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To kiss or not to kiss
by nitin on Apr 20, 2006 07:47 PM

I simply dont understand who are these policemans to teach.
Is love a crime ?
Is kissing or holding hands is a crime ?

It these policeman only who once a who see a girl or women alone try to rape her (mumbai checkpost case),everybody knows that these law enforcing agency commits heinous crimes like rape in cells
Doesnt every body knows that how officer in charge in night talks to the women prisoners..

Actually most of these policemens are frustrated of not achieving much in life (and its true with meagre salaries frustration arises) as materialistic comforts are beyond in reach for most of them.

Jessica murderers still looms in large ( why dont they treat them they way these people treat park lovers---billi ke gale main ghanti kaun bandhe)

nitish katara case still going on and police make merry with murderers.

sanjiv dubey --- IIM graduate raising his voice for IOC OIL petrol pump adulteration case ---- verdict still unknown to people ..

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