at last some step has been taken against these stupidity.we were heading towards the disaster of our indian culture,this step is a blessing in disguise.these modernites have led to the ruin of our rich and varied culture.not only this small steps but some real testing steps should also be taken.
I do not commend the mushrooming of dancebars or kissing kings and queens in public places. However like in the case of dance bars, where the displaced dancers were either drawn into prostituton or directed towards further poverty and even sucide, fining the kissing citizens will further aggravate the eveil ie if there is any. Moral education starts at home and informal institutions like schools. The countries legislature and administartion has more urgent concerns to address then citizens kissing in public. Unless of course, if this is a revenue building measure. Banning or fining kisses doesn't prevent rapes or exploitation of women. I have been lived in highly open societies in europe. People do not resort to public displays of affection at the drop of the hat in such societies. Too may taboos breed a desire to break them. The next thing may be that holding hands or even men and women walking together may be fined.
The entire idea is stupid . I am 73 years old and old fashioned because of the period i lived in . It should be alowed any where . There is nothing wrong in giving or getting kissed it is a natural act of showing affection . In the west it is going on all over and at any place . It is not a obsene act and we must live with the time . It is no use going back to the 18th century . Parks are the best place for it because you go there to relax and talk things over and display affection to your spouse or the person you are with . We are terribly out of date . In fact the police should be fined for interfering with the freedom of individuals .
The people have to change and accept social changes.
With the present lifestyle ,and less time available for individuals , if a couple take some small liberties, this should not bother anyone.
More important is keeping roads clean and ensure no dust is on roads, potholes are filled and any work going on does not disturb the public and traffic.
Such persons who obstruct free flow of traffice, make roads dirty are to be fined heavily.
Govt should concentarte on such larger issues and fine people who spoil the roads and inconvenience others.
Why should lorries and Mini trucks be allowed through out the day on roads.Why the rotten lorries are allowed on roads ?
Why lorries broke on middle of road allowed to stay there? Why not a system be there to tow them to a different place ?
Why not government ad police concentrate on cleanliness and smoothflow of traffic rather than moral policing ?
A clean environmet will reduce health hazards.
Moral policing is wasting energy and money of taxpayers
Values and life styles are slowly changing and it cannot be branded entirely as negative.But we should respect our culture and change should be only for good to the individual and society.Adults should not spoil young minds (by behaving indecently in public) if not be role model for youngsters.Any act of indecency should not be tolerated and they should be punished, otherwise there will be no difference between human and dog