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I'm glad...
by LPY on May 02, 2007 03:46 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Going thru a few of the 'discussion' board postings, I'm glad that India sucks in natural resources! When 'educated' people cannot see through the crap thrown out by demagogues and religious leaders (across religions btw), having gold, silver or oil might have seen the power to control reach unseen proportions.

Thankfully, the only resources (abundant though hardly valuable) India possesses are its 'Human resources' where 65% know just about enough to read and write basic alphabets, with millions dieing at birth, more millions starving and not having access to infrastructure deemed 'basic' in many countries... The seond most populous country has consistently produced less than half a dozen medals in Olympics, not even worthy of comparison with ANY other country of half the size... Cities and rural areas stink (not just literally) equally across the country and people feel sad when Asian Games are not held in this backward country!

Yet, the mindless herds of castes and communities have no problems taking the cudgels against each other over worthless historical legacies and symbols in the foolhardy game of one-upmanship! I thank God (whoever it is) that India, for its own good, does not have any resource of value! Thank god, the country is backward so that valuable resources that can help the world better are not taken hostage by a mixture of fools, jokers and hooligans

This is not to even speak of external powers like China/ USA etc who may have then felt the incentive to thrash the 1000s of divisions in the worthless 'Indian' society and maintain their hold over valuable resources!

Sir Winston Churchill was right in his comments about who could be expected to 'lead' and 'govern' India. I salute the great man's insight.

- Just another Indian

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  RE:I'm glad...
by Paddu Iyer on May 06, 2007 03:01 AM   Permalink
Just know about Winston Churchill before you salute him. British have reason to salute him not us.

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'