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To kiss or not to kiss
by Saurabh on Apr 20, 2006 05:08 PM

Well I'd say that its not morally wrong to display affection in public as long as the public is unpertrubed.I would also go forward and say that it is not a legal crime to kiss in public-I mean it is not an obnoxious practice to do so In a place like India where politicians have crossed levels of depravity and have done their best in plundering the country of it's wealth kissing in public should not categorised as a crime at all.If we scrutinize the existing scenario globally we would find that in most of the European countries and in America public kissing is not considered a crime at all, but over here there is a faction of the society which has formulated laws on the name of religion,culture,caste,creed,ethnicity and wants people to follow them blindly ,and consequences of not following them could turn out to be disastrous.All these factions are amalgamated to our existing political and social system and they in turn tend to drive the society at their own will.If we turn back the pages of history we would find there was far more freedom for women in the Vedic period than now.But I guess we can curb this social injustice through education and logic which can drive them away.

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