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police is right
by sayeed on Apr 20, 2006 07:28 PM  Permalink 

the police or adminstration whoever is doing this is 100% right in their decion. i personally feel that there should be restriction in all these things. love is somehting eternal and it is very precious thing some of our young guys/girls is taking it very litely and for them it is just fun. love does not means kissing.iam not against lovers kissing but in public places this should be for sure avoided. if it continues this will reflect a wrong impression on the comming generations. lets make our society a clean and neat society as our country is known for. dont apt foregn countries. our love to our parteners is endless. it will increase and increase as time passs by not like the westerens they ahve the love for a limited period asnd then tehy seprated from each other. so the delhi police is very right in its decsion.

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to kiss or not...
by nandanan on Apr 20, 2006 07:26 PM  Permalink 

I am for a big NO in public places. Enjoy the nature with your loved ones. Enjoy the warmth of the people around you.

Kiss only in a private place like a hotel room or home and that is what it shold be. It is very personal for public view.

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by Jawahar on Apr 20, 2006 07:19 PM  Permalink 

I do think that too many restrictions might create more problems than already are with the current youth generation. However, the youth of India is going a bit too far trying to imitate western culture, and definitely needs a reminder that we are Indians, and America is on the other side of the planet. Preserve our culture. Do what you have to inside your homes.

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Another Example Why India can never improve
by Rahul on Apr 20, 2006 07:18 PM  Permalink 

India and Indian mentalities(Atleast most of them) have not changed. Its just the same and we Indians are never going to change both ourself and Country. What the hell is your problem if two are kissing in the roads, trains or bus. Delhi does not care about RAPE and Murder. But wants to concentrate on kissing on mutual understanding and love. Never say India is a developing country. Its UNDER developing country

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by nirav on Apr 20, 2006 07:16 PM  Permalink 

it is rubbish. instead they should creat more public sapce for people in general and stop interfering in their lives.

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Look whose talking!!
by Ashish on Apr 20, 2006 07:12 PM  Permalink 

Well when it comes to lip locking in public or showing effection in public , the indiam police wishes to sceam an alarm about it by taxing fines from minors and otheres...They(th police )claim its their moral responsibility....i just have one question for them...Where is their Moral responsibility when minors are molested and eve teased my members of the police team...I no more feel secure when a police man is around DO U???

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by bab on Apr 20, 2006 07:11 PM  Permalink 

Obscenity in public should be banned.it should be a private thing not public. india has a rich culture and it should stick to it. also, now a days bollywood is pruducing movies that are kind of difficult to watch in family.

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To kiss
by Pavan on Apr 20, 2006 07:11 PM  Permalink 

I understand that public kissing gives a negative opinion but if it is a couple I dont see a reason in fining them. I strongly believe that public views are to be taken into view when making such rules.

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What's wrong with moral policing?
by Abc on Apr 20, 2006 07:10 PM  Permalink 

Quite good. The term moral policing has been used in such a way that it sounds worse than immoral trafficking. What's wrong with moral policing? What's wroing in saying you are not supposed to kiss in public? Is it so hard to resist? Then you better consult a doctor. A peck or kiss on the cheek is okay. I don't think no "moral police" would mind that. Today it will be a liplock tomorrow it could be something else. At least we have lots of people here who will immediately start saying "In the USA, it is like that...In the U.K. people do this." Let them do. Call them immoral rather than calling ourselves underdeveloped, if that's what you think we are.

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to kiss or not to kiss.
by n.bhowmik47 on Apr 20, 2006 07:08 PM  Permalink 

it is not proper to show your personal emotions in public . thats'why i am against it.

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