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by Arthur on Apr 21, 2006 09:03 AM  Permalink 

Dear Ed

It is heartening to note the hike in kiss-rate;

Quashing illegality in public places, brakes on the culture-killers, curbing excessive celebrations of misguided western expressionism etc..

Excellent! It is good to know that our moral values are not being swished under the carpet. Or is it....

I fail to understand where the morality, integrity and such characteristics were.....

when Jessica Lall and countless others were victims of power flexers,

when murderers were allowed to go scot-free though evidence points to their guilt,

when the pogroms in Gujarat took place,

when the bakery case made one of the "best" mockeries of the judicial system,

when the criminals in politics defy law with impunity,

when we submerge the livelihoods of a poor illiterate lot in narmada,

the list goes on...

Let us do our bit to stamp this out; we will not be free from this hypocrisy unless we rise in anger...

Yours truly

Arthur Varghese


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To kiss or not to kiss
by K.Pandu Ranga rao on Apr 21, 2006 08:53 AM  Permalink 

Dear Editor,

If we make rules we should implement them properly. Have we been able to stop smoking though we have so many restrictions? Is eve teasing stopped? Has ragging come to nought in colleges? Similarly kissing also. It is human nature to break the rules and cultivate such habits. We should not permit any indecent public behaviour. Compared to other countries like Hong Kong in China our country is far better. why don't we analyse the factors responsible for the youth to get motivated for kissing. What kind of films are allowed by Censors for public viewing? The youth are allowed to see indecent scenes in the internet. With such atmosphere around can we implement rule of no public kissing? Is it practical? Personally I agree that kissing should not be permitted in public. But have we thought of taking other measures to stop provocation for kissing. till it is viewed comprehensively kissing continues abated with or without fine.

K.Pandu Ranga rao

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To kiss or not to kiss
by parambir singh on Apr 21, 2006 08:38 AM  Permalink 

to kiss or not to kiss in public is totaly upon the love birds. wat i think or in my opinion it should not be permitted and wat step the police has taken is perfectly all right. tghis is india and not any foreign country, we have some culture and we should respect it.

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Your say: to kiss or not to kiss
by Aakash Sankhlecha on Apr 21, 2006 08:27 AM  Permalink 

Whats wrong in kissing in public if a guy is with his girlfriend or wife... having fine on kissing in public is the most stupid thing i have ever heard... n moreover its just kissing rite? just that... The moral police is finding ways to fill their pockets and use the money to do the same or may be more behind the bushes!!!

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kissing inpublic places - moral policing
by s.n.das on Apr 21, 2006 08:20 AM  Permalink 

kissing in public is certainly not welcome. there will b more onlookers enjoying the show and it could cause traffic jams. policing is necessary to advise them to do it privately and heavy fines should nevr be levied. kissing is essentially an emotional factor. husband leaving wife on a long journey may kiss his wife in public.it is just like fondling a baby or a youngster by near and dear ones. only lewd behaviour or nudity must be fined by moral police.if fines r levied by moral police it could lead to extortion of money indiscriminately.

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by S.SUDHAKAR on Apr 21, 2006 07:45 AM  Permalink 

I very strongly oppose any kind of fine or restriction on (good) lovers expressing any kind of love in public. Lovers are much more decent than those who impose fine. Damn it. India is not at all suited for western culture. Most peoples are slum peoplus in terms of understanding "Romance in public".

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Moral Policing : A Fascist Initiative
by Blaldeo Pandey on Apr 21, 2006 07:42 AM  Permalink 

On the name of 'Great Indian Culture and Tradition'the punitive action against kissing even at public place is unfortunate and undesired.Most of us are suffering from 'Western Syndrome'i.e.whatever being practised in western societies are bad and immoral.If two adult couple meet and kiss each other --it is their individual decision and right.Who are we to condemn and penalise them.We are living in a transition period where everything is changing very fast.In this era of Globalisation and Electronic Revolution,how can one impose a ban of individual's freedom and practice.In any healthy society,there should be liberal understanding. As if mere kissing is viewed as a crime and an intervention of the state is felt then it indicates the prevalent hypocrasy and insensitivity in that society.Human behaviour should be understood in a given situation as so many barriers and rigid traditions are being broken by progressive and rational thinking.Ultimately we have to think what we want to preserve an inhuman medieval and repressive mind set or to change ourself to fit in a humane and liberal living conditions.Let one to decide what is good and bad.Mere kissing will not weaken Indian Culture

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To kiss or not to kiss
by srik on Apr 21, 2006 07:40 AM  Permalink 

It is not proper to showoff ones lust in public, it should be private and better to avoid in public. Above all our good ancient tradition and culture doesnt entertain these sort of activities.There are many more reasons, but i think the basic reason is enough for now.

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