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Who says this is not our culture ?
by aks on Apr 24, 2006 10:23 AM

Everybody says that displaying expressions of love is not against our culture and jeopardizes its very sanctity. Come on !!!

One can see such acts, or in fact , much more "provocative" ones ,immortalised in full glory on the walls of our ancient temples. No, I'm not talking just of the Khajuraho temples, but a lot of temples and palaces in the south, including Karnataka ! So aren't these temples and palaces not part of culture. Didn't we evolve from them??

Ancient Indian society and culture was far too liberal , even for current Western standards , and the very fact that ,such expressions of love were carved on temples ( supposed to be the centres of culture and art in those days) proves that people respected and revered love and passion. They were not Taboo !!! Somewhere down the line , our society started to slowly introduce these conservative ideologies , which are so damn unnatural to our culture , and alas, today we scorn them as being sacrilegious!!!

Would these people who blacken out "obscene" posters in the city walls do the same on temple walls ? It is totally ridiculous how our society has evolved to be so hypocritical !!!!

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