Its great that our country will notice a controlled strictness and controlled love among boys and girls. We are not like saudi arabia which degrades a human to a lowest extent by mutilating his / her body and killing and beating up a woman in the streets. We are a modern country with modern ideas. We should all be proud of being a part of this land. Jai Hind.
why not moral police go on and chase bigger issues of corruption, consumer rights, women exploitation,, hwy not they go to extreme and murder those proven guilty of rape and child abuse.
two people kissing in public might be in legal and legitimate relationship,, what right does anybody have to interfere in someone's personal matters.. as far as influence on children or rest of society is concerned, world is really small now and telivision and internet are always there.
Come on people!! India is a free country. Kissing should not be banned as it does not have any obscenity involved in it. Let's not let anybody police us on issues like this.
I think according to me it's n't punishable. But the youth should also realize the fact we must not imitate the western world. we have some unique qualities , culture and tradition. I hope we must follow this tradition to not to violate the things.
Well I'd say that its not morally wrong to display affection in public as long as the public is unpertrubed.I would also go forward and say that it is not a legal crime to kiss in public-I mean it is not an obnoxious practice to do so In a place like India where politicians have crossed levels of depravity and have done their best in plundering the country of it's wealth kissing in public should not categorised as a crime at all.If we scrutinize the existing scenario globally we would find that in most of the European countries and in America public kissing is not considered a crime at all, but over here there is a faction of the society which has formulated laws on the name of religion,culture,caste,creed,ethnicity and wants people to follow them blindly ,and consequences of not following them could turn out to be disastrous.All these factions are amalgamated to our existing political and social system and they in turn tend to drive the society at their own will.If we turn back the pages of history we would find there was far more freedom for women in the Vedic period than now.But I guess we can curb this social injustice through education and logic which can drive them away.
Its ok whatever law is introduced.There are better places to do all these personal stuff instead of doing publically.When bad guys start follwing the girls involved in such activities then everyone blames police and administration only.So whatever police and administration is doing is correct.
Hey its ridiculous.If you love someone and want to express it you kiss her or hug her.Its not a vulgar act.There is no obscenity in that.So why did the govt. took out the ban from lip kissing in the movies?Thats also an encouraging act.Be realistic guys,its your life and whatever you do which doesnot harm others is not against the law.