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Nothing will change
by Puneet Datta on Apr 21, 2006 06:48 AM  Permalink 

Except police will get another reason to put money in thier back pockets... I have been a victim and its easy to get out of the mess buy passing on 100 bucks.

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ofcourse kiss
by keyur on Apr 21, 2006 06:28 AM  Permalink 

India/Indians need to grow up...no wonder when this same people go abroad, they can'nt avoid gawking at the slightest possible revelation of affection or should I say skin!!!...creating constraints on things people do, which do not affect you and me is a 'who cares??' kind of thing, after which only people with nothing else to do will waste their time...did I say Indian police!!!

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Reg Kissing at Public Place
by Kamal on Apr 21, 2006 05:51 AM  Permalink 

We are in India and should behave like Indians. Lip locking and doing sex are the indoor games and to show the affection between the couple and not to the general public. It is not moral policing but it is like acting against pornography or vulgarity or public nuisance. So for these kind of things we need not have any public opinion nor consensus among the public.

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Moral Thoughts - Purified
by jealous on Apr 21, 2006 05:35 AM  Permalink 

Arent police supposed to be catching real criminals? Imagine a ruddy police officer going home and boasting to his wife "Honey! I nailed 5 couples today ...he he .. made 2500 Rs + change (i bullied them) ... common give your hunk of a husband a kiss"

Well I dont know how it sounds to you, but all those drug/body trafickers, killers, dons are playing soccer in their front lawn and they are turning MORAL on romantic couples. Now how great is that?

I think its time for them to be a bit Mature and stop trying to gain attention with childish schemes. They should rather go and do some real crime fighting. I mean I dont understand with crime rate so very high how do these policemen get time for this kinda petty stuff?

I hate to say this, but to these "Moral Pilicemen" I would like to say "go get a life!"

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kiss or not
by RIBHU on Apr 21, 2006 05:32 AM  Permalink 

So next time one needs to be carefull even kissing his or her kid. Indian culture seems to really weak thing which will crumble with anything new which comes along. Culture is a an evolving thing not something set in stone and handed down over generations. Let us hope next there is no fine on men wearing shorts in public or women wearing pants or tshirts because it is not part of the Indian culture!!! or marrying or loving someone from another caste or locality.

Are we going the taliban way people who fear culture don't even know that it is impossible to define a particular culture in India it has n number of diverse culture and traditions.

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To kiss or not to kiss
by Arani on Apr 21, 2006 04:28 AM  Permalink 

Kissing is a basic show of affection and it depends on the individuals involved for its nature and meaning. it can be done between couples whether married or unmarried, between a brother and a sister, between a son and a mother/father, between a daughter and a mother/father, and the list goes on. and yes the type of kiss also varies depending on the combinations. lets not try to beat the drums of our culture and how it is being poisoned by western values. the west never felt shy in showing emotions, and hence their social structure regarding such public display of emotions is different. india on the other hand had a different outlook. to be very true Vatsayana\'s book depicts many different forms of kissing but obviously they serve a single purpose. so if we kiss in public in india, we are not aping the west, nor are we poisoning the society. yes its true that there should be a line between emotion and obscenity. the point is not about western culture being bad and indian culture is golden.western culture is for the west, they dont ridicule us for being conservative. likewise we should be mature enough not to rebuke theirs. so ban obscenity and stop making rules to harass public!!!

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Not a bad deal
by Nitish on Apr 21, 2006 04:27 AM  Permalink 

A kiss in 500rs. , not bad, as its not mentioned that wat will be duration so enjoy till they limit the duration of Kiss in 500rs. also



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Kiss my ***
by chat_siddhartha on Apr 21, 2006 04:20 AM  Permalink 

Bullshit!wats this.Govt.doesn\\\\\\\'t have any other work.Lets not make it a hardcore taliban nation.Its just a lip-lock,unless or until somebody gets pregnant(I guess the govt. thinks so).Guys come on!this is ridiculous.U can\\\\\\\'t do this in the land of Kamasutra.Its not to far that gals will be coming in veils.If a bunch of guys(sitting in lok Sabha) go green with kissing,that doesn\\\\\\\'t allow them to take control of our life.I hope so this is not a trend and this should be taken back.

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Moral Policing taking us back in time.
by Soumen on Apr 21, 2006 04:09 AM  Permalink 

The bans and fines being imposed by the Moral Police is totally unacceptable. Do they want India to follow Gulf rules on such issues.

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