:about kissing
by sandeep on Apr 21, 2006 09:35 PM Permalink
If only people knew better ways of utilizing their time and energy we would have been living in a much better India. I would request the government to stop embarrasing us by making such laws. Please dont prove to the world how stupid we Indians can be. Instead use your energy to make strict laws for people who commit more henious crimes like rape.
RE:about kissing
by joseph raju on Apr 22, 2006 12:10 PM Permalink
It is fine and I thanks to Government for kissing in public place, i agree but as per Indian Culture it is very shame to us.infact, everybody feels it likes a vulgur thing.Govt. should take the action where in the films and cannot be effected unless there is totally crackdown on cinemas provoking such feelings amongst youngsters/Childrens.
RE:about kissing
by soheb mohiuddin on Apr 22, 2006 04:43 PM Permalink
oh i like your comment its realistic and sounds true i hope all reading this could understand this big different which is of great importance
RE:about kissing
by Vinny on Apr 21, 2006 02:36 PM Permalink
Hi Vaibhav, firstly the fine amount is not exactly Rs.500/-. Secondly, the married couples also fall under this rule because marriage does not give you the right to be obscene, rather with marriage comes the resposibility and maturity to Know the difference between the things and actions which should be done publicly and the ones which shouldn't.
RE:about kissing
by serialkisser on Apr 21, 2006 01:02 PM Permalink
man is a social animal...i dont see why people cant hug and kiss..govt has no right to curtail peoples emotion..u cant kiss in public but u can piss in public like animals...good joke
RE:about kissing
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:33 PM Permalink
then i hope u will not ever visit any european country or US etc as u wont find those ppl human.
RE:about kissing
by Vinny on Apr 21, 2006 02:37 PM Permalink
Hats Off to Your message Mr Pradhan. That was the most sensible and the best msg byfar on this notice board.
i am against this 500 bucks fine for kissing in public place bcos it is a very common thing today,for couples to kiss and what if they are married,does government consider married couples in this also?shame on u people who have done this.
RE:my say
by shakti on Apr 24, 2006 02:36 PM Permalink
hey gentleman.....let me know 1 many bollywood movies have u watched and how many kissing scenes in public did u revolt against?.....kissing is about choice and u would do the same thing if u got a chance.....u people just make a heap out of such small issues and encourage the already mad police in doing such stupidity....police has forgotten its main aim.....what about eve teasing? there fine for that....and as yashasvi said if u cant do it at home, not outside, not in secluded areas as u yourself feel like a thief even though u r not doing anything wrong then where?
RE:my say
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:37 PM Permalink
so the US or europeans are not mature citizens as per your logic. wondering how a kiss can make some1 immature?
RE:my say
by bindhya on Apr 21, 2006 12:56 PM Permalink
hey vaibhav,
i totally agree with u.... a 500 rs fine for kissing is going too far... quite an irony coming from the land where where kamasutra originated...
i'd rather that antisocial and immoral places like dance bars where women are being made objects of pleasure are banned... its really sickening to hear married men frequenting such places where the girls would be as young their own daughters, not to forget young men who satisfy their lustful desires in this manner...
if the indian govt can bring a crackdown on such immoral places, then it would be a huge step in bringing about a sense of morality & decency in people. and these girls who would otherwise ruin their lives dancing to the tunes of pimps, can lead their lives in dignity doing some respectable jobs and make a mark for themselves in society.
so please there are bigger problems here that need to be eradicated in society, than stop people from kissing.
every individual is an inseparable part of the society. his /her's every behaviour reflects the moralty of the society. it is true that every body wants enjoy his/ her life . but keep that love/affection/enjoyment/eve teasing only in closed rooms, not public places.
it is necessary that one should behave like a mature citizen in public places.
RE:one of the best thing moral police has done
by j\'sree on Apr 21, 2006 09:29 PM Permalink
Correct. For 4 walled nightlife public places there should be relaxation albeit subject to drawing of line somewhere.
RE:one of the best thing moral police has done
by binoj on Apr 28, 2006 12:24 AM Permalink
even kissing is one'so wn decision.. noone needs to give permission to do that..
This(Kissing) should be definitely stopped in public places.But other things like Dance bars ,disco's and pubs should not be banned as these are the things which can help refreshing an individual, and there is nothing wrong in doing this as Dance bars and pubs are not open for all. Only those who wish to go can go and enjoy themselves. It is upto the individual to decide what he is doing is right or wrong.
RE:Kissing or Not Kissing?
by aps on Apr 21, 2006 09:42 AM Permalink
These politicians dont bother about other important political issues and problems, but they like to ban on these so called illegal things. I am an indian living and woking in Hongkong, and no body knows or cares about how Indian culture is, they know about, accidents, terrorists blasts, road mishaps and some positive factors as IT development. By beating the students celebrating the valentines day, kissing on public places, these wont lead to development. I am proud of my Indian culture as well, but this is too much, I mean, r all other issues and problems finished in India so they r worrying about this. When i tell this to my colleagues in Hk, they laugh. Stupid issues and bans......crap
RE:Kissing or Not Kissing?
by DSG on Apr 20, 2006 10:29 PM Permalink
Learn to take a stand in life. And dont decide for others. Decide for yourself. Learn to know the right from wrong. What makes kissing in public bad and dance bars and pubs good? If you think YOU should have your independence and feel free to refresh yourself, and your way of doing that is going to dance bars and pubs, don't you think someone else's way of 'refreshment' should also be allowed to them? Don't be a hypocrite
RE:Kissing or Not Kissing?
by the debunker on Apr 21, 2006 12:45 AM Permalink
See "dude" the police takes care of "real" issues, just that u wudnt want to read abt it, so rediff doesnt write abt it. ur argument is as stupid as asking the police to stop catching pick-pocekteres and look only for rapists and murderers.