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police is right
by sayeed on Apr 20, 2006 07:28 PM

the police or adminstration whoever is doing this is 100% right in their decion. i personally feel that there should be restriction in all these things. love is somehting eternal and it is very precious thing some of our young guys/girls is taking it very litely and for them it is just fun. love does not means kissing.iam not against lovers kissing but in public places this should be for sure avoided. if it continues this will reflect a wrong impression on the comming generations. lets make our society a clean and neat society as our country is known for. dont apt foregn countries. our love to our parteners is endless. it will increase and increase as time passs by not like the westerens they ahve the love for a limited period asnd then tehy seprated from each other. so the delhi police is very right in its decsion.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss