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How About Imposing fines on........
by Rahul on Apr 20, 2006 08:02 PM  Permalink 

To whom so ever it may concern....

Fine drivers violating traffic laws.
Fine drivers who honk unnecessarily.
Fine people who litter in public places.

Don't show your frustration by trying to fine people lip locking in public. Would foreigners be fined ? Would the cops ask the offenders to produce the passport to verify citizenship.

This is utter nonsense !!!
Grow up and channel your frustration in positive direction.

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kisses are expensive
by sudip chakrabaty on Apr 20, 2006 08:01 PM  Permalink 

Are we living in the regime of Talibans ? if yes then we should go ahead with this kind of rules. I dont think there is anything-wrong showing love publicly. What about all those Leaders and police who are taking bribe publicly , have we fined them ?

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kiss or not to kiss
by D.Venkatramana on Apr 20, 2006 08:00 PM  Permalink 

Are'nt we stretching our freedom too far...?

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how much is it for looking at each other?
by swati rohatgi on Apr 20, 2006 07:59 PM  Permalink 

Fine on kissing! That makes it necessary to stipulate a fine for other obscene activities like holding hands or looking at each other! hopefully our enlightened governmnet will do the needful!

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Kissing in public
by Srinath on Apr 20, 2006 07:52 PM  Permalink 

Kissing in public is not that big an issue to slap a fine of RS 500. Its totally senseless unless the limits are crossed... Just stealing a kiss will not harm anyone and the so called 'Moral Police' is just making a non-sensical hue and cry about that. The ban and fine is totally irradical, illogical. Kissing is a way to show love and feelings towards another person.

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The Latest Amendment
by Mohammad Danish on Apr 20, 2006 07:50 PM  Permalink 

The amendment is perfectly fine... But can you control this by FORCE??? And this means you can do everything behind closed doors and come out as the most decent man/woman ever born?

All Bull***t..!!

What about those Rape Victims and Rapists??

What about those who were murdered simply out of whims and ego and their murderers??

What about the TV Soaps (Sex and the City and similar types)??

What about the Music Videos?? More Nude than Art?

What about sexual harassment in offices??

What about those who try to put their hands on all the wrong places on a woman in a crowded place (it's no less than a rape)

What about those who take advantage instead of protecting?? (People Like MORE?)

Can I beg the moral police to look into this also??

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To kiss or not to kiss
by nitin on Apr 20, 2006 07:47 PM  Permalink 

I simply dont understand who are these policemans to teach.
Is love a crime ?
Is kissing or holding hands is a crime ?

It these policeman only who once a who see a girl or women alone try to rape her (mumbai checkpost case),everybody knows that these law enforcing agency commits heinous crimes like rape in cells
Doesnt every body knows that how officer in charge in night talks to the women prisoners..

Actually most of these policemens are frustrated of not achieving much in life (and its true with meagre salaries frustration arises) as materialistic comforts are beyond in reach for most of them.

Jessica murderers still looms in large ( why dont they treat them they way these people treat park lovers---billi ke gale main ghanti kaun bandhe)

nitish katara case still going on and police make merry with murderers.

sanjiv dubey --- IIM graduate raising his voice for IOC OIL petrol pump adulteration case ---- verdict still unknown to people ..

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Not to Kiss
by Suraj.M on Apr 20, 2006 07:44 PM  Permalink 

yes, my view on the above subject is right.nodoubt, the moral of police will be high because their actions are justified.i think fine of Rs.500-1000 will deter the wrongdoers ( esp. couples ) & help them in making a second thought b4 committing the action.couples should lead by example on how 2 be moral & civilised people in the society & not mimic the western culture and thus spoiling the image of the country they live in.

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Kissing is not bad
by MKS on Apr 20, 2006 07:42 PM  Permalink 

It is totally unwarranted move. First let the authorities be firm on people pissing/shiting in public places and then come to kissing. Kissing is not a more deplorable activity than the other nasty things done in public places.

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There should be additional fines on people who spit, urinate in public places
by Lisa on Apr 20, 2006 07:36 PM  Permalink 

I will regard it as a good move but please fine people of Rs 500 or so who spit, urinate in public places, isnt these acts are also making "illegal use" of public spaces.

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