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police finiing couples
by ramesh mulki on Apr 20, 2006 06:54 PM

when media is not doing the job atleast policeman are doing.Great.we have forgotten our ancester ,cultural values morality.we are blindly copying what media says.accept what is rigt and wrong.never compromise with our cultural and moral values set by forefathers.Even most of the youngsters falls prey profaganda set by some rich class sick minded people for there own benifit.wherver improvement is needed like engineering,buissness,tecknology copying u.s.a no problem.god has given such a beautiful culture we fail to understand the importance because we are sick

we have forgotten god that is why all nonsense things happens. a boy loves a girl no wrong go and get married dont do road youngster want road show that is dirty.why media dont like moralaity

i raly feel sad about our media.Pl this is just an opinion from a citizen of india not against any individual.accept what god says in bagavadgita rest of them man made in material world

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