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Don't block my comments lemme expose truth
by Eric Simonds on Jan 08, 2009 10:37 AM   Permalink

Mr Ravi is a founder of KSU glad to know but my prb is that I'm an MBA and I went many universities and colleges and I found there's 2 or 3 even more political parties in every coll/uni
which i personally feel arent good for study which makes ones "stupefy-sir" these parties being created to gain an end politically and kill us spiritually and morally.
They spread weapon of mass deception destruction in coll/unis thru their Maya which spawned Mayhem.
Demo-Pol's are culprits of the earth sham-democracy is a pathetic charade to control our mind and body and ultimately to be to devour us body and soul.
I'm from Pakistan i do hurt when there any innocent blood falls whether be hindu or muslim or any1 but at the same time we have subverted in the hands of our own politicians and military rulers there's lil talk bout our predicament, all turn deaf
We've to have find our real enemy which is not Muslims, Islam and Talibs or OBL who are manipulated rather this is an international financial elite[serve by Mammon] who controlled both sides of the conflict via weapon of mass-maya.
They orchestrated ww1 and ww2 and gain profite from carnage HQ in London headed by Rothschild and now ww3 and they are putting fire on Pak-Indo relations as well.
We should be friends instead of fiends but what to do our enmity is evil and we do serve evil means mammon instead of mammoth means Yahweh
Here we perished ourselves by electing so-called demo-crazy pol's
Do you want Demo-Cracy or Demo-Crazy?

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