This policy is totally uncalled for in terms of legislation and enforcement.While Article 19(1(a) of the Constitution guarantees us the Freedom of Speech and Expression, Article 19(2) imposes certain conditions and limitations on it including indecency and immorality.However,indecency and immorality has to be decided in the zeitgeist-the spirit of the times. Every culture EVOLVES,it is never stagnant.Who can judge evolution? Resistance to change is inborn in every person;there is a tendency to hold on to the familiar.But tell me, where is KISSING against Indian culture? How do we know it is against? Who told us? The Elizabethan ideology? Is this Indian culture something mindless handed down the generations? Why can't we kiss in public? We must if we want to. Having said that,I must also concede it can be embarrassing at times to people around & at best a sense of social sanction may prevail to curtail the time and place for kissing.I have the right to kiss my parents at a farewell,my girlfriend/wife at a greeting and my children to show them affection; kissing is an expression of love and to deny that would be denying the Right to Life as per Article 21.So people,keep on kissing
Indian law is getting blind.God help it soon.It is ridiculous to fine any one who is kissing. Silly law.If a male and a female kisses with mutual consent leave them alone. As law must protect innocent woman and foreigners from being raped. Let the law do a mindful and thoughtful business. Do not ponder on useless issues like these. Law must protect woman not to punish lovers or married couples who are kissing. Are we getting back to stone age again?
I agree with the fact that police have fining people for making mockery of public decency,but i would like to comment on the police system as well they are not just leving the fine on the people who are found in compromising positions but also targeting the innocent couples who are just rendering the hearts to their loved one with making love to each other,its personal experience and i feel such policemen should be reprimanded for doing such things.Moreover nowadays its easy to bribe anybody and get off but who will give the security that nothing will happen to the girl if they are caught.
The Western influence has now grapped the world in all sects of life. It's Pepsi or Coke first, later table manners, birthdays, anniversaries and all those nominated days of importance. We all have noticed the decline in the Western Society.
Are we animals? We have been created as the best of all creations. And Oh! what does Kiss means? Once we do not deal this phobia we shall land up people making love (which is probably being practised in many gardens) on streets.
Once an elderly woman who had visited her son in U.S. was waiting eagerly for her son to return from work. Being exhausted she opened the main door just to find a couple having sex in the corridor. Voicing her utter disregard she landed up being beaten with bruises and blood oozing out with a Note that 'SHE DISTURBE HER' . Later this woman left back to India.
I congratulate the Delhi Govt. for enforcing the financial fines, which I feel is not a big sum to many a spoilt youth who wouldn't care, pay the fine and start the process again.
Dear children we have a very strong culture. Let us not imitate the West! Kissing is not our destiny. Regards. Ahmed Hussain.
Dis is ridiculous. . ."Ha Ha Ha". Administration wanna apply 1936 Law in 2006 WOW!!! More dan enough is being shown in fashion shows $ in high class parties. A Model who wear just a 2-piece in an International Show, She is given so much respect & honour for showing off herself. .!!!
Indian Males used to do "Pee & Poo" in open public areas, Lots of Police men used to tease girls by cheap words and actions, no action against them. Only thing, Administration can do to protect our culture is, first make such laws & apply on students or on lower or middle class ppl and then beat them. Seems this is the only way to tell world about ourselves. . .These things used to hpn and will continue to hpn in upper high class Malls, Hotels and Parties etc. . . No one will stop them Coz they r EDUCATED & 21 Century ppl. . .
when media is not doing the job atleast policeman are doing.Great.we have forgotten our ancester ,cultural values morality.we are blindly copying what media says.accept what is rigt and wrong.never compromise with our cultural and moral values set by forefathers.Even most of the youngsters falls prey profaganda set by some rich class sick minded people for there own benifit.wherver improvement is needed like engineering,buissness,tecknology copying u.s.a no problem.god has given such a beautiful culture we fail to understand the importance because we are sick
we have forgotten god that is why all nonsense things happens. a boy loves a girl no wrong go and get married dont do road youngster want road show that is dirty.why media dont like moralaity
i raly feel sad about our media.Pl this is just an opinion from a citizen of india not against any individual.accept what god says in bagavadgita rest of them man made in material world