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Rediff is being paid to sharukh khan
by caps on Feb 15, 2007 12:26 PM   Permalink

This man is too pompous & is willing to run down & make fun of any man, specially actors. Sharukh should remember his humble beginnings, roots, & how he has reached to where he is ? I am no great fan of anybody. But each time nowadays he talks you can feel the pride in him which is no good, its like saying that he is the ultimate which is NOT, he believes in what he says that no one can touch him or equal him? He should remember that he was a "Circus" actor first who used to stammer and halter and ham acting most of the times, its just his good luck that he got good directors and good roles at the right time. Be your old self sharukh, be what you were and NOT what you want to be ? GOD ? Behave ur self sharuk proudy khan.

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