Arent police supposed to be catching real criminals? Imagine a ruddy police officer going home and boasting to his wife "Honey! I nailed 5 couples today ...he he .. made 2500 Rs + change (i bullied them) ... common give your hunk of a husband a kiss"
Well I dont know how it sounds to you, but all those drug/body trafickers, killers, dons are playing soccer in their front lawn and they are turning MORAL on romantic couples. Now how great is that?
I think its time for them to be a bit Mature and stop trying to gain attention with childish schemes. They should rather go and do some real crime fighting. I mean I dont understand with crime rate so very high how do these policemen get time for this kinda petty stuff?
I hate to say this, but to these "Moral Pilicemen" I would like to say "go get a life!"