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Kiss or no Kiss
by kiran on Apr 21, 2006 02:25 PM

We are very proud of our Culture and up-bringing. But we are in 21st Century and there is definitely a change in our attitudes and behaviour. That also goes for our display of love and affection. Surely we have not gone so forward as to allow Lip-Locking in public places, but a Peck on the Cheek is definitely a nice gesture of Love between the Partners. I am sure most of the young (married/unmarried) couples would be very happy to receive a Peck from their Lovers/Husbands, when he is departing or meeting after along time. It is the best way of expressing Love. It is solely a matter between two consenting individuals. Let us not allow (Moral) Police to Earn out of Innocent Lovers in one more way. Already the Lovers hardly have any privacy. A small gesture of Love is always Welcome to these Love-birds. Let them enjoy it. Let us not become Out-dated Moral Police. We have taken pride in Improving ourselves and changing with modern trends, why not in such matters. It is only people who are in Love or have been Romantically linked, who will appreciate such gestures. If putting up Sexy Posters of Films has not upset such Moral Police, why this? It is high time that we changed Old and outdated Laws, rather than create news now. This will only make our youngsters loose further faith in seniors. More so in Police and Politicians.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss