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Kiss or not to kiss
by Sandhya on Apr 22, 2006 03:46 PM

You have got to be joking! What's wrong with kissing in public places? For all those of u thinking it's going to 'corrupt' the minds of youngsters....think again...what do u think the TV n music videos do? In fact, couples kissing is only a show of love and affection unlike music videos n tv progs which base a lot on mere lust. Moral police...thats a laugh! And as fr the culture issue...does Kamasutra ring a bell?? India was where this originated...and now we have prude hypocrites out there saying we r 'spoiling' our culture by kissing in public. It's a matter of choice...if a couple is interested in public displays of affection, so be it! You are not being forced to ogle at them. What's next? No holding hands? No hugging in public? Stop living in the Dark ages's a developing world!

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss