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Comparison to Marx, Russel
by Ramaswamy Ayyar on May 02, 2007 02:22 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

In Tamilnadu EVR is called the Karl Marx of India for his so-called socialism (only Anti-Brahmin not true socialist ). He is compared to Lord Bertrand Russel for being an atheist. He is called the father of rational thinking for criticisizing superstitions (only Hindu superstitions).
Though I am anti-communist I cant belittle Marx who has written a multivolume work on Economics 'Das Kapital'. Russel is one of the greatest abstract mathematicians / philosophers of the 20th century and I dont know whether there is a single Indian who can be compared to him. And in calling EVR the father of rational thinking it is very clear that his admirers / fanatics have not even heard of people like Aristotle & Plato.
IN summary, this comparison to great persons and implicit bypass of the founders of logic exposes the ignorance of Tamilians in general and his admirers in particular.


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  RE:Comparison to Marx, Russel
by Paddu Iyer on May 06, 2007 03:04 AM   Permalink
He didn't care about other Religions because they didn' discriminate as in Hinduism and you don't spend your energy on fighting a minority religion anyway, when the Majority religion was full of Bull

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  RE:Comparison to Marx, Russel
by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 02, 2007 07:47 PM   Permalink
Kris you are the most foolish person of the world.
Going by your argument the last 60 years education has been open to all Why are you still cribbing that brahmins are controlling education. Its like this my friend you never wanna do hard work but wanna enjoy all the fruits. Grow up you cant live your life on crutches you need to stand on your own legs. If you have the guts study hard and compete with the so called brahmins then the whole of India will salute you. There is no point in writing immature rants out here.

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  RE:Comparison to Marx, Russel
by Raju Aiyer on May 02, 2007 08:07 PM   Permalink
EV Ramaswamy Naicken was a Kannadiga (like myself). He called Tamilians barbarians. Ramaswamy Naicken said Tamil is a language of savages (Kattumirandigal). I don't know. May be only a green tamil (pachchai tamilan) can illuminate the web loggers on this score. Tamils seem to suffer from some kind of inferiority complex -- they worship those who abuse them the most. Ramaswamy Naicken understood this and made an ass out of Tamils all his life. God. I have a hearty laugh at the gullibility and simplicity of our Tamil brothers.

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  RE:Comparison to Marx, Russel
by dominic savio on May 02, 2007 03:34 PM   Permalink
Mr. Ramasamy Iyyar. You seem to be well-rooted in Brahminism. The ideas of EVR are really relevent today for the world and for tamilnadu in particular. Please read dravidian history and you will understand why we need real PERIARS today. Superstitions are real hindrence to the developement of our nation. Don't undermine the valuable foresight of EVR.I was a student of philosophy in my college days and in comparison with the Philosophers you have mentioned, EVR's philosophy is far more practical, real and not mere speculations;
SAVIO, Paris

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  RE:Comparison to Marx, Russel
by LPY on May 02, 2007 04:06 PM   Permalink
Yep... his ideas are very relevant indeed... Forcibly desecrating and tarnishing religious/ cultural symbols (which was how the 'leader' roused his supporters) are of prime relevance for the world and for tamilnadu in particular!

If u r infact in Paris, y don't u try bringing down 'Le Louvre' or any other French symbol for all the imperialism they committed (and are still committing) in the world? Btw, I know u (like ur periyar) r gutless when faced with manlier opponents :))

PS: I am not Brahmin/ FC... I am educated and am a real rationalist, as against sick demagogues like Periyar. Yes, I don't beleive in God!

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'Nobody can be like Periyar'