MOral Policing is correct. Steps should be taken to stop indecent behaviour, thereby our culture. Otherwise we will soon be in a hollow society heavily influenced with western culture, with no respect for important things
Of course it is good decision but how far it will be succeed .I wonder !western people for whom kiss is kind of expressing love and affection anywhere whether public or private visiting India will have to pay the most and may be they will getting scared of coming to India where they won,t be allowed to do their favourite thing i.e KISSING.
This country is not meant for youngsters who love to be in love....
everytime there is a afraid of police, Society, HOuse, Parents.. No body want love in this country everybody is looking for money specially police and govt...
Kiss should be purrely public as it gives a mental and physical pleasure..
but we cannot change ourselves as we are indians..we will die for our culture... we have to mind ourselves only not to take the tender of whole society...
But after all India is great ...without having anything except spirituality...
The police has decided to fine rs 500 for couples kising in public. The way indian society is going this doesn't make sense. Consider the kind of movies, music videos being screened on TV. Is TV not a public medium. Then why make such a huge issue of a very trivial matter of kissing......this law does in my view is absurd......
More than the fine they are keen on harassing the couples who seem to be from good families. The police keeps on threatning these couples that they'll tell this to their parents and then ask for more money. They have made a good business out of it. If they are really concerned about the law then why not just fine them rs.500 and then just mind their own business.......why do they want to know all information about their families, their school, college etc. thats really absurd on part of delhi police.....also most of the police personnel don't even have manners or sense to talk to those couples. they just find an opportunity to humiliate them in public. they r unnecessarily harsh and rude. Rather than helping someone they just try ti harass others. exceptions could always be there.....but in general, they are this way....
Everybody says that displaying expressions of love is not against our culture and jeopardizes its very sanctity. Come on !!!
One can see such acts, or in fact , much more "provocative" ones ,immortalised in full glory on the walls of our ancient temples. No, I'm not talking just of the Khajuraho temples, but a lot of temples and palaces in the south, including Karnataka ! So aren't these temples and palaces not part of culture. Didn't we evolve from them??
Ancient Indian society and culture was far too liberal , even for current Western standards , and the very fact that ,such expressions of love were carved on temples ( supposed to be the centres of culture and art in those days) proves that people respected and revered love and passion. They were not Taboo !!! Somewhere down the line , our society started to slowly introduce these conservative ideologies , which are so damn unnatural to our culture , and alas, today we scorn them as being sacrilegious!!!
Would these people who blacken out "obscene" posters in the city walls do the same on temple walls ? It is totally ridiculous how our society has evolved to be so hypocritical !!!!
Firstly stop the fashion show showing the nudity type of dress then the police should be honest to do there duty,enter the hotel were most off the rubbish is happening.Then only this rule can be effective
Decent people discern the things they need to do publicly and the things they need to do privately. We cannot allow ourselves to be guided by emotions, especially aping loose Western culture and making monkeys out of ourselves. Indian traditions are far superior to many others. Indian ladies are respected and adored for their sterling qualities. Let us not throw all these off and become disposal carbon copies in the bargain.