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Moral Policing
by PVSN Murty on Apr 20, 2006 04:56 PM

Times are changing.

The people have to change and accept social changes.

With the present lifestyle ,and less time available for individuals , if a couple take some small liberties, this should not bother anyone.

More important is keeping roads clean and ensure no dust is on roads, potholes are filled and any work going on does not disturb the public and traffic.

Such persons who obstruct free flow of traffice, make roads dirty are to be fined heavily.

Govt should concentarte on such larger issues and fine people who spoil the roads and inconvenience others.

Why should lorries and Mini trucks be allowed through out the day on roads.Why the rotten lorries are allowed on roads ?

Why lorries broke on middle of road allowed to stay there? Why not a system be there to tow them to a different place ?

Why not government ad police concentrate on cleanliness and smoothflow of traffic rather than moral policing ?

A clean environmet will reduce health hazards.

Moral policing is wasting energy and money of taxpayers

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