Kissing is a personal matter. I wish the government and the culture preservers look for serious issues (there are plenty of them) and try to solve them. It s really rediculous to fine couples because they are kissing and not touch the gentlemen who spit all around the beloved mother Indian land. where are we going?
The moral police is going too far than they should be. If their is some kind of explicit behaviour being shown at the public places, then definately, their should be some control over it. But for mere kissing, the law shouldn't interfere with personal lives to this extreme.
Its really disappointing to read the comments posted here. It seems we still need time to get grown up. Its not the 'kissing in public' which is bad, but the mindset with which we view the same is bad. This is a very natural and decent way of showing affection towards your partner.
Have you ever thought why it feels good when we see a mother kissing her baby? Or a newly married couple kissing each other in a church? It never raises ones eyebrow. It feels good. Because we know that it shows their commitment and love. Its not the kissing in public which is bad but the way it is done and the way we view it is wrong.
today some one will do kiss in public and tomorrow they will do sex in public. there is nothing wrong in imposing the ban. some will tell that it is againist there right. if u think in that way nothing can be imposed. The problem in india is that most of them dont know what to do where and what to wear where.
We are very proud of our Culture and up-bringing. But we are in 21st Century and there is definitely a change in our attitudes and behaviour. That also goes for our display of love and affection. Surely we have not gone so forward as to allow Lip-Locking in public places, but a Peck on the Cheek is definitely a nice gesture of Love between the Partners. I am sure most of the young (married/unmarried) couples would be very happy to receive a Peck from their Lovers/Husbands, when he is departing or meeting after along time. It is the best way of expressing Love. It is solely a matter between two consenting individuals. Let us not allow (Moral) Police to Earn out of Innocent Lovers in one more way. Already the Lovers hardly have any privacy. A small gesture of Love is always Welcome to these Love-birds. Let them enjoy it. Let us not become Out-dated Moral Police. We have taken pride in Improving ourselves and changing with modern trends, why not in such matters. It is only people who are in Love or have been Romantically linked, who will appreciate such gestures. If putting up Sexy Posters of Films has not upset such Moral Police, why this? It is high time that we changed Old and outdated Laws, rather than create news now. This will only make our youngsters loose further faith in seniors. More so in Police and Politicians.
In 18th Century, Sati was an essential part of our culture. In 19th Century, Child Marriages was part of our culture. Till early 20th Century widow re-marriage was unthinkable & against our ethos. Purdah system was enforced on women as part of our cultural heritage.
Today are we worse off because we have done away with Sati, Child marriage and widow persecution? or have we grown into a more mature society, aware of the rights of individuals and their well being?
Maybe this issue of lip-locking in public is similar, but is being opposed because it is unthinkable today, as ban on Sati was in the 18th & 19th century. 10 years down the line how many of us would really bother with such archaic laws.
But then, maybe these are innovative ways for increasing the incomes of police personnel, since we cant pay them decent salaries.
So if our moral policeman want to teach people how to live or rather what to do and what not to do in public, why NOT BAN atleat, 1) Using public places (roads etc) as toilets. 2) Spitting in public. (esp inside the building) 3) Throwing trash on roads and everywhere else. Could someone please fine those violating the above for 500 bucks. It will probably generate more revenue than merely banning kissing. Goodness!!! Have our good great politicians got no other issues to work upon?? Next will come ban on holding hands in public, embracing in public, huh!!!
Kissing is a commitment of love,it s'd not be a done as a vulgur act..every place is not to make kiss...
What You do, where and how you are doing is what your character is.
Its a point of manners. In puplic place say a Lover's Parks, general public s'd respect privacy of couples as well, couples s'd behave themselves in places.. like while public parks, Road sides..
.. If you dont behave decency Really You Dont Love Your Partener, This is the offence, the social/cultural crime and is illegal.
The idea of the fine is just a so called moral gimic. it is just to take the focus off from thousands of people who are starving and put it on some something that will get them praises from some guys who are still living in the past.they talk about kissing when more than half of the population is below the poverty line, more than half of the population is illetrate. and moreover this is India, a nation that can be proud of not being like some of our north-western neighbours.they close dance bars putting all those who are dependent on that income in the croppers but they cant even reduce the number of indians who have to leave India in search of jobs,forget about stopping it.
It is high time that the government stop moral policing and turn their attention to real issues plagueing the nation poverty. as of now it is all audio and no action.
when will the nation wake up to the real needs of india