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To kiss or not to kiss
by Prakash on Apr 20, 2006 06:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

500 Rs is too less.....It should be so high that people dare not kiss is public seeing the penalty....

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Aadil on Apr 20, 2006 08:21 PM  Permalink
Good words! Totally with you on this.

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Srinivas on Apr 21, 2006 02:14 PM  Permalink
good ideas buddy.... i am also in favour of ur ideas....the govt. and police should concentrate on major issues rather than such trivial ones.

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Aziz Khan on Apr 21, 2006 12:55 PM  Permalink
Dear Ayesha,

Whatsoever, the decision is been taken by the govt officials are simply meant to harass the people and give a weapon to the Officials to misues it.

I Would like to narrate an incident happened with me at a park with my ex-girl friend ( currently my wife).

I was sitting in JIjamata Park ( Rani Baug, Mumbai) and busy with discussions for future plans, immediately a guard appreared and asked us to move towards their their office and told SAAB ne Bulaya hai.

It was very surprising and disgusting to us and later he started mis-behaving and using abusive words.

Later after reaching the Guards office, their Chief started using bad words without even knowing what has happened and started asking for Our Telephone numbers to call our parents, but later after sometime he calmed down and asked for Rs. 500/- as a fine for misbehaving at public place. Where as no act of such kind has happened.

But at Compromise, he setteled the matter for Rs.200/-

This is what happened to me at a park, but if govt. is giving such kind of Weapons, so AGAIN it will be a misuse of it.

If, Govt treasuries are over,then it start begging instead of fining.

A Frustrated Indian.

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Moral Policing
by Ayesha on Apr 20, 2006 06:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I just think the police n especially the politicians of our country have absolutely no work aside from pusuing and chasing these trivial issues.

Why cant these same bumch of people fine and jail people who commit female infanticide or burn their daughters in law to death for dowry???? Why cant they make such a hue and cry about the killers and rapists in our country getting bail so easily and roaming scotfree???? why cant they do anything about the growing number of child labour and why cant they not channel and utilize their energies for promoting free education in India. Why cant these same people not do anything for the farmers of our country who are forced to comit suicide???

There are more important issues to deal with and focus on rather than chasing and wasting public time and money on such trivialities.


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to kiss or not to kiss
by Sivaram on Apr 21, 2006 04:46 PM  Permalink
very well said!

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RE:Moral Policing
by Debashri on Apr 22, 2006 06:10 AM  Permalink
I totally agree with you Ayesha. These people have nothing better to do. Always interfering in others; lives when it is not necessary and turning the other way when their intervention is needed.
Even today, dowry system, female infanticide and subjugation of women at all levels is presominant. But no one speaks about it. It is easier that way for people, right?

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RE:Moral Policing
by Suresh on Apr 21, 2006 12:20 PM  Permalink
Rightly said ayesha.

Great comment.

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To kiss or not
by Rachit on Apr 20, 2006 06:10 PM  Permalink 

Are we living in Afghanistan?

Looks like some babus of the Delhi government decided to implemnt a law for the citizens without even consulting them.

Its really sad to note that instead of opening our mind we are actually closing it by adopting such laws.

Obscenity lies in the mind. If a child is told that kissing is vulgar he will believe it and will have more terrible thoughts. If he is told that it is good then he will have a free mind.

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embrace the times
by Shivaa Sharma on Apr 20, 2006 06:09 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

While we are proud of our great culture, we must remember that India is what it is today because it took the best from cultures that it befriended. Maybe our society is not comfortable with things like dating, pre-marital sex etc but why impose stringent measures on public display of affection even between married couples? Do their vows and commitment mean nothing? If they have formalized their love and gained the society's approval through marriage, why should they not be allowed to show this love to each other outside their home? Why must any affection be viewed as a sexual act only? If we see two people kissing, instead of being disgusted and shaking our heads, why do we not attempt to see the love and affection that the man and woman share? Have we become shallow and narrow minded under the cover of being morally sound?

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RE:embrace the times
by Adity on Apr 21, 2006 05:32 AM  Permalink
I am so much in sync with you. We are staying in a democratic country and cant have a free will to express ourselves? Public display of affection is highly justified and putting control over will not eradicate but might create an adverse affect on an indivdual. Have you ever heard of- more you put restrictions and make it a law- you would find more breakers for it. There is definately a thin line between decent approach for lip locking and making a vulgar move. However- for some crude people in society why penalise the entire nation?

I have a question for the authorities to answer-

Where does Govt go when rape cases happen in public? Where is the government when adult movies are played in the low lying areas in India? What about sick scenes coming on TV and movies everyday? Arent they provocative? Arent they spoiling our so called culture? Why dont they focus on major issues of the society and control crime and injustice happening so commonly and is inceasing day after day?

All i can see is this is another way for them to make money and in return harass people. They should act maturely and let such trivial things to us for we indvduals can decide whats good for us.

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Moral Policing
by sudharsan on Apr 20, 2006 06:07 PM  Permalink 

Only if people themselves understand and respect moral ethics, can these be stopped. Enforcing laws
will not make any drastic change.

Let us focus on high priority matters, like N-deal
and improving infrastructure in India (particulary good roads)

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Moral Police going too far
by Umesh Patil on Apr 20, 2006 06:06 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


I think this is taking morality a bit too far, the so called moral police are actually telling us how to lead our lives and i thought that we live in a Democratic country. I am in London currently and i dont think that showing affection in public places seems to have any adverse affects on the common people. Hope these people concentrate on more important issues rather than creating silly rules to trouble the common people


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RE:Moral Police going too far
by sahil on Apr 21, 2006 12:53 PM  Permalink
as if they carry 5000 bucks in thier pocket! c'mon, apply ur brains, if they had 500, wudnt they go to some pub for a nice time n privacy? its a very very stupid law, making way for local policemen to pool in some more money for their home.

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RE:Moral Police going too far
by adity on Apr 21, 2006 05:15 AM  Permalink
Conservativeness is good but not to this extent Mr. I understand you have a orthodox stand point but I guess you should be reminded of the fact that we are living in a democratic country!

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kiss of 50000
by Roshan Sharma on Apr 20, 2006 05:14 PM  Permalink 

for the lovers who love their gal/ boy frand from the bottom of their heart, they not gona stop by such expensive step of police.

Such lovers can throw 50000 to get a lovley/ Memoriable kiss of their cutie!!!!

isn't it guys !!

cheers !!


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Not to kiss
by Mumbaite on Apr 20, 2006 05:13 PM  Permalink 

The ban on dance bars was a damn good step. The laws should help build a good society. Not many people want their families to live in areas infested with dance bars and prostitutes (we all know what goes on in the backdoors) or couples groping and kissing around in public - anything which makes a common man uncomfortable while taking a stroll along with his mom/sis/kids. That there is an economic downside to it is a bad excuse. Im sure if prostitution is legalized there would be more jobs and more money exchanged, but most Indians would agree that its not what they want

I would like to add that censor boards have become inactive too. Movies and pop albums have gone beserk in the last half decade in the amount of suggestiveness and skin show. And see how it has affected the young generation already. Why the hell do we try to keep up with the west in these matters. Exactly this kind of thing has disturbed the west and destroyed the existence of meaningful relationships - I've lived in the Americas for years and see that it has become very animal like / mechanical in these matters. Im limited by space. Trust me - theres only more depression & divorces with the current approach

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