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embrace the times
by Shivaa Sharma on Apr 20, 2006 06:09 PM

While we are proud of our great culture, we must remember that India is what it is today because it took the best from cultures that it befriended. Maybe our society is not comfortable with things like dating, pre-marital sex etc but why impose stringent measures on public display of affection even between married couples? Do their vows and commitment mean nothing? If they have formalized their love and gained the society's approval through marriage, why should they not be allowed to show this love to each other outside their home? Why must any affection be viewed as a sexual act only? If we see two people kissing, instead of being disgusted and shaking our heads, why do we not attempt to see the love and affection that the man and woman share? Have we become shallow and narrow minded under the cover of being morally sound?

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss