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To kiss or not
by sagar on Apr 22, 2006 04:43 PM  Permalink 

Goverment has taken gr8 step ,i m dlighted ,but the fine tat is imposed is too LESS instead of rs50-500 govt should have ask RS5000 as fine so that govt can good REVENUE from it

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to kiss or not to kiss
by karthikeyan velu on Apr 22, 2006 04:35 PM  Permalink 

imposing such idiotic curfews is bringing down the economy of india. people are still orthodox and its 2007 now. i dont think india will come up if it has such restrictions on each and every issue. before imposing any law, te public vote for it and only then it can be enforced.

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To kiss or not to Kiss?
by Anand Kumar.V.R. on Apr 22, 2006 04:12 PM  Permalink 

Definitely Yes. What is wrong when you kiss some body whom you love? Those antagonists must be really cowards who are afraid of expressing such a natural and heavenly feeling. Gag such people is my sincere advice.

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RE::To Kiss or not to Kiss
by Lalit Gupta on Apr 22, 2006 04:02 PM  Permalink 

i think instead of making new laws our police should concentrate on their "Real" job till now jessica lal's murder case is not solved and their are thousands of cases which are still pending.

This law will only add another way of making money from the couples by the police.

we live in 21st century and we all have opened our eyes in free india so everybody has rights to do whatever he wants until it adds something bad to the nation's or our culture's image and i don't think at all that by expressing your love through "kissing" you are making your nation or culture ashamed.If this is so then these people should demolish all the hindu temples also in which various gods are shown in "Kamasutra" positions. If there love is pure then ours is too.

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Indian people - immature
by Sandesh on Apr 22, 2006 03:55 PM  Permalink 

Indians are still imatured about the moral things. The rules are very much difficult for morality in India having a lot of different views for evry small and big issues.

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Kiss or not to kiss
by Sandhya on Apr 22, 2006 03:46 PM  Permalink 

You have got to be joking! What's wrong with kissing in public places? For all those of u thinking it's going to 'corrupt' the minds of youngsters....think again...what do u think the TV n music videos do? In fact, couples kissing is only a show of love and affection unlike music videos n tv progs which base a lot on mere lust. Moral police...thats a laugh! And as fr the culture issue...does Kamasutra ring a bell?? India was where this originated...and now we have prude hypocrites out there saying we r 'spoiling' our culture by kissing in public. It's a matter of choice...if a couple is interested in public displays of affection, so be it! You are not being forced to ogle at them. What's next? No holding hands? No hugging in public? Stop living in the Dark ages everyone...it's a developing world!

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by ajay on Apr 22, 2006 03:31 PM  Permalink 

hi hello hwo r u can you send any kissing sence for me plz

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