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Moral Policing : A Fascist Initiative
by Blaldeo Pandey on Apr 21, 2006 07:42 AM

On the name of 'Great Indian Culture and Tradition'the punitive action against kissing even at public place is unfortunate and undesired.Most of us are suffering from 'Western Syndrome'i.e.whatever being practised in western societies are bad and immoral.If two adult couple meet and kiss each other --it is their individual decision and right.Who are we to condemn and penalise them.We are living in a transition period where everything is changing very fast.In this era of Globalisation and Electronic Revolution,how can one impose a ban of individual's freedom and practice.In any healthy society,there should be liberal understanding. As if mere kissing is viewed as a crime and an intervention of the state is felt then it indicates the prevalent hypocrasy and insensitivity in that society.Human behaviour should be understood in a given situation as so many barriers and rigid traditions are being broken by progressive and rational thinking.Ultimately we have to think what we want to preserve an inhuman medieval and repressive mind set or to change ourself to fit in a humane and liberal living conditions.Let one to decide what is good and bad.Mere kissing will not weaken Indian Culture

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